
Saturday, July 28, 2018

A plea for help with the U.S. wildfires.

***A plea for help with the U.S. wildfires.
  Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Psalm 24:1
The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Father in heaven, all is Yours and though we try to control what is Yours, at times like this, we cannot deny that the earth is Yours. Your ways are not our ways, Your thoughts are not our thoughts.

You are the Creator of the Heavens and the earth. There is no other response but to submit to You. You are able to stop this devastation. You are able to save lives. Yet, You have chosen not to stop these wildfires from the devastation of property, livelihood, and the very lives of some.

Although I do not understand, I bow before You and I believe Your Word, that You are a God of grace and wisdom. Your mercy is everlasting.

I kneel before You and put my trust in Your eternal wisdom, which is for our good...that we may know that You are the Lord.

Eternal Father, strong to save, have mercy on us. Glory and honor belong to You alone. May our hearts rise up before Your throne of grace and mercy and may we appeal to You, the Sovereign Lord.

You know, O God, the tears from this devastation. You know the loss of personal history as homes burn to the ground. In this time of dire circumstance for so many people, teach us how to think and guide us that we not go our separate ways, or be tempted to think You don't care.

Father, there is so much at stake. I appeal to You in the midst of this disaster.
  • For families that are losing so much: please take them under Your wing. You know their thoughts and their tears. Comfort them and guide their thinking with regard to priorities. May they stand strong and seek You diligently. Please protect them from anger at You
  • For the Firefighters: Please place Your protection around the fire fighters. Give them strength beyond their physical ability and wisdom to know when to retreat. You alone see the bigger picture, give those who are managing the strategy an understanding and direction that will save lives.
  • Bring help: Raise up Your church, the Body of Christ, to take action and help in ways that are meaningful and that make a difference. Father, may we not be passive in our support. Move us to action, not just in the present, but in the future, when rebuilding will be so hard.
  • For favorable weather: Lord God of Creation, please grant favorable weather. Direct Your wind and Your rain to assist the efforts. Father, I ask for predictability of these elements so that those who play, may do so effectively. May their efforts and Yours work in tandem.
  • Father have mercy on all the lives that are at stake, people, animals, pets, livestock, and the wild animals that roam freely.
  • Comfort those in their loss. Uphold those who are devastated. Have mercy.
  • Above all, Father, bring glory to Yourself, to Jesus Christ, and to Your Holy Spirit. As we come out of this, may we know that You are real, trustworthy, and that Your heart is always and undeniably for our good. that, on this matter, we may be faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Friday, July 20, 2018

A Prayer for Tornado Victims and Communities in Iowa

***A Prayer for Tornado Victims and Communities in Iowa
  Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills.
     From where does my help come?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
     who made heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot be moved;
     he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel
     will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord is your keeper;
     the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
     nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all evil;
     he will keep your life.
8 The Lord will keep
     your going out and your coming in
     from this time forth and forevermore.

The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. (Psalm 24:1)
You alone O God control the weather. You konw the disaster that come upon Iowa and the communities there.

You know the people who have been in terror through the tornadoes that have landed. You know the fears that each person has experienced, for those they love and for themselves. There is nothing that escapes You. Thank You.

You speak and even the weather listens; we know this from Your Word (Mark 4:35-41). You also see the devastation that has resulted from these storms. You know the loss of life, the loss of security, the loss of confidence in our ability to manage our lives.

You know, O God, out Father. Nothing escapes Your knowledge.

We see the devatsation. We see and hear the horror of people in the videos and through the weather reporting. We can only ask, "Why would a loving God allow this to happen?...since He need only speak and change the reality?"

Father, this is too much for us. Many are tempted to say; and many will say, "There cannot be a loving God who is interested in us." Yet, Your Word stands strong in times of trouble.
Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Thank You that, although we do not understand, You assure us that there is purpose, there is value, and that we can trust You as we move forward. We claim your promise:

Father, I ask Your comfort upon those who have experienced this time of insecurity.

