
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Election 2020: In pursuit of false balances

Father, Lord, and Holy Spirit,
I come humbly before You for You alone are gracious. You are the Almighty God…who can stand before You?

Yet, You beckon us to come and to come boldly. Your generous grace humbles me before You for I am as much a sinner as the next. But for Your saving grace, I would be without hope.

You are so clear about Your desires. You want all men to be saved. Thank You.

That included me and by the crushing weight from Your Holy Spirit, I saw my need for a Savior. And You showed me Your grace and Your desire to save me from my sin. Holy Spirit, thank You for the heavy weight with which You weighed down my soul. Thank You, God of my Salvation, for pursuing me until I was so exhausted that I threw myself into Your arms, begging for Your mercy. Thank You that You poured out both Your mercy and grace upon me. You cleansed my soul and renewed my spirit and gave me life.

It is beyond me to understand why and how the God of the Universe would be interested in me. But You are - every detail. I fall before You.

What about the people involved in our government? You care about every one of them too. Pursue them! Pursue them like You did me - for their lives depend on it. My heart yearns for Truth to rise up and for people to see the stealthy, fraudulent, criminal proceedings that have perplexed this nation. I admit that I want these people brought to justice! I want to see Truth rise up and for them to be humiliated! Forgive me! I am not aligned with Your will.

You want them to receive Your Salvation. You are after their souls. You see the despicable actions that they have committed and their desire to take this nation down…I loath them and detest what they have done. You come loving them and pursuing them…You come with forgiveness in hand if they will receive Your grace unto salvation. I want them gone! You want them with You forever.

You want them saved. You came to save the sinners. So many believe they are walking in the power of their destiny and they are doing what is right and necessary. They have decided that they know what is right. But YOU are the author of righteousness. I repent.

Have mercy on them. Pursue them as You pursued me, unrelentingly pushing my sin in front of my eyes and heart, exhausting me until I could no longer escape my thoughts or deny the filth of my life. And there You stood, loving me, beckoning me to give myself over into Your outstretched arms. Please, loving God, do the same for them.
Proverbs 11:1-3
1 A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight.
2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.
3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.
You hate a false balance. Many of the judges in this land, many politicians, many “officials” have created the means to deny Truth with false balances. Many in the media perpetuate the lies and blackout Truth. The number of people involved in this horrific fraud is more than can be counted. But You know O God.

Their pride swells to the point of consuming everything in front of them and leaves a wake full of filth, lies, and devastation. You cannot back out of Your Word, which tells us that shame awaits them. You are just. You are Justice. As much as You love them, You also demand justice.

So I come before You. These people are being used too. They are puppets of the Lord of the Power of the Air: Satan. So I ask for Your mercy upon them. I ask that You move forward, as You did with me, and beckon them to You. Pursue them until their exhaustion overtakes them. Draw them to You. Satan has drawn them from You, please take them back. Please bring them into Your Kingdom. You made them in Your own image. Bring Your image bearers back. I ask it.

In Jesus’ Name.

Election 2020: 10 Confessions to Save America

Isaiah 58: 8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
God of Creation: Father, Lord, and Holy Spirit:

Your Word humbles me. I confess that:
  1. I have preconceived ideas about how You will (should) move in the election scandal. But Your ways are not mine…I have boxed You into my desires. Forgive me.
  2. My desire to see the lies exposed has been more important than Your desire that all men be saved.
  3. Although I realized these people, who stand in the way of justice, are not the enemy, and I have recognized that they are being used, but I have not consistently pleaded for their release from these chains.
  4. I have asked for Your mercy on those of us who want righteousness, but not pleaded before Your throne of grace for the souls who unwittingly serve the Father of Lies.
  5. I have held frustration and anger in my heart towards people who are being manipulated by the enemy and in turn want to manipulate others.
  6. I have not considered that You, Jesus came to save the lost and Your love for them has not wavered.
  7. I have prayed for those whom You have justified, rather than for those who need to be freed from the tight grip of Satan.
  8. I have been exasperated at the mainstream news media and that so many have been mesmerized and bought in to their lies.
  9. I have desired the Tech Giants to be humbled (harshly) for their horrific use of power, rather than they find salvation and use their power for Your kingdom.

  10. Above all, I have been deceived as I thought that Truth and Justice, both from You…are more important than the saving of the souls and bringing in the harvest for the Kingdom of Christ.
  11. Forgive me. I confess these and other oversights and repent before You.

    Forgive me for getting things backwards and putting Truth and Justice first, rather than Your love and care and desire that all men be saved.

    Forgive me for considering Truth and Justice now — when Your Word clearly tells me it will come in due time. I realize that when a believer in Jesus falls, the Kingdom of Christ is not diminished. When a non-believer dies, the Kingdom of Christ is robbed forever. My job is to bring people to Christ, to the point of decision and not try to implement Truth and Justice…because You don’t need help there. You have commissioned us to make disciples. Thank You for the course correction.
    Matthew 9:37-38 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
    You are Lord of the Harvest! Truly, with all the people who are isolated, with the intense division in every facet of our society, so many people are yearning to hear and receive TRUTH! Hallelujah!

    God of all creation - gather us together to reap the harvest. Bring Your own to fervent prayer for the lost souls, for those who are struggling, for our political situation and all those involved. Especially in our political arenas!

    Open our eyes to see the hotbeds where Your presence through us will direct people to seek You. Show us those who are desolate and grant us prayers that are meaningful and that delight Your heart. Give us hearts and prayers that excite You to action — and that the harvest for the Kingdom of Your Messiah, our Christ is plentiful. Fill us - all Your people! Fill us to desire the 100-fold harvest and not settle for less.

    I come on bended knee, grateful for Your care and guidance. Make me a good servant and by Your Spirit, may my service be “well done."

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Election 2020: Not in our own strength

Father of all creation, Lord Jesus - under Your feet does all creation live, Holy Spirit, guide and teacher:

I implore You that th future of this nation is heavy on the hearts of many. We have prayed fervently these past weeks as we have seen road blocks placed, one after another, in the pathway of Truth.

But I am confident that You, Jesus the Christ, You are Truth and these roadblocks cannot stop You. We recognize that, through all our prayers, we cannot save this nation. We cannot save the republic. We do not have the ability to fight what is come against us. We come to You, for our strength wanes.

We consider the outcome of this election and the consequences to all that is in Your Word. Your Word is life. It is light. It is breath. You are our confidence.

It is in Your power that Truth can stand. It is by the full armor given in Ephesians 6, that we have strength to stand. By Your hand, we stand against the schemes of evil which perpetrate our nation.

We recognize that we are not fighting against flesh and blood. Truly the principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness of this age, and spiritual wickedness in high places are bound together to take down the United States. People who are against Truth are being used. They are not our enemies.

Regardless, they choose what they will believe. Open their eyes O God, that Truth may reign.

We are in the evil day. Strengthen us to stand and to stand firm. Tighten our belt of Truth and uphold us with the breastplate of Your righteousness. We acknowledge that we do not have righteousness of our own. But we stand on the Truth - which is Jesus Christ, and the breastplate of HIS Righteousness…by which there is no contest.

We put on shoes of readiness to proclaim Truth, to present Truth and to take Truth wherever we go…the Gospel of Peace. Take us where You would have us speak and speak through us for Jesus’ sake.

I stand in faith. Faith in Your righteousness. I stand in faith that YOU are the God who is faithful to those who call on Your Name. I am calling. I stand in faith in Your work to raise up Truth and to open the eyes of the blind - for we have gross spiritual blindness consuming this nation…but You O God…are mightier. You are able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. I raise my shield of faith. I shout from the mountaintop! I come as David against Goliath! I come in the Name of the Lord of Hosts!
1 Samuel 17:45
Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
My God, who is Truth and hates evil and the Father of Lies, will stand for Truth. He is our salvation. I claim this by faith in His Righteousness from the shed blood of the Lamb of God, slain for me.

I proclaim by faith that the Word of God is stronger than the attempts to cover up Truth. It is stronger than the powers that have taken over this nation. It is stronger than the Tech Giants. It is stronger than the false media. It is stronger than the lies that permeate the news.