I claim Psalm 46:1 for these people who are in distress. Father, send those who can help.

May we be reminded to cling to You through this time and I ask that You build a testimony of Your care and love for those in this situation—a testimony that undeniably proclaims that You are there and Your love has not been taken away.

As these weather disasters pile up, may those who can help, not turn a deaf ear. Call them. Father, place a burden on the heart of this nation to help those who have lost so much; to come alongside.

Father, may we realize that we cannot control our world or even our lives, and may we turn to You and find hope for our future and confidence that You are able to guide us; and that You want to bless us—if we will simply invite You to do so.

Father, You are the Lord. May Your testimony come forth in many ways as people move through this time of immediate need, that they may proclaim that You are the Lord. And from this time, may rejoicing rise up and awe those around them.

Father, might these incidents be opportunity to build up the faith of those involved to know how to honorably handle the next situation.
2 Timothy 3:1
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
Equip us to be ready for our future. Let us walk by Your Spirit that, on this matter, we may be faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

How every Christian should pray for
President Trump, SCOTUS, Roe v. Wade,
LGBTQ, Immigration ...the prayers of my heart

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Matthew 7:1-3
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

1 Timothy 2:1-2, 4
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; ...Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
You are God. There is none like You.

Although You and Your Name have been defamed, maligned, and rejected, Your love for us has never wavered.

Even when we have taken Your Name in vain, spoken falsely of You, Your Word, and Your Son, Jesus Christ...You have been patient, gracious, and merciful.

When we redefined the foundational principles that You put in place to protect us, You have remained patient and have not unleashed Your anger and judgement on this nation.

When we instituted laws to legalize the very acts that You have defined as abominable, we, Your Church, has hidden. Yet, You have not abandoned us.

Forgive me when I have judged people in my path...exalting myself as "better than they." Forgive me. Forgive us.

Father, forgive me when I have estranged those who are different that I am and held disdain for them in my heart....for this is not Your way. Forgive me. Forgive us.

Father, this nation has indulged the physical blessings and prosperity and denied that it came from You. And then we have turned around and pampered ourselves with lavish gifts as we neglected those in need, ignored their emotional pain, and shunned them when they have called for help. Forgive me. Forgive us.

Open my eyes and fill my heart with discernment to see that every person I have judged is someone You value and died for. You love and value them as much as You love and value me.

Help me to humble myself and to seek You on this matter. I ask for ways to attend to their inner cries and emotional and spiritual sufficiency, as well as their physical needs.

Give me courage to reach out in a way that is gentle and loving. Guide me in my behavior so that I may genuinely receive them just as they are... just as You have done to me—time and time again.

Fill me with compassion, words that build trust, and the means to help in meaningful ways. Help me to replicate the love of Jesus Christ to touch these people, whom You love so deeply.

Grant me prayers for our leaders in national, state, and civic government...prayers that bless You and that cause You to help us all align to Your sovereign will.

Build up a courageous spirit within me to reach out. Provide opportunity to serve them as if You were here and serving them. Make me an instrument: Make me an instrument:
Prayer of St Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Read more: that, on this matter, I may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Prayer for President Trump...
     ... and the SCOTUS Confirmation Process...
          ...the prayers of my heart

***A Prayer for President Trump...
     ... and the SCOTUS Confirmation Process...
          ...the prayers of my heart

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said unto Samuel, "Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

John 7:24
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
You alone are God. You choose the leaders of a nation and it is beyond our understanding. May we rest in Your choices.

Your Word is living and dynamic. It never fails and it does not return void.
Isaiah 55:11
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
May we beseech You for change in this nation—change to align our laws and our thinking with Your Holy Word. And may we trust in Your choices and in Your ultimate will that we worship You in spirit and in truth.