JESUS is the Living Word. There are none stronger and HE, who is Truth will bring forth the victory. Praise be to His Name: JESUS CHRIST.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Election 2020: May the Binder expose and bind

1. God of our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand
Leads forth in beauty all the starry band.
Of Shining worlds in splendor through the skies
Our grateful songs, before thy throne arise.
Father, Lord, and Holy Spirit,
We are here. We are praying. We are looking to You. Options dwindle…but our hope remains in You. You lead forth, not in the darkness of evil, but in the beauty of Your creation. Great and glorious is Your Name. Your touch heals. Your work is righteousness. Lead us forth to victory of Truth, for You are Truth.
2. Thy Love divine hath led us in the past.
In this free land by thee our lot is cast.
Be thou our ruler, guardian, guide, and stay.
Thy Word Our Law, thy Paths our chosen ways.
Indeed, O God, YOU have led this nation in the past. Lead us again, that we may remain free. Many cast their lots elsewhere and the options are scary, but we, Your chosen, Your remnant, Yours….who believe in You alone - by THEE our lot is cast. Do we leave it to chance? NO! …we leave our shortcomings, our inability to bring victory, our whole selves before YOU and our faith is in You alone. You are our ruler, guardian, our guide and our stay. We live by Your Word and choose You. Your way, Your path, Your desires.
3. From wars alarms, from deadly pestilence,
Be thy Strong arm our ever sure defense;
Thy true religion in our hearts increase,
Thy Bounteous goodness, nourish us in peace.
Father, we have all of these: wars, alarm from the election fraud, and the pandemic pestilence. But YOU are our sure defense. Your strong arm will save. Jesus Christ…increase in our hearts as our encouragement that this nation is still One Nation Under God. Our bounteous goodness…bring us to peace and nourish us there in the Truth.
4. Refresh thy people on their toilsome way;
Lead us from night, to never ending day;
Fill all our lives, with love and grace divine,
And glory, laud, and praise be ever thine.
Indeed refresh us. Our way is heavy, and the toil is backbreaking and our strength faith. Help us to be faithful to the end…only by Your grace, Your divine grace can we continue to the never ending day. If YOU fill our lives with love and divine grace, although we cannot make it on our own, by Your filling, we can be strong to the end.

All glory be to You and praise…for You are worthy.

Father, there is a binder. Sidney Powell has put together a binder. Please protect her and her family. Please protect this evidence that clearly shows the evidence of international work in the election. So far, no one seems interested in understanding this!

YOU O God, cause the eyes of the enemy of Truth to see! …AND You convert them! The Apostle Paul!
Acts 9:18:
And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.
Please O God, remove the scales and cause them to fall to the ground. Saul, whom You brought forth as Paul, immediately heard Your voice and believed! Please cause the scales to fall from he eyes of the people who are obstacles in this process, and work in their hearts to believe Truth and remove the scourge from this nation.

Only You O God can do this. You are Almighty God. To You be the glory forevermore.

Sidney Powell’s Legal Team Has Binder of Documents She Says Establish the 2020 Election was a Fraud

View and download the binder here.
(Click and scroll down.)

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Election 2020...a new heart and a new spirit

Ezekiel 36:26-27
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.

Father, Lord, and Holy Spirit,
I appeal to You this day. For this nation needs a new heart and a new spirit. Will people be willing to listen with a new heart and spirit? They aren’t interested at this time. We are so desperate for Your help.

My spirit groans as I hear the mockery of the main-stream media. They mock our President. You choose the leaders of a nation so as they mock President Trump, they are also mocking You. I am so sorry.

There doesn’t seem to be anything that will compel people to realize that they are being duped, tricked, used, and manipulated. I take heart in Your Word:
Galatians 6: 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Thank You that You will rise up against this mockery. You see what is sown and You cause the reaping in the spirit realm.

Hold Your church strong. Let us stand in full armor and quench the fiery darts of the wicked. The darts are unrelenting at the President, against all who support him, against all who stand for truth, against You. You are Truth.

Hold us steady. Be our rear-guard. O Holy One of Israel, rise up on our behalf for this nation and this President has been the friend of Israel. It is evident that this nation will eventually be dismantled as the US ia nowhere in the end times of Bible prophesy. However, I ask for yet another reprieve before Your inevitable judgement is served.

Please have mercy and do not allow the culture of death to move in. Genesis 40:10b "...the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.”

Father, we have shed so much innocent blood and I see that it cries out to You. You hear what falls on our deaf ears. I am so sorry that we have allowed this to thrive in this land.

I confess that we should reap what we have sown. We have sown to our flesh at every turn. And we have allowed the death of the most vulnerable to grow into a profitable industry. We have not been diligent in keeping the Your Word.

We have no excuse. But I still stand before You and ask for yet another reprieve. I ask for more mercy. Your church is waking up. By Your hand, let us not grow weary. By Your hand, may righteousness flourish once again. Help Lord, that we faint not.

For Jesus’ sake.

Please watch: The President reports on Coronavirus Relief

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Election 2020: The Way UP is DOWN

WE are the ones in the way.
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Lord God of Heaven, Creator of all things. You are full of grace both to the undeserving and ill-deserving. You look at us and see what is of infinite value and precious in Your sight.

You are a God of grace and justice. Justice is exact, precise, impartial and objective. Grace is free. They are intentioned toward one another. I come and ask for both: Your grace and Your justice. You offer grace only through the blood of Jesus Christ and under that mantel, I come. Are You not free to offer grace without restriction, because of Christ’s work? I ask it. We need a lot of it.

You have a requirement of us to receive Your grace. You require that we humble ourselves.

If the people who present the evidence go forward in humility, would it be easier to those in opposition to hear them? so far, no one wants to hear the evidence. It’s exasperating. We cannot make them hear. Bring us to the place of humility —that Truth may be heard.

It isn’t something You can do for us. But we have to do it, each person has this responsibility. Please call us to humble ourselves that the truth about this election can be received. Please put it on our hearts that the way to be heard is to soften our hearts towards You and humble ourselves before Your throne. How are we to submit to each other?
1 Peter 5:5-6
5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
Father, we want Truth to rise up…but what are we willing to give up? Are we willing to give up our pride? You resist the proud. There is pride on both sides of this debacle. Give us a desire to humble ourselves under Your mighty hand, that You may exalt us at the right time.

Father, I confess our pride in the knowledge that we are right. We are not righteous, but we know the truth regarding the election. We rise up in our knowledge and esteem the facts. They are true! There is ample evidence that there has been fraud - massive fraud.

Our pride acts as a barrier to those that might hear. Father WE are the ones in the way. As we come at Americans, we come as a bulldozer and say, “Look at this evidence!” …and they will not look. The media has blocked us out. Show us how to go around them. Give the legislators a willing heart to hear the evidence and give the presenters a humility that pleads with the hearers to listen.

So the way up is down. If You are to exalt us, we must bow before You; humble ourselves under Your mighty hand. I ask it. I ask all anger from those who uphold truth be righteous anger and that they humble themselves. Clothe us in humility.

It is the Christmas time and we are reminded of the words of Mary:
Luke 1: 51b-52
He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
Father, I appeal to You, to You alone. Please, in this nation, scatter the proud. Humble those who are presenting and cause their words to humble the hearers. Many are set on promoting the imaginations of their hearts that are based on lies and trickery. Expose them and raise up those who stand for truth. Let us come together and kneel before Your throne of grace and beg Your pardon.
Proverbs 6:16-19 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Father, if these proceedings are not stopped, then all the things that You hate will be exalted in defiance of You. The One Nation under God, will indeed go under. We will give You no choice, but to put us asunder.

Help Lord. We cannot do this. We are at the end of ourselves, we are exhausted…let us stop and appeal to You that You may be raised up and glorified.

This prayer is based on the message by Derek Prince, "God Gives Grace to the Humble."
You can listen to the 15 minute podcast here:
Scroll down and click on “God Gives Grace to the Humble” It is worth your time.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Election 2020: Raise up an army of hearers, speakers, and truth-seekers

Matthew 13:
21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?
22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.
23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

God of Light, in Whom is no darkness at all.
Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit,
Isaiah 29:18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
We are in dire straights, for the judges will not look or hear. Senators and Legislators have no interest in learning the truth about the election Those in power do not want to see or hear the evidence that clearly present the truth about the election.

…and the media…they have been bought or threatened. Regardless, they have been compromised. I appeal to YOU, God of ALL creation. You took special care in the creation of this nation, One Nation Under God. Your blessings, that cannot be denied, are being denied! We received them and have lifted up ourselves as if WE actually accomplished all that. Forgive us.

Please have mercy as we have exalted ourselves above You in every area of our lives and to the point that the enemy, Your enemy, Satan, has led us to believe we know what’s better for us than You do. That is Satan’s lie…that he is better than You and he seeks Your credit…Your glory.

Help Lord! We have lost our way.

HOWEVER, YOU, are light. Your light is life! Hallelujah! Light the way! Light our path back! Guide us to take Your light out from under the bushel before the whole nation catches fire and disintegrates. Grant us yet another reprieve.

Let nothing be hid! It’s coming out - into the open. But Father, Lord, Spirit - they are not interested! They don’t have ears to hear or eyes to see.

JESUS! LORD of Lords! King of kings…HALLELUJAH!!!!
Matthew 11:5
“The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.”
You are the answer. You caused the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk and the dead to be raised up. …You are the answer.

I ask it for this nation. Open the eyes of the blind — They don’t realize there is a ruse because they have been tricked…just as Eve was tricked. They don’t know. Open the ears of the deaf…again, the media has blocked truth from their eyes and their ears.

Judge the media! Open their ears and their eyes and establish their lame hearts to follow Truth! Truly, their leprous stench is permeating our nation…to our shame.

Father, Lord and Spirit…I appeal to You. You are Life. Without You there is no life. This nation is dead because we have turned from Your truth.


Raise us up. Please give us a another chance. How many chances did You give Jonah? Please call Your church to rise up. Give us words that we are no longer silent.

Jesus, You are the Word of God. You cause people to be silent, like Zacharias. AND You cause people to speak what YOU decide should be spoken. You make the mute speak. Raise up an army of speakers for Your cause here.
Numbers 23:5
And the LORD put a word in Balaam's mouth,
Father, Balaam was a wicked prophet. Yet YOU put YOUR WORDS …Words of Truth, in his mouth. Raise up an army of speakers, hearers, and people who see Truth.
Bring TRUTH to the fore. Bring Truth into the open. Change hearts that people will embrace the severity of this situation and desire what is right.

I ask it in Jesus’ Name.

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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Election 2020: ...and having done all, to stand...

Ephesians 6:13
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

A call for the Bride of Christ to stand.

My Lord and my God…the evil day is upon us and it cannot be denied. Thank You for providing the complete battle armor so we can engage without fear. Thank You that in You is no darkness at all. Shine on us, Lord of the Harvest…

Father, in Your house, those that follow You, that are “Jesus-followers,” in the true Body of Christ - there are fence sitters! They sit in their chaise lounges …what are they watching? Are they looking to find a place of safety, or just enjoying the view! Father, the battle rages strong and it is no longer about the election. This is an all out war against Truth, against Righteousness…this is an all out battle against evil, which has stealthily crept upon us and infiltrated every aspect of our society.

Forgive us for sleeping. Wake those who fence sit. Open their eyes to the desperation of this moment in history. Open our eyes, give us understanding that this nation totters on the brink of destruction. O God, shout it from every corner. Sound the Call to Arms! Sound it deeply into the hearts of the fence-sitters! I cry unto You, that these are Your people. These are Your Church…and they have fallen asleep - forgive us.

There are those of us who are awake, give us the platform, the words and the audience to wake Your church up! Call on us - confirm to us that WE have an obligation to those in Christ! We have an obligation to tell our fellow believers in Christ that they must stand. They must rise up.

Raise up Your church as one. You are One! Father, Lord, and Spirit…You said it so clearly:
Genesis 1:26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion...
As You are One, incite Your church to rise up as one. Infuse us with a desire for unity and to bring the church together to fight in this battle for the existence of this nation.

I call on You, O God, to be jealous! You are a jealous God…are You jealous at what these people want to do to this nation? This is still “One nation under God.” YOU…the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I call upon You and ask for three things that only You can do:
  1. Call Your church to rise up, to gather together those that are still sleeping and those who sit on the side-lines watching what’s going on ….that they may see this is a battle not a game. That they would be invigorated to put on their armor and join the battle…that they would come before Your throne and petition You to bring back this nation…to stand for Righteousness.
  2. Call those in this nation who will stand for righteousness, to rise up under the protection of Your hand to move forward regarding this election. And to move forward to cleanse this land of the evil that infiltrates the society and the land itself.
  3. Cause those who have been manipulated, taught to hate, mislead, deceived, cheated, and lied to…who are being used (willingly!!!), by those who hate You, to take this nation down…cause their eyes to be opened and for them to repent and join forces against those who made them victims.
Only You can do these three things: raise up Your Church, and bring this nation back to You, and bring those who have been deceived to switch sides, and stand for Truth…that we may again be: One Nation Under God.

In the Name of Jesus’ and by His Righteousness,

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Election 2020: The rough places plain, the crooked straight

Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Lord Jesus, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Psalm 145:3 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable.

Praise belongs to You and to You alone. I bow before You in utter humility for Your greatness is beyond measure. Your power, Your might, Your justice, Your grace, Your mercy, Your fullness is overwhelming. There is no other God. You are Sovereign, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent.

Thank You that You are mindful of me, and that You desire to hear my heart.

My heart walks in heaviness and the song therein mourns forth from the depths as I cry out before You for Your Justice and for Your Truth to rise up. Do You sit on Your throne drumming with Your fingers as You wait for us to come to the end of ourselves? Don You cheer us on that might get there sooner rather than later?You will not share Your glory with anyone or anything else. …and You should not do so for You alone are God.

Are we at the end of ourselves? Have we come to the end of what we can do? Is it time for You to rise up O God? Only You can bring this election to light. The dark buries Truth in the deep. The voice of Truth is submerged in the swamp of deceitful carnage. Have mercy O God, before the voice of freedom is silenced over all the earth.

From Your Word, that does not fail: Jeremiah 23: 29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? Your Word IS like a fire, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. Father, break the shroud of death that covers this nation. We are being stoned to death because Truth is silenced. Rise up O God and stand on behalf of this nation. Send the fire from heaven, and wield Your hammer with deft accuracy. I ask it. From Your Word that does not fail:
Isaiah 45: 2 I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
Yes and Yes. Rise up and go before us. You are the God that goes before His people. You are the God that sees all that is crooked! The crooked news media, the crooked election results, the crooked globalists…Rise up and go before us! Raise the Banner of Truth over us, for we cry out to You.

Do you want this nation to again know that You are God? I do! I come and I ask it.

These treasures of darkness are not hidden to many of us:
  • Crooked elections
  • Crooked, arrogant, power-hungry governors and mayors
  • News media who suppress, bully, deride and ridicule Truth
  • Crooked voting machines and software
  • Crooked election officials
  • Crooked voters….O Father, the list goes on.
  • Crooked national departments of justice, intelligence, and investigators
  • Crooked congress members
The list goes on!
Are they hidden from You? They are not.

These are treasures that the evil one has stealthily engaged against You and against Your people, and against this nation. They hide in the dark and force Truth to come down to their level.

I come, and I ask for Your fire and hammer. I ask that the crooked be made straight and the rough places plain.

From Your Word that does not fail:
Isaiah 40:4-5
4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:
5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
There it is. I raise my soul in rejoicing! Will You raise what has been made low in the election and this nation. YOU will make the crooked straight - all the people who have been used and duped, manipulated….and at the hand and plan of those who believe their wisdom and power is greater that Yours.

YOU will be revealed! Let all flesh in this nation know that YOU are the LORD! Reveal Your glory! Speak the Word O God. For Your Word does not fail.

Your servants wait. Have mercy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Election 2020: Shaking up the Church

Dear Father, Dear Lord, Dear Holy Spirit,

The dichotomies are everywhere. There is disunity to the disunity. …a breaking up of the society on so many levels. Truly, You are the only way to bring positive change. Truly, You are the only One who can bring good out of this.

Please shake up the church. Should we not be the ones to be salt and light? The darkness is so dense…thick…it seems impenetrable. But Your Word. Is not Your Word like a hammer that breaketh the rock? Are You the God who makes the crooked straight? You are! I come. Hear my drivel as I continue my feeble petition before You.

I feel afraid inside. I feel afraid that when President Trump is established again, that so many, sickened but this Trump Derangement Syndrome, will be out of control. Already, some “friends” lash out at me and they believe that President Trump has been defeated.

The media, and other entities seem to be in a panic. Surely they are aware that their plans are being brought into the light. People in a panic do rash things. These are the leaders, and many of their followers will follow. I realize that I am afraid for them. I realize that they cannot really hurt me, but they can hurt themselves. Their leadership drives them further from You.

Perhaps that is a good thing. The further Jonah ran from You, the closer he came. The more decrepit the prodigal’s situation, finally with the pigs, the closer he came to going home. David wrote, where can I go from Your spirit? Even in the depths of hell, You are there.

Father, we are a prodigal nation. The brother of the prodigal - anger and division. We have gone so far from You…will You cause our eyes to be opened? Mr. Biden will lose his son, who may go to prison. What about other past leaders? What about the state leaders who have committed crimes in the election? Will people believe truth when it is revealed.

Will there be a world-wide riot when other countries realize that their elections have been rigged as well? Will this total upheaval bring about the need for a world leader? …and we would be gone.

Father, it makes sense. Everything is in place. The technology to watch buying and selling…to monitor everyone’s everything. If people here in the US are not interested in Truth; if they do not want to know; if they prefer their way to the truth; then consciences have been seared. Riots and unrest will ensue. Self-control, now on the very edge, will go over. If this is broadcast around the world, there is no country that will believe their election was true. It would affirm what many, in communist countries already know - that the election was a sham. The upheaval around the world will be out of control - in need of a world leader.