For residents in the United States:
  • Quiet our hearts to seek Your ways and relinquish our need to control others.
  • Grant us quiet time with Your Word and time to diligently seek You on this matter.
  • Open the eyes of our understanding to align our hearts and minds with Your will and Your Word.
  • Unite us with Your will that we may return from our own desires and seek You diligently.
For President Trump:
  • Grant him the ability to see as You see.
  • Grant him discernment and judgement that is from above. (James 3:17)
  • Touch his heart and spirit to align with Your heart and spirit.
  • Give him a desire to seek Your will and align himself with it.
  • By Your Spirit, may he be judicious in hi communication.
  • By Your Spirit, may he desire only Your will for the Unites States.
For the confirmation process:
  • May this process have a unifying effect to those who seek Your will.
  • May those involved know in their spirit what You desire and choose to be obedient.
  • Grant these people civil communication in both written and spoken word.
  • Quiet the powers that seek break-up of this nation as "One Nation Under God."
  • Send confirmation to those who vote on the direction they are to take.

I ask all of that, on this matter, the United States may seek You and that we may be faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Friday, June 29, 2018

A prayer for children separated from their parents at the border...the prayers of my heart

***A prayer for children separated from their parents at the border...the prayers of my heart

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Psalm 127:3
Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
You, O God bring children into this world. They are Your heritage and we are admonished to treat them accordingly. Children are Your delight and You are not deaf to their cries.

When the disciples tried to prevent children from coming to You, You would not stand for it.
Mark 10:14
But when Jesus saw [it], he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Children are dear to You. You see all that happens to every one of them—no exceptions.

So let us beware of mistreating children, these vulnerable beings that are at our mercy! Father, we are thinking with our minds and not with our spirit. Your Word teaches us differently, but we are not listening with our spirits.

For those who pray and those who influence:
  • Speak into our minds. Calm our thinking that we may be quiet and hear Your voice.
  • Open the eyes of our hearts to see with Your eyes and see the needs of these children.
  • Speak to our spirits, and give us a spirit of willing obedience.
  • Open our ears that we hear these voices and take ownership of the fear and harm that we are bringing on these children.

For the children:
  • Father, give them peace of mind in the midst of these circumstances.
  • Give them extra patience and may the older ones set a good example with the younger ones.
  • For those who work with them, give them reassuring words that are true.
  • Strengthen them and help them to be obedient, that it goes well for them.
  • Speed the processes that would allow them to be reunited with their parents.

For the mothers and fathers:
  • Father, I ask You give these parents constant prayers for their children, prayers that delight You.
  • Fill them with Your assurance that You hear their prayers and You are protecting their children.
  • May they gather in groups to pray together and petition Your mercy to end this situation.
  • Protect these parents from guilt. Help them to hold strong and steady.

For the decision makers:
  • Father, give them vision of a better that can be quickly implemented.
  • Order the words that can be received and prepare the hearers to receive them.
  • Put processes in place to quickly unite parents with children.

Ready us to move quickly on this matter.
  • Father, You know chain of command. Establish what is needed to implement the solution.
  • Make those in the process swift to respond and effective in their actions.
  • Protect the solution to bring the credit to You that we may rejoice in the efficacy of this initiative. that, on this matter, we may be faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A prayer for President Trump and Congress for immigration and DACA...the prayers of one sinner

***A prayer for President Trump and Congress for immigration and DACA...the prayers of one sinner Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Mark 12:29-31
29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:

30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
You are the Lord our God. You are One: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
      There is no other. Praise be to Your Name.

You are the One, True, and Living God.
      There is no other. You alone, are worthy to be praised.

I bow down before You, and proclaim Your Righteousness.
      ..for there is no other appropriate response. (Selah)

You are all knowing, all powerful, and omnipresent. You are the solution.
      Where else are there answers? I come to You.

  • Only You can see all the complexities involved with our immigration.

  • Only through Your wisdom can answers be forthcoming.

  • Only in You, can corruption and self-interests be dimmed.

  • Only You can see the long-term ramifications on this matter.

  • Only You can find answers that are full of compassion for mothers, children, and dreamers.