Please shake up Your church, especially here in the US. Please wake up every Christ-believer. Please bring undeniable urgency into our hearts and being. Bring us to prayer. Bring us to fasting. Bring us before Your throne to petition You for Your mercy. Give us boldness to speak the Gospel.

“Wake up, Wake up, Church of Jesus Christ. Arise and proclaim the Gospel, for Your days on earth are numbered. Prepare yourself for the wedding feast. For time is short."

Election 2020: Safety

Father, Lord and Holy Spirit,

Thank You for this nation and for the privilege to live here. I’m making a commitment to be a better steward of the freedoms that You have given us. Tonight I ask for safety on this process.

Please secure the people and their families, who are in the public eye and in the news, especially:
President Trump
Vice President Biden
Vice President Pense
Senator Kamala Harris
Governor Giuliani
Attorney Sydney Powell
Attorney Jenna Ellis
…and Hunter Biden too.
Father, people involved with this case are being harassed, they and their families are being threatened. Forgive us for tipping our hat to unreasonableness. Forgive us for allowing a loss of self control. We have exchanged reasonability for fear and emotion. Have mercy O God.

Father, the media, including the social media, is in an all out effort to subdue Truth. They are going to such great lengths to put down every comment with name calling and bullying. Jesus, You are Truth. Thank You. You cannot be subdued. I ask You to rise up through all this. You are our only hope as we have abandoned any desire to know the Truth. Forgive us for rejecting You.

The venomous responses to the law suits is frightening. It makes me cower inside. How can Your church be salt and light as we wade through the muck and mire of this situation? You have equipped us for battle. You give us armor in Ephesians 6:10-16. So we are to fight…but not against each other. Please lead us, guide us in our demeanor. Guide us to track down what is true and stand. You beckon us, You command us to stand against the wiles of the enemy. Direct our attention where we can best serve You.

Have mercy on our reporters. Do they have the light of Christ? Then how can they judge. The editors who determine what is printed, do they have the light of Christ? They seem to be under a delusion, calling good evil and evil good…just as You said. Show us, the Body of Christ - call us! Sound the trumpet to go to battle - on behalf of these deluded people. Call on us, Your Church - to call out lies. …which are from the father of lies…the devil. Steer our prayers against him! Father, many of Your church are ignorant because of the media which is covering up the news.

Burst forth! I ask for an explosion of Light! I ask for a light show! Expose the lies that are being perpetrated on the American people. Open the eyes of this nation to simply be logical and see that this is a movement bred out of panic. I ask they run out of steam.

The big tech companies are part of this because they have a lot to lose. Mr. Zuckerberg is pouring millions of dollars int the Georgia congressional races…I ask You overcome him. Please bring these manipulative, powerful, people down. I include Jack Dorsey. They are not interested in using all that You have given them for good. Have mercy on them and humble them - completely - that they may be draw close to You through the cross.

You are the God of Justice. We are at a crossroads….and even if we don’t want justice, it is for our good and Your glory. Rise up O God. As evidence is presented in these law suits, I ask for people who still have a moral compass with a true-north, to rise up. Give us courage to face what has happened and resolve to re-establish this nation as One Nation Under God.

Expose Dominion software… bring reasonability to those hearing. May people be aghast at the manipulation that has been committed. Pour out Truth and hearts to desire to know it on the law suits in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan.

Father, the reporters are incredibly disrespectful to President Trump. They have been taught to hate him. It is truly uncanny….as in the days of Noah? Please touch them: their eyes and their hearts…turn them to the right. May there be civil exchanges.

President Trump has been remarkable through this. Hold him steady. Teach hi to pray. Capture his heart as he cries out to You. Bring Him to You. Please embrace him and hold him strong as he faces this barrage of the enemy.

Hold us strong, O God of Truth, Our Savior and Redeemer...

Election 2020: Georgia Senate, Arizona hearing, Respect

Lord God of Heaven, Savior, Holy Spirit,

Lead us. Please lead us in our prayers, our thoughts - that they are pure, our words, that they encourage and uplift. Let our every move glorify You and please You. Give us humility before You, for You are the answer to this national crisis that we are in.

Georgia Senate:
So much money pouring in from Big Tech and Hollywood to the Georgia Senate race. So much is hanging in the balance. They have so much to lose. They are indeed incredibly powerful, but they don’t have anything but what You have given them. It’s all Yours! They have nothing. O Father, they are poor. Their spirits are destitute. Do they know it? It seems that all this money is pouring out of them in an attempt to protect themselves, their interests.

Have mercy on the people of Georgia. The state give back 1/3 of everything Hollywood productions pay…and the people of Georgia foot the bill. It is oppressive. It reminds me of Communism where the real workers pay for excessive luxuries of the upper elite. Take them down, O God - for Your sake, for the sake of the people of Georgia, for their sake - that they may be brough low and know that You are the Lord.

Father, so much at stake. The balance of power in our US Senate rests on this Georgia race. Millions of dollars are pouring in, Hollywood actors coming to coerce people’s vote. Rock “musicians” giving benefit concerts, charging $25,000 for a virtual concert…to raise money for their Marxist agendas. Over $100 million dollars. What is that to You? pocket change. They assert themselves as powerful “game changers”…No. YOU O God are the decision maker.

You have ALL the world at Your disposal and You alone are omnipotent. I rest in You and ask for Kelly Loeffler to find extravagant favor in the eyes of the people there. May all that money find its way to the ocean and be life-less, impotent and incapable of harvesting votes.

Father, I bring Ralph Warnock before Your throne. It seems he grew up in a Christian home. But his ideology is Communism. He has been influenced by his relationship with Fidel Castro. He is a Marxist. Have mercy on him. Silence him. Silence his influence on poor people that he purports to identify with. Give discernment to those who hear his voice and may they see through the slick demeanor. Raise Kelly Loeffler up…high! Discernment. Father, please grant the people of Georgia discernment, reason, and good judgement.

This race is not too much for You O God. Conversely - You specialize in exposing darkness. Please take this race for Yourself.

Arizona hearing:
Is it a hearing or a pubic meeting? Father, protect the evidence, including the people, the paperwork, the reason. As the legislature hears evidence, I ask that You squelch falsehood. I ask that You dim the noise that permeates their thinking. I ask that Truth is the winner. You are Truth. I ask You are on our side as we pursue Truth.

Father, Truth and fairness is on our side, but time is not. You are the Creator. You created time. You stretched time when Joshua went against the Amalekites. Moses raising his arms, Aaron and Our holding them up - that Israel would win. We lift our ears up to You Good from whence cometh our help. Joshua 10. WOW!
The five kings of the Amalekites…FIVE kings…came against Israel. Time was not on their side. But You were! TRUTH! Truth was on their side. And You are the holder of time. Aren’t there FIVE battleground states? I ask be returned to President Trump. Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Georgia…Nevada?
Joshua 10: 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. 13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
I cry out to You O LORD and ask that You deliver us up. Time, stand thou still upon this move for election fraud to be exposed.

And again:
Isaiah 38:4-8
4 Then came the word of the LORD to Isaiah, saying, 5 Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years.
6 And I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria: and I will defend this city.
7 And this shall be a sign unto thee from the LORD, that the LORD will do this thing that he hath spoken;
8 Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.
O God of all. God of this nation…we are dying. Like King Hezekiah, we are dying. The life of this nation is truly at risk. We wrap before You and Your mercy. Deliver us from the Father of Lies, who has hold of our media, and so many of our leaders. You caused the sun to change direction. You caused time to stand still. Father, grant the time needed to expose fraud and uphold the election integrity of this nation.

Truth is on our side. You are Truth. Time is not, but You own time. Have mercy on us.

The disrespect for our President is beyond my comprehension. Self-respect, on the part of the reporters is gone as well, so it is no wonder that they cannot respect someone else. It is embarrassing. Please, grant us a return to dignity, self-respect, and respect for authority. We have not respected our leaders, and we have fallen short in respecting Your guidelines on how to pray for them and for our nation. We are in error.

How can this change? I ask Your intervention. Humble us. I petition You for a return to basic decency. I have no idea how. But I believe in You. I believe You want this. I ask for it.

In the Name of Jesus, who made all this possible.
Thank You Jesus.

Election 2020: Your dominion or theirs?

Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
Lord Jesus, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Oh how I LOVE Your Word!
Psalms 8:6 - Thou madest him [us!] to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all [things] under his feet:
Father, You have given all the non-human beings of this world to be under our dominion: sheep, oxen, beasts of the field, birds, fish…but not other humans. You never gave us to have dominion over each other. You called us to be respectful of each other and to bear each other’s burdens. Yet, we have come to a place where manipulation, false witness, deception, disinformation and censorship is rampant. This is not Your way. This is sin.

Romans 6:14 - For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
SO…we are not under the dominion of sin. Thank you, O Thank You Savior, for Your work to restore our relationship with the Father…to overcome sin so that it would not have dominion over us.

Ephesians 1:19-21 19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,

21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
You have already set in motion all about “dominion.” You have given us, people, dominion over the animals on the ground, in the air, and in the waters….You put proper boundaries in place. Our dominion has limitations for our good and for our protection.

What is on the other side of that boundary?
1 Peter 5:11 - To him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Ah…..CHRIST! He alone has dominion for ever and ever! Hallelujah!


You know all about the dominion voting software and those who manage it and order it to manipulate and shape the outcome of this election. You have brought to light that there are inputs to our election from all over the globe. Thank You!

This information is again, today, before the Supreme Court, before every Justice on that court. Open their eyes to see the massive fraud that has invaded and saturated our election and political systems. We know this is NOT about flesh and blood, but about those people who have are being used, infatuated with an irresistible desire for power.

Through these people, who have conspired together: they have impregnated us with hate, with uncontrollable scorn…a loathing has crept into this nation…and it is a loathing of anything to do with You. It has turned to hostility against anything godly, including us, Your church, Your servants. Have mercy O God.

They have an insuppressible desire for dominion. Dominion that crosses the boundary line of what You put in place. Truly, this is an all-out assault against You. …through the suppression of Your church. Rise up O God who loves and IS Truth!

They believe they can overcome You. They believe they can suppress Your voice and proclaim they are gods. Rise up and once again extend Your right arm of justice on behalf of Your reputation! Your power and might.

Rise up O God, for You are God! There is NONE like You! …You alone are omniscient. Rise up…that they may know that You are LORD and YOU have put all things under Your Son: Jesus Christ and that ALL things are under His feet. Tarry not, for Your servants wait on You alone.

Hear my prayer, for Jesus’ sake,

Election 2020: The Cost of Truth

Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
Lord Jesus, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Thanksgiving to God of all gods, who stands at the ready on behalf of his children who cry out to Him. I cry out, You hear my voice, and attend to my prayer. Thank You. You are sovereign, You are the Most High God. The earth is yours and all that exists is under Your dominion. Praise and glory belong only to You. Hallelujah!

I come boldly before Your throne where justice, grace and mercy prevail.

O God and Father, we cannot fix this election fraud. We know it is there. We see that people do not want to know about it. Many refuse to hear or see the evidence that clearly indicate the tampering with the election. Everything we have been doing has evaporated in front of us, except, the evidence itself, which is significant. Yet is is denied and mocked,

The media has instituted a nationwide blackout of Truth. It is strong and influential people continue to control the flow of information. I can only believe there are people who genuinely want to know if there was fraud. There are people who realize that this is much greater than this election, for truly, this nation, One Nation Under God, is at stake.

Are You light? You are! Are You Truth? You are! Is Your light greater than the darkness that unrelentingly pursues the blatant evil that suffocates and pours out over this nation, inciting fear into every household? Your Light is greater than this darkness.

Many of Your people - pastors, believers in Christ - are afraid. They see that if the election is overturned, there will be chaos…and they cower at the thought. Father, I am tempted to be afraid as well. Fear pushes into every thought and threatens my desire for Truth. Is this part of the cost? Then there is the thought of the ramifications if Truth is not served, if evil is allowed to prevail….and that is more frightening. We must go there. You have commanded us to be Light. You tell us, very clearly:
Matthew 5: 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Bring us to the point of understanding. Take our thinking past the immediate ramifications of the overturn of the election and to the realization that if it stands as is, our entire nation will collapse. Bring us to willingness to stand before You and the world as light…from every position of power, to every household and conversation. Establish the cost vs the alternative, and fill us with the desire and strength to stand for Truth.

The long-term collapse is imminent if we do not stand….not just this nation, but every nation on this earth will be impacted. May we take this stand. …not of our own strength. Strengthen us to to choose to stand for Truth or endure the cost of evil. You have given us the armor to protect ourselves…and it is sure.

I appeal to You. For we have no hope but that which rests in You. For the battle belongs to the Lord.
2 Chronicles 32:7 - Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that [is] with him: for [there be] more with us than with him:
Father, Assyria covers our nation. Assyria is barging through every doorstep. I plead the Blood of Jesus. Assyria is barraging every mind and heart. Will You take this battle and bring Truth to this nation once again? I ask it.

People who should be standing up for Truth are not standing. Many are hiding. This is not Your path. It is not Your directive.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
Help LORD. Help us to cast down the imaginations that keep us cowering in our corners, hiding our eyes with our hands, and trembling before the fake news that provides non-stop fear-inciting garbage into our souls. You have mandated that we go to war! …not in the flesh, but spiritually.

I refute the imaginations that exalt lies against this nation - One Nation Under God - Father, they are mocking You! I ask You to rise up and move on behalf of Truth. Jesus, Your Son, is the Truth! For His Name, I ask that You rise up and squelch the misinformation and pave the way into the hearts of this nation to seek Truth! To be strengthened and to petition You on behalf of this election and beyond and to stand!

I come! I have put on the armor that You have given us in Ephesians 6:10-18. I am here. I am petitioning You for this battle. Call us to obedience. Call us to revenge the disobedience! Call on us and strengthen us for the battle – Your battle. For the battle belongs to the Lord. To You.

I appeal to You. For we have no hope but that which rests in You.

Hear my prayer, for Jesus’ sake and in His Name.

Election 2020: Passover, Hanukkah, Set me as a seal...

My God, my God. I appeal to You. Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Lord Jesus, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh. Hear my prayer.

You have brought me (us) forth, perhaps like Esther - for such a time as this. She went before King Ahasuerus. I come willingly before You: Yeshua Ha Meshiach…for You have made me a citizen of Your Kingdom. …and many others are coming before You. You are the King and I pray according to Psalms 110 and 111.

You protected Israel in Egypt when they put the blood of a perfect lamb on the door of their houses.
Exodus 12:7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.
And YOU, became that Perfect Lamb and shed Your blood for all who would come to You. I come. I come under the protection of Your blood, shed for me. You have blessed this nation. But the enemy, Your enemy! ... hates us and has come against us. The enemy is at the door of this nation, right now! I plead with You - that Your blood cover the door once again. The door posts of this nation: our constitution, the justice system, and our very freedom (courts and all) are at stake. Truth! …is at stake. And You are Truth. I appeal to You. You are the final Judge. I appeal to You.

It is Hannukkah…we celebrate light! Seven verses in Scripture for Chanukkah…all deal with the concept of “dedication” and “consecration.” Oh Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…they deal with You showing up in time of need. We are in time of need. I am asking You to intervene on behalf of this nation. On behalf of Truth, on behalf of freedom, on behalf of Your people here and in Israel, for both are at stake. We hold on by a thread, at the precipice of the abyss. Help LORD.

Those of us who are appealing to You for mercy are downhearted that the Supreme Court turned down the case. We want it to be over. We want You to rise up and show that You are the Lord and that You stand for Truth - which so many don’t want to know - and that YOU are God and YOU will not leave or forsake us at this time of appeal, of great need, and because we are Your children and Israel is Your chosen. But it is not over.

We want it over because we are exhausted and struggle to hold the line. Are You waiting for us to come to the end of ourselves? …and to exhaust all that we can possibly do? …so that everyone will know that You are God and it was not of any of our doing that this has been turned around. It is YOUR hand and YOU alone that will do this thing. You have exposed major fraud in our election and the press is suppressing it. They are censoring Truth. They are censoring You. You are Truth.

We are preparing ourselves that You may not choose to come through. We are preparing that You may turn the USA over to the dark world of evil as in Your Word... just as You turned Israel over to Babylon. We are making a place for Your decision. We are not demanding that You save us at this time. We are not assuming that You will. We are making arrangements, just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego…we stand strong and say,
Daniel 3: 17-18 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
We say, “Well, perhaps we must go into bondage…that we may suffer and return to God. We are preparing ourselves….we deserve this because we have not diligently protected our freedoms here in the USA.”

You have commissioned us as Soldiers of Christ. You have commanded us to stand as Light! You have ordered us, Your army, to occupy until You come. Thank You for clear direction! I will occupy. I will stand. You have given us the armor and I will put it on daily. You are God. Whatever Your decision, it is best. I bow before You in worship.

Are we at the end of ourselves? Are we at the point now that You will rise up and tell the world that You are God? Will You destroy any hope for this nation…and then show Yourself? I put my hope in You. You are Truth. You are Salvation. You are Justice and You are mercy. I put my hope and worship You because of who You are and who You have proclaimed Yourself to be in the Scripture. I believe You will come to rescue us. Holy is Your Name. I will worship You alone and wait upon the salvation You promise.