You and You alone can help us.
There is none other and I ask for Your help.

  • You are the God of unity. I ask for Your insights and for unity between President Trump and Congress.

  • Only Your Spirit can break through the divisive work of the enemy of Truth and self-interests.

  • Only in You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, can unity be found.

  • Only You can see the future end of the actions taken now.

  • Only You love all the people involved and can bring forth an answer that works for all.

Ready us. Everyone has a part in this. Invigorate our spirits to do our part.

Father, this is bigger than the southern wall. It's about the concept of how we, here in America, will treat our neighbors...all of them.       Help Lord. We cannot do this of our own strength...strengthen us for Your solution.
  • Open our eyes to see Your solution, to know it is right, and to move on it.

  • Direct our ears to choose wisely what we hear and how we respond.

  • Quiet our speech. Silence those who bring roadblocks through their words.

  • Invigorate our hearts and our will that we spring into action, annointed by Your Spirit.

Father, unite us that YOU rejoice in our choices.
May Your pleasure in us, cause great rejoicing within us. that, on this matter, we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Suicide and the right to life...
     ...the prayers of one sinner

***Suicide and the right to life...the prayers of one sinner

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Psalm 100:3
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;

Psalm 24:1
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

You are God. All that is here on this earth is Yours. It belongs to You! You created the earth and all that is therein. You created us. You gave us free will. You have brought us forth. You have nurtured us, You have looked after us.

You have guided and led us through the prophets and Your Word. You have given us Your law...not to confine us, but to protect us...mostly from ourselves and the decisions that we make.

Thank You.

You have created us, yet, You have placed boundaries on Yourself, with regard to our free will...allowing us to make choices that affect our lives, those around us, and the earth itself. Thank You.

You have not meddled in our affairs...even when we have defied You; harmed ourselves and others, and take the lives that are Your inheritance.

You have withheld Your anger and poured out Your grace and mercy, so that we could see the results of our decisions and learn from our mistakes.

Yet, we have not done so. We have not learned from our mistakes. We blame You instead and turn to our own ways.

When the results of our decisions have proven harmful and deadly, we have not taken advantage of Your grace and mercy.

We have not returned to You. Instead, we have turned away from You.
Have mercy O God. We are blind, deaf and stupid sheep.

We need You.

There are those who take their lives. The suicide rate is climbing. Our youth are killing themselves, especially young girls. Our youth are killing others— school massacres have put fear in the minds of students and parents alike.

We take lives...our own and the lives of others. These lives belong to You. We steal from You. Have mercy on us. Help us Lord, to see truthfully.

Abortion is still rampant. We are self-centered and we do not want to take responsibility for our actions. Have mercy on us and help us Lord. Open our spiritual eyes to see clearly and truthfully.

We are so far from Your guidance that we are lost in the muck and mire of our own contradictions:
  • We feel badly when people commit suicide. We even say, "What a waste."...yet we continue to affirm abortion.

  • We celebrate "Free choice" for whom?

  • We believe people should have the right to take their own life and we call it "dying with dignity." ...we do not believe that suffering can have value.

  • We allow Planned Parenthood to continue aborting babies and spend millions of dollars to preserve both human sperm and eggs?

  • When famous people commit suicide, we ask if there were "indications that they were struggling," yet we ignore the struggle of pregnant women who are deciding the fate of the unborn.

We refuse to believe that:
  • You are the Author of Life.

  • Life, lives and people, belong to You.

  • You have provided a way to intimately know and understand You.

  • You want to pour out Your goodness and health on us.

  • You are Truth. ...making up our own version of it brings harm...even death.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Thank You for Your provision.

  • Give us a stealthy vision on how to proceed.

  • Ready us to reach out in the Name of Jesus Christ and with His consummate love.

  • Equip us to move forward with the glorious words of life!
    Life in Christ!

  • Grant us an eager spirit to put on the whole armor of God that You have provided for this battle.