Solomon 8:6
“Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.”

O God of Heaven and Earth, Creator and God over all gods… Set this nation as a seal upon Your heart…. as a seal upon thine arm. Your love is strong as death and death is at the door upon this nation. The jealousy of the evil one puts his hoards of minions round about us. The darkness threatens us with think stench of his desire to steal Your worship. The grave is open and we stand at the edge, on the precipice…tottering as we wait on Your Hand. The stink, the noisome pestilence rises up from the coals of fire which eagerly wait for our fall. The vehement flame licks it’s lips in hunger to devour us. Have mercy O God.

Remember us. Remember that we are but dust and have mercy. Hear our prayers. For we wait patiently on Your hand.

In the Name, the Name of the only begotten Son of the Most High God…Jesus. Jesus Christ. Yeshua Ha Meshiach.

Election 2020: Who is being censored?....the whole truth

Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
Lord Jesus, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh.

Alpha and Omega…You see the end from the beginning and the Beginning from the end. You were before the beginning and “the end” has no relevance to Your being. Praise and glory all belong only to You.

We are here on earth. We are in our bodies which have a beginning and an end. But our spirit lives on…because You, the whole counsel of God, made us body, soul and spirit….in Your image! …I cannot comprehend this move that You made, to make us in Your image. What a privilege.

So I come! I come as an image bearer! …not able to comprehend it, but believing that I am like You in part and that Your handy-work to make me in Your image endears me to You. “Thank You” seems like an unconscionable understatement, but it’s all I can come up with.

In courts of law, we are asked to “tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the full and unvarnished truth…so help you God” These words are part of the statement sworn by witnesses giving evidence in court…and with our right hand on …Your Word! …and by Your help.

Do people want to hear the whole truth, and nothing but the truth—the full and unvarnished truth…with Your help? The mainstream media does not want to tell the truth so the TRUTH cannot be heard. People here are not allowed to decide whether they will listen to it! Many judges will not even listen - they will not have any evidence before them. We need Your help.

Doesn’t a lie eventually find people out - even here on earth?
Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.
It does not seem that there is a lot of delight for You, in the US right now.
Acts 20:26–27 “Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.”
Father, Lord, and Spirit: we are not receiving the “whole” truth. So I ask that we not beheld accountable to what is going on now - because people don’t know! The whole truth is not forthcoming. If lying lips are an abomination, then purge those lying lips which keep the whole truth from this nation.

Who is being censored?
They attack those who speak the truth about this situation and now they are silencing them. They they are actually keeping the truth away from those who need and want to know. They attack truth-tellers, AND they decide who can hear what. It is a two way censor - not just silencing and suppressing those who tell truth, but preventing others from hearing it!

Purge the Big Techs who now censoring what we can say and hear. We are tempted to think they are keeping our words from reaching the general public. …but they are censoring what the general public is allowed to hear. Oh Father, they believe they have consummate power to determine the future of this nation. Please pull them down.
Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
How can we be subject to our government, if it does what is abominable before You? All power is given by You. Will You give this power to the big tech giants? Will You tell us that You have “ordained” people who are entrenched in wickedness to rule over us? You did. You sent Israel to Babylon. You sent them into captivity because they did not treasure and protect what You put in place.

We stand here….GUILTY!

BUT GOD! YOU! You were merciful. if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Forgive us, O God of mercy. And release us all from censorship that we may know the truth, the whole truth, unvarnished …with Your help. May hearers desire to know. Cleanse people of the barricades that keep truth away, and pour out truth that we may know it is from You, and remain a free nation. One Nation …Under God.

Hear my plea,

Election 2020: Truth and Peace

O God, my God. I appeal to You. Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Lord Jesus, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh. Hear my prayer.

You are the only path of righteousness. You are Righteousness. You are Truth. …and from Truth, Peace.
John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
Amen. I believe it! However, there are so many who simply do now want to know the truth, therefore they are in bondage. There are also those who deny Truth, and shut it out. There are those who perpetuate their desire to raise up lies and cover everyone they can, to prevent the move of truth in this nation.

An artful delusion has settled on this land. I come today on behalf of those who have been tricked, lied to, and realize, in their inner being that there is truth that is being hidden from them. And I come on behalf of so many that just follow along, idle followers, content to let others direct their paths. Are there people here, who if they knew the truth, they could be set free?

Father, this nation has been the hotbed of freedom in this world! That’s why we are free (for now). This freedom is threatened! If The Lord Jesus Christ is Truth as YOU say:
John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Then those who want to overturn this nation, want to overturn Jesus Christ. AND they deeply desire that none of us can come to YOU.

Jesus, dearest Savior and Redeemer, You suffered as in Isaiah 53 prophesied, so we could come to the Father. You have blessed this land, this nation …with freedom! Since YOU are Truth, and since Truth sets us free - if we loose our freedom, we will lose You.

I stand against this! Where? Here! Before Your throne of judgement and of grace and mercy! There are those who call for our destruction. Rep. Cynthia Johnson has called on Antifa and BLM to destroy anyone who voted for President Trump…what vehemence! Will she repent? Is it possible for her to know Truth. Father! Father! She is being used…she is held hostage by YOUR enemies. She is coerced to fight for YOUR enemies and do their dirty work. Free her! O God, who defines freedom, free this nation form the deception that has gripped it with such a vengeance. Their hatred of You grows deeper daily and the delusion they have put on the people here feeds their vitriol.

They bully because they are impotent and they fight to maintain power. I do not speak of people! I speak of the enemies of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ - they seek to destroy this nation to form the global economy, government, and religion that You so carefully show us in the Books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Matthew, Thessalonians, and Revelation.

The clouds close in on us. BUT: You have commanded us to stand! You have commanded us to occupy! We are here! And we ask for yet another reprieve of the judgment that must come. Ephesians 6: 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Luke 19 13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. 14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. 15 And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him,

And here we are again. We are occupying. You are being rejected. But You will return for us. I ask You delay Your return for us. I’m not in love with this world. I want You to come so bad…and You must deeply desire to see justice. What we have done must grieve You deeply. However, as much as I want to be out of here, and as much as I want to be with You, I still ask for a reprieve. Delay Your judgment that must at some point come.

Why am I doing this? Why am I asking You this? Because of all the people I know that don’t know You. All the people who have not heard my testimony. Elin, AJ, Kacy, Christine…the Village here. I ask because of all the babies that will be murdered as billions of dollars pour into the abortion industry.

Please give us another chance. Strengthen us to do this work. You are my Peace. You are Jehovah Shalom…I am not at peace because I have not done my best for people to know You. I want to do a better job and others do too. You, who know our hearts and desires as well as our ability to follow-through - You are judge. Grant us Your mercy.

And yet, Maranatha,

Election 2020: Be strong and of good courage

You are my LORD and my God.
I appeal to You. Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
Lord Jesus, Yeshua Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh.
Hear my prayer.

The days are dark. Dark clouds close around this nation. They close in and stifle the light, pushing it out, and leaving the stench of evil in their wake. The smell of lies is almost everywhere I look. Mass coercion, manipulation, and bullying - forcing people to bend their knee to lies.

Where are You O God? Where is Your Justice? I am so tempted to be downhearted. Everywhere the teams for truth rise up, they are shot down. They are dismissed. Evidence is not considered.

What is the cost of a judge? Who has purchased judges in their seats? What is the price of a media station? Who purchased FOX news? Rupert Murdoch. What are their motives and goals. Father they are monitizing the media - to bring more worldly wealth to themselves. Do You approve? It seems so, even though I know better.

The media is being purchased for the increase of the wealthy. This is not Your way. They have sold their dignity, their integrity, and credibility. They have purchased judges and organizations and equipped them to put a stop to Truth. They seem to be doing a good job as well. It is so well done that people are unaware that this is much bigger that our presidential election. The nation is at stake.

Father, something is very, very wrong…and it seems to be winning. Where are the people who are strong and of good courage?…who will not be bullied? You told Joshua to be strong and of good courage - over and over again….and Joshua discomfited Amalek! (Exodus 17:13)…the battle was long and hard. The battle belonged to YOU, O GOD!
2 Chronicles 20:15 ….”Be not afraid oar dismayed, by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”

1 Samuel 17:47 - …”Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.”

2 Chronicles 32:7 Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:
What about Gideon?
Judges 6:13
“And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”
You reduced his army from 30,000 to 300 and with those men, slew the Midianites. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I call upon You. Glorify Yourself in this situation.

Uphold those who fight. Sydney Powell, Mayor Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and all others and especially President Trump as he stands boldly and takes the heat from the depths of hell.