  • Open our eyes to see that YOU will win the battle, if we will go out! Thank You!

  • Confirm to us that Your Word is Truth and it is Your will that we stand firm for Christ, and in His sacrificial love.

Establish Your Spirit with us that we go about Your Way, rejoicing in our trials and troubles, because Jesus is coming soon.

...and in that day of His coming, may we be found faithful.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

A prayer for saltiness...for the Church to occupy ...the prayers of one sinner

***A prayer for saltiness...for the Church to occupy ...the prayers of one sinner Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Luke 19:1-13
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.

He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them,
Occupy till I come.
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. (Psalm 24:1)

Lord Jesus, You came to seek and to save...even me.
Was I not like a grain of sand, floating endlessly and mindlessly in the murky ocean of sin and shame?

Truly, I was without significance, indistinguishable from billions of other microbes, floating aimlessly, unconscious of purpose, devoid of meaning; so blinded by self-seeking satisfaction through self-indulgence.

How did You find me? Why did You want me?

Washed up on the beach of slime and debris...a speck amidst miles of slime...

How did You find me?
Why did You seek me?

I shall never understand.

Thank you dearest Savior, blessed Lord.

How can I say " can I keep anything from You."
I bend my knee to You. Your will and not mine. You who have saved me.

You created me and then You bought me back. I am Yours...twice. Thank You.
You are my Savior and Redeemer. You stand before the Throne of Grace and judgement as my constant Advocate (1 John 2). Thank You.

All that we know, see, hear, smell, touch, and all belongs to You. You have given it for our enjoyment.

Thank You for the wonder that exists right before us. Your handiwork is so vivid that it cannot be missed. You have given us our senses that we may experience Your presence through creation and not doubt that You are God.

Praise be to Your Name.

  • You have asked Your Church to be salt on the earth. I want to be salt. Make me a sweet savor to those around me.

  • There are those who are isolated and desolate. They need encouragement. Give me the words that minister grace and uplift.

  • There is so much anger. Grant me kind words, delivered softly.

  • There is so much evil in the world. Show me how to overcome evil with good...Your good.

  • There is hatred and discontent. Help me to show fullness in Christ.

Ready me, O Lord. Only YOU are able. Pour out Your grace through me and make it sticky!

... that I may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

*Strategic Renewaloffers many prayer and resources for personal development. This prayer is from their guide on Worship Based Prayer.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Prayer against complaining
          ... praying for the "good report"

***Prayer against complaining
          ...and praying for the "good report"

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Philippians 2:14-16
Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life;

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
You, Jesus Christ are the Way, the Truth and the Life; You lead us to the Father and before the throne of grace where we find help in time of need.

You are the God of justice. You define honesty and have declared that all men are liars. You know O God.

You purity is beyond what we can imagine. You shine. You are lovely and all good things come from You.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Your virtues are boundless, more than we can comprehend.

Let praise burst forth from our full beings to contemplate and enjoy Your beauty. Establish Your light in us and let it shine before men to Your good pleasure.
Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Father, what a turnaround this would be for the United States and in our daily lives.

Forgive us for the times, each day, when we grumble.
We grumble about everything from our President to our neighbor.
We gravitate towards the negative and complain at every step.
We are focused on our needs and defy anything that gets in our way to achieve them.
Forgive us.

Forgive us when we are in traffic, and the person in front is slow.
Forgive us when we are in the store and can't find what we need.
Forgive us when we are home and the house needs attention.
Forgive us, especially when we are with others and they don't seem to understand that our needs are more important than their needs.
Forgive us.

  • Motivate us to turn our attention to the needs of others and the work You are doing.
  • Generate a desire to uplift others and edify them in our daily conversations.
  • Help us to release to You the serving of justice.
  • Give us discernment on how to respond in a productive manner, when change is needed.
  • Especially, equip us to turn our murmurings and complaints into prayers for those who haven't conformed to our needs.
Father, what a change there would be in every life if we ceased our murmurings and complaining. Our personal lives would be better. Our families would be happier. Our physical bodies would be healthier.