Blow away the clouds of lies that are saturating our society. Father, millions are drowning in the deception that the enemy pours out. It is unrelenting. The bullying continues. Please, God of Heaven. You have blessed this nation to the world. Will You now allow us to be publicly humiliated and reduced to rubble as Truth - and be overcome by the father of lies? What will they say as they wag their tongues? Will they say, “Their God has abandoned them. He does not see. He does not care. He is weak.” Father, it cannot be. I ask for a reprieve.

Father, what about other nations that get their hope from the US because we have been YOUR light through the decades? They look to You because of the blessing You have given the US. We are not worthy, but You are a God of mercy and who grants yet another chance.

I struggle to be strong and of good courage. Shine Your light upon Truth. Blow away the clouds of infectious, and deliberate dung-laden lies that marinates our media and our nation. Please take Chris Wallace down. He has bullied people to speak lies. Do You approve? He has been bought. His integrity, his self-respect. Make him and others who do likewise to be despicable to themselves. May they cower in the mirror. May there be no place for them to hide from themselves and may they see the waste that they have covered themselves in and be disgusted.

I call upon YOU, God of Heaven and Earth! I call on You to raise up men and women of courage! Especially in Georgia! Is it too much for You? Is the money poured out by Big Tech, by Mark Zuckerberg…is it more than You can handle! Mark is Jewish. One of Your chosen nation. Are You proud of him? Will You cause his money to be so powerful that he takes down those that stand for Truth? I do not believe it. I believe You are the God of Righteousness, Truth, and Justice.

Raise up those of good courage. Raise up those who will stand and speak boldly. Protect them as they come forward. Protect them and their families. Pour out Your credibility upon them so that when they speak, the power of their words seep deeply. This nation is at stake. O God have mercy. Bring forth those who are strong and of good courage.

I believe You are able. It is so dark. We are not able, but You are! Raise up O God. Comfort us and uphold Truth - For YOUR sake. Rise Up and glorify Yourself.

I ask it in the Name of Jesus - to Whom every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is LORD. He is Yeshua Ha Meshiach.

Election 2020: Joshua against the Amalekites

Exodus 17:12-16
12 But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. 13 And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. 14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. 15 And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi: 16 For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.

Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Lord Jesus, Yeshau Ha Meshiach, and Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh, hallelujah!

You are God, Most High, You are Jehovahnissi!, The Lord our Banner. Thank You.

We come today on behalf of Truth! We remember Moses and Joshua and how You brought them forth. We raise our arms to You O God. We are praying fervently and our arms have become heavy. Uplift our spirits and our arms to cry out to You. Although our arms and are heavy, our voices cry from our inner-most being to You alone We see the news and all the evidence and then we see the Media of Amalek! They see not because they don’t want to see. Delusion has covered their eyes, minds, and hearts. We cry to You, O God, for You are the God who made us spirit, soul, and body.

Our Joshua is in the hospital with C-19. Touch the body of Governor Giuliani. Strengthen him as never before! In Your heart for us to seek righteousness, we come on behalf Mr. Giuliani and his team. This has moved so far past our President. This is so much bigger! Be our Banner! Rise up O God …as we reach up and call out to You, speak the words that will come down to us and bring this battle to victory!

It is a dark, intense battle - shine Your Light of Righteousness upon us. Please do not let the sun go down on this nation. We come to You and ask You, Jehovahnissi to discomfit evil here in the US with the Sword - which is Your Word. We appeal to You on the basis of Your Word and on the basis of who Your Word tells us You are. You are Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness. You LOVE righteousness. Please pour Yourself out on this nation. We fall before You. We are unable to fight. This is a battle only You can win. I ask it.

You swore that You would have war with Amalek from generation to generation. It is here, O God. We see it. Dead people voted! You are not the God of death - shine Your light that ALL may see. Defeat Amalek that YOU may have the glory.

You are a God of Justice…and Your heart is for Justice to be served. …we are all guilty. But Your Name is on this nation! Save her once again. That all the world will know, once again, that You are a God of Righteousness… Grant us a stay of judgement that we may do our part to bring many back to One Nation Under God. Raise up Your Name and raise up Your army to do our part to change this nation.

For Your sake. In the Name of Jesus, Yeshau Ha Meshiach

Hear my prayer.

Election 2020: As in the Garden?

O God of heaven, Great is Your Name over all the earth. You alone are worthy of worship. You alone, Creator, Provider, Redeemer…in You alone I put my trust.

This nation is deeply on my heart. You have blessed us beyond any nation in the world, save Israel. The prosperity of this nation is unprecedented! And it is all from Your Hand. I give You thanks. Although I am embarrassed at the consumer mind-set to which we tightly cling, I know You know we are but dust.

In the Garden, after Adam and Eve had sinned, You questioned them as to what happened. Eve said, “The serpent beguiled me.” Holy God of all heaven and earth! She knew she had been tricked! She knew it! You didn’t have to tell her! You simply asked the question and she knew. And Adam knew he has been encouraged and convinced by Eve to sin.

AMEN! and AMEN! Father, the news blackout. People only believing the lies they are being told - repeatedly and repeatedly…one lie after another, covering the truth. BUT - as in the Garden, as Eve was able to realize she had been tricked, I come before You that these people may also know they have been deceived and a great hoax has engulfed them through the media.

The media!!!! Are they not Your creation too? Reveal to them that they too have been blindsided! They have been party to the wiles of George Soros, and all those who want to destroy anything that gets in the way of the global initiative. What are the questions that would cause them to see that they have been duped? O how I would rejoice if they would be angry at what has been done to them.

If the trickery were revealed would they, Like Adam and Eve, admit what had happened? Some would…yes? Is the delusion so strong that they cannot break free? …that they cannot see the manipulation, the lock-tight grip that has trapped them into embracing hate, desiring their way even if it is taken by intentional crookery.

By Your hand, may we come to our senses.

Rise up, O God of my heart. I appeal to You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, to rise up and give us yet another reprieve before You judge this nation to appease Your justice which must be satisfied.

In the name of Jesus,

Election 2020: Following Suit: Moses

LORD God of heaven and earth and all there is.

I come before Your presence and I come boldly. You invite us to do so.

Praise and glory belong to You alone. I lift up a heart of praise, for You, our Maker, are our Keeper. I praise You for Your might acts.

What am I to say before You, the God of all? Who sees all and knows all that is done is secret?

Moses and the Israelites before the Red sea with Egypt storming down on them in a torrent…I cannot get that out of my mind!…There is a parallel here in the US.
What were they thinking at that moment they saw the Egyptians? I can only believe that they cried out to You…their God. Exodus 14:10 And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord.

Then they turned on Moses! But Moses told them to fear not. v14 "The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” Then You told Moses to tell the people to go forward.

You promised Moses that Pharaoh and his army would be be Your Honor. …and know that YOU are the LORD!

You have given us Your Word so that we may learn of You. I set my heart to learn. This seems like a replay here in the US.
We are crying out to You, the LORD our God. Some are turning on our leader. The enemy surrounds us and proclaims that their evil is what we are doing…tales of Republicans threatening Democrats, indicating that we are trying to steal the election. (projection?) The news blackout!
I will stand strong and bold before You - there was no way out! BUT GOD…provided the way. He is able.

I will hold my peace. I will keep it as a strategic and critical success factor in this battle. As the enemy closes in on the nation, I will not fear but wholly trust in Your work. I choose to believe that You, our God, is Truth and that You will stand for Truth.

Stand for us. I ask it.

We are not worthy, but You are able. You are our only hope. You are the only One who can find the way forward. I lift my heart before YOU on behalf of this nation and ask that You part the sea of iniquity that we may walk through on dry land. …and that they may know that YOU are God.

Please hear my cry, for fear pounds at the door of all that I am, but by Your Hand, I will hold strong.

In the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach.

Election 2020: Psalm 9: Out of the jaws of the gates of death

From Psalm 9
Praise be to the One true and living God. I lift my whole heart unto You. Your works are marvelous and I stand at the ready to see and show them. As Your work is revealed, I will be glad and rejoice in Thee. I will sing praise to thy name, O thou Most High God.

Because You are our God, our enemies will turn back! They shall fall and perish, because of Your presence. Our cause is right. You are Righteous and You maintain our cause. YOU sit in the throne judging rightly.

Your Word encourages me as You rebuke those who defy You and You destroy the wicked. You tell us what to expect through Your prophets! Daniel! Jeremiah! Ezekiel! Isaiah! …wickedness will come to a perpetual end. You will destroy what which will not serve You.

You, O God, endureth forever! Hallelujah! You have prepared Your throne for judgement. You judge the world in righteousness. In vain people think they act in secret! But You know, You see, You judge in righteousness. You minister judgement to and for Your people in uprightness.

My heart is encouraged because You, the LORD are my refuge. We are oppressed. This nation is oppressed and Your people face destruction because of the evil that pervades our society.

You are our refuge in times of trouble. They that know thy Name will put their trust in Thee. We know Your Name. We fall before Your throne and weep for the hope that is only in You.