Saturate us with Your goodness. You, who anoint our heads with oil so that our cup runneth over...pour out Your oil of blessing and establish our hearts as satisfied with You.

You are the God of consummate goodness. You touch us when we aren't looking. You bless when we don't notice.

Hallelujah to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Let us go our way rejoicing in the LORD our God, who knows us by name...

... that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

A Memorial Day Tribute

***A Memorial Day Tribute

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

You are the God of the living. You are the Creator of Life. You are the One True and Living God, who knew we would need salvation from our sin and You provided. Through Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we too can have life. Thank You.

Father, You know the pain of losing a son and You have sent the Comforter. Thank You.

I bring many before You today who need comfort.

So many soldiers have lost their lives preserving my freedoms —the freedoms that I don't take for granted, like going to church, the freedom to earn a living, the freedom to pursue a future.

And Father, there are so many freedoms that do take for granted. I have had them so long, that I assume they came without cost.

Father, many people have died so that I could live in a nation with the freedoms that we have here in the U.S.

I pray for those who survive them. The fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, and especially the wives and husbands, and the children who live their lives without their loved one.

You who sent the Comforter, comfort them; especially this day, when our attention picks at the open wound of their loss. May we remember with depth.

May we remember with honor and humility. May we be sensitive to the pain that continues because of the sacrifice of so many.

Father, please remember...
  • Fathers and mother, brothers and sisters who live their lives with their family, incomplete, because of that one who is no longer here. Comfort them.

    ...even when others take their freedom for granted and dismiss the cost that so many must pay.

  • Spouses, and especially those who are raising children on their own. Provide for them. May they feel Your presence in their grief.

    Soften the deep vacancy that silently screams at them...and will continue to do so. Protect them from resentment and may their hearts not grow hard.

    ...especially during sleepless nights, and times of heartache with children, with the living of their life without their spouse.

  • Children. Those who live their lives without a parent...especially at those important life celebrations: their first date, their birthdays, holidays...and every day they see a complete family and wonder what it would be like to have one.

    Protect them from anger. May it not take hold and cripple them further. Reveal Yourself to them and comfort them.

    ...especially during those moments when they need a parent and space is empty. Bring others around to comfort them and bring the wisdom they need.

  • Comrades...those soldiers who have survived and live in sorrow. Fellow soldiers, who today, remember those with whom they served...the ones who are still living, and those who died.

    Comfort them when the flood of hard memories push at their hearts and minds. Have mercy and pour out Your grace. Move in their spirit and uphold them, that the memories not be too much for them.

    Carry them Father. Deep within them, may they know their sacrifice was worthy and noble.

    And as they see the cookouts, the parades, the celebrations...celebrations without reverence, without the observation and memory of the horrific price that has been paid, may they not be resentful.

    May their hearts not be hardened. May they, in the stillness of their being, find You there with them.

  • Myself and many millions of others, who have suffered the tearing apart of their family, when those who served returned to them...different. Father, they came back changed for the remainder of their lives and ours.

    We shall never know or comprehend the fullness of what they saw, what they had to do, or the choices they had to make. Forgive us when we judge.

    Comfort us in the loss of the family we hoped we would have. Comfort us. The pain is great.

  • Father, I ask a special blessing on those who remember; those who honor the sacrifice and keep the memory alive that our freedom has come at a profound price. Bless them deeply.

Your Word:
John 6:14 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 8:32
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Father, I hurt.

Let us know and understand the cost of our freedom. Help us to remember and honor those who paid it on our behalf.

Please help us to proclaim the freedom in Jesus Christ and bring our hurt, our sorrow, our profound emptiness before You...and find grace to help in time of need.