We seek Thee. We kneel before You. We are ready to stand and sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: and declare Your doings to the people.


O God of mercy, have mercy on me, this nation. Forget not my cries, day and night on behalf of this election. Consider the trouble that has been wrought here, O God who judges in righteousness. The gates of death open their jaws to receive this nation. Come, LORD God of heaven. Come. We wait on Thee.

LIFT THIS NATION OUT OF THE JAWS OF THE GATES OF DEATH. You are our salvation. You lift us up. And we will show forth all Thy praise. We will rejoice in Thy Salvation.

Set the enemies of Truth in a pit of their own making. Those who openly defy You, Israel, Your people, and those of us in Jesus Christ. May they that defy You sink low in their own pit. May they soon and quickly trip in the net that they have laid. Dominion, Smartmatic…may it be their downfall. Expose their deathly, defiled, schemes for the world to see.


God of Heaven, One True and Living God - do not delay. The wicked schemes stand ready to devour us. They laugh at us with glee as they see us the grip of their deception which they see as airtight and ready to take power. The media leads the pack of lies. Turn their wicked lies against them! Open the eyes of those they have deceived and reveal Truth to them.

How can it be up to us to reveal Truth - YOU ARE TRUTH!!!! We cannot bring these people to understand. Their eyes and hearts are set to believe the lies the media has smothered them with. I ask they choke on their own lies - by YOUR hand. May these lies gather like disaster clouds and suffocate all that is untrue.

What good for us to do this - the glory belongs to You and I ask that You turn the media. YES, Turn the media. Awaken the moral compass that You have give us all …they are without excuse! Awaken their moral compass that they may seek Truth and defy those that have organized and manipulated the direction of this nation.

Lord God, we have not forgotten You and diligently seek You. Let not the needy be forgotten. We are needy. We are poor in spirit, let us not lose our expectation that You are our God. We wait expectantly on You.

Let the hosts of wickedness and unrighteousness be judged in thy sight and in ours. Put them in Fear, O LORD.

…that this nation and the nations of the world my know themselves to be but men.

I come in the Name of the Only Begotten Son: Jesus Christ.

Election 2020: For America

Lord God of Creation, My God and my trust,

I appeal to Thee from the depth of my being. You are the Author of Truth. You made light! You said, “Let there be light.” …and darkness was no more. I appeal to You on behalf of this nation.

Darkness pervades …from the depths of hell, darkness has spewed forth against Truth. It has set its nerve to consume all light that is here. It is determined to swallow up and bury all that is good. You, O God, are good. You alone.
Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good, his mercy is everlasting and his Truth endureth to all generations.
I proclaim Your goodness to America. We have not always done well with the generosity that You have poured out on us. But consider the nations we have supported, the people we have fed, doctors we have sent, the immigrants we have given a home to. Consider wars we have fought to preserve freedom. The enemy, the father of lies, hates us and is set on taking this nation down. I appeal to You on behalf of this nation - for Your mercy is everlasting and Your Truth endureth.
Psalm 73:1 Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
O LORD God of heaven and earth, consider the friendship that this nation has given to Israel. How many time in the UN did we stand alone on her behalf? Did President Trump not proclaim the capital to be Jerusalem, Your city!!!…that bears Your Name?

I confess we deserve Your judgement. We have not preserved the freedoms You lavished on us. We have not kept Your mandates that define the marriage covenant, that You made us male and female. We allowed prayer to be taken from our schools and our children to be educated to do the will of those who desire to take down this nation. Yet, O God,
Psalm 130:3 If thou, LORD, should mark iniquities, O LORD, who shall stand?
Moses went up the mountain and the people down below quickly became corrupted. They soon turned to a god of their own making. We are no better. Didn’t You tell Moses to stand aside and You would destroy them! …and raise up a new nation? BUT Moses stood between them and You…and pleaded their case. What would the other nations think if You brought them out of Egypt and then destroyed them? How would that bring You glory?

Well, this nation has been “One Nation under God”…not just any god…YOU. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! We bear Your Name. We are not the Nation of Israel, but we have defended her in Your Name. The entire world knows us as the Judeo-Christian nation. If You let us go down, what is the message that will go out? O God, there are many people being used by Your enemy, Satan. I ask that if they will not repent, that You take them down and not us.

Father God, You know who underwrites the DNC, Antifa, BLM, and I ask his riches, his billions, with which he buys evil here in the US, be burned up. Please stop the flow of financial support to BLM and Antifa. Please stop the flow of money to the DNC - especially in Georgia. I ask the same of the big-tech giants. They pour out millions to win the legislative seats there. Do YOU not own the whole world? You made it. It’s Yours.
Psalm 50:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.
It’s all Yours. We are Yours.
Psalm 95:7 For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice,
Father, many, many are listening. We are waiting to hear Your voice. We beckon You to hear our plea. Stop the take-over of this nation. I am devastated that there are so many who do not want to hear the evidence. I am disheartened that the media is not curious. These people have constructed a black-out of Truth. …But You are light. Shine forth! Please shine forth! Speak the words over this nation, “Let there be light.” Speak loudly O God, that all may hear. Speak forth that they may know that You are God.

You say You select the leaders of a nation.
Daniel 2:21
It is He who changes the times and the epochs;
He removes kings and establishes kings;
He gives wisdom to wise men
And knowledge to men of understanding.
No one knows that better than Hilary Clinton. Please give her company …not that we may gloat, but that we may fall before You in gratitude.

So I appeal to You. Please choose President Trump once again. As this nation has been known as One Nation Under God, please come to our rescue. I appeal to You and to none other,

For the sake of His kingdom, I ask it.

Election 2020: Expose and Remove

Father, Lord of the Harvest, Holy Spirit who took Ananias and Sapphira.

O God of Truth…1 John 5:7. “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

You are One and You are Truth. You are Light and in You is no darkness at all. Holy Spirit, You executed Ananias and Sapphira. It wasn’t about the money. It was about the truth.

Acts 5:3 “Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and keep back part of the price of the land?”

Acts 5:9 “How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?
I come boldly on behalf of Truth and Light, which is Jesus Christ. It wasn’t about the money, it was about deception - first in secret and then in public. Is not this the same thing that has happened with this election? The lies permeate the mainstream media. They publicly proclaim lies. They have agreed together.

Father, Lord, Spirit…it started many times ago in secret. The conspiracy to undermine Truth. This has very little to do with our current President. This is about the power of deceit. Hidden agreements…just like Ananias and Sapphira. I believe You are acting against this for You are the God of Truth and Light. Thank You.

It wasn’t until Ananias and Sapphira came forward and lied before Peter and the apostles - Your chosen “light-bearers” …that You exposed the lie and removed them. I ask that You do it again. Expose the lies from the media, the DNC, the Dominion, Sequoia, and Smartmatic. These were all devised to cover Truth. I ask that You expose all cheating in the election as well. ..not just the cheating, but those who conspired together.

Holy Spirit, I appeal to You. I ask for defectors. I ask for people associated with the democratic party to come forth. This would put them in danger, and I ask Your protection upon them. You gave them a conscience…may their hearts be pricked to the core and may they not sleep until they come forth.

It was a brazen, arrogant attempt by Ananias and Sapphira to keep back the price of the land and pretend to the world that they were doing a great thing. It is no different today. The media and DNC proclaims their victory and hoists themselves as truth-bearers. They have placed themselves about You, believing they are god and that You do not know or see. They move to eliminate You and all salt and light from our society. I ask that You first expose them - as Peter asked the right questions - I ask You to intervene that these lies are exposed. And I ask second, that You take them out. Remove them. As You demonstrate in the Book of Acts, expose and remove.

You are the God who knows and sees. I ask You to act. I ask that You Expose them publicly and Remove them from their place in this nation.

I believe You placed President Trump in office to Drain the Swamp. You determine the leaders of a nation! So how can I believe otherwise? Thank You. Did You place him here to leave the disgusting sludge at the bottom in place…to rise up and take over? I beckon You to expose and remove it and those who are organizing this machine that seems unstoppable. Turn the hearts of the nation to once again desire Truth.

Wasn’t the Egyptian army, pounding towards the Israelites, unstoppable? The sea before them, the army behind them. It seemed grim. BUT GOD..our GOD, YOU…opened the sea and then drowned the army in it! …After Israel was safe. Amazing - You gathered the army together to come after the Israelites, so You could take them out in one fell swoop. I ask You do it again. May it give You great joy to again say, “That they may know that I AM GOD.”

Father, the Media, The DNC and those that support and manipulate them, think they are getting away with it! …or is this their desperate panic before they are taken down? You took Ananias and Sapphira down. You exposed the lie and You removed them. I ask it again. You are Light and Truth. I put my trust in You forever.