...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Praying for President Trump and the Middle East

***Praying for President Trump and the Middle East Prophesy....

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Father, Your Word is clear and You have called us to watch for the signs of the times. And You beckon us to pray for the pace of Jerusalem. Events:
  • The 70th Anniversary of the Birth of the Nation of Israel.
  • The move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
  • Trump to ask Israel to withdraw from 4 east J'lem neighborhoods.
  • The withdrawal from the Iran Deal
  • The recent military exchange between Syria and Israel
Your Word:
Zechariah 12:1-3
1The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

1 Thessalonians 5:3
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Reports: Trump will ask Israel to give up 4 east Jerusalem neighborhoods...which would eventually become the place of a Palestinian capital.

Father, Your Word is Sure. Your Word does not return void. You will not be thwarted and Your will shall abide and come to pass Thank You Father, that You are not deterred. Thank You that Your love for Jerusalem and Israel abides.

Thank You that Your covenant is sure and unmovable, for You swore by Yourself that these things would come to pass. I thank You that Your love for Jerusalem and Israel has not diminished.

Your Word bids me to beckon You to do what You say You will do. And so I come to Your throne of grace on behalf of President Trump and his role regarding the Peace of Jerusalem.

Your Word bids me to pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
Psalms 122:6-7
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 7 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
Father, I come on behalf of Israel, Jerusalem, Your people who are the apple of Your eye. I pray for peace. I pray knowing that Your Word tells us that there will be no peace until the Prince of Peace comes. Yet, I pray. Yeshua, come quickly.

You are the Prince of Peace. Come quickly that there may be peace in Jerusalem. You have prospered them and raised Your testimony to them that Your Covenant to them are established and they will be brought to fruition. Praise be to Your Name, God Most High.

Father, I pray that President Trump is not swayed by the allure of making the ultimate deal to bring peace to Jerusalem. May he receive the wisdom from above, and more so, may Mr. Trump have the self-control needed to do Your bidding. Father, I ask that the United States not play a role in the division of Jerusalem.

He has accomplished amazing things and I am grateful. Yet, I cannot dismiss this issue on the division of Jerusalem. Father, Zechariah 12: 1-3 is here. Has it been here before? Will it be here again in the future? I pray the United States will not take part. I ask that You soften the hearts of U.S. decision makers to support Jerusalem and Israel without reservation.

Father, I ask that Your hand of withholding upon Jared Kushner. Has he not been a behind-the-scenes player? May Your wisdom be upon him. May Your compassion and prophetic Words for Israel and Jerusalem be within him. May only truth come forth from his lips.

Father, have mercy upon Jared Kushner. May devious intentions from those with whom he works be evident. Father, may his pride be kept in check, for he is a man and suffers as we all do. Keep his lips from evil and his tongue from speaking guile.

Father, may the U.S. not be part of the division of Your beloved land.

May the U.S. have no presence in putting pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu to divide the land. I seek You selfishly on this as I fear for the safety of the United States. Yet, Father, I bid You to fulfill Your will on Your timetable. I bend to Your ways, for they are not my ways.

Father, President Trump has done much for Israel. May he do so honorably, without desiring something back. I ask that his heart be pure before You. Have mercy O Lord. Your Word is sure and I pray Your will. I pray with urgency. Have mercy O Lord.

You know the plans that President Trump has, as well as his Middle East intentions. Grant him (and Jared Kushner) insights on the players in this complex situation. What about President Mahmoud Abbas? He lives. He influences. Father, I bend to Your sovereign purposes. Have mercy O Lord.

Ready us for what is to come. Grant us, Your church, urgency to pray for our leaders as You command us to do. Give us words beyond our imagination to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

What will the withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal begin? Father, You know the ramifications on this action. Thank You that Truth about the deal is surfacing. Fear takes over from the threats from Iran.

Yet, Father, we know that You bring good out of every circumstance to those who love You and have been called according to Your purpose. Grow our love for You. Grow our awareness of Your purposes and invigorate us to move swiftly.

Is the harvest ripe? It must be. Awaken us, Your church O Lord. May we rise up and proclaim that You have redeemed us. May we get involved with the harvest. Equip us completely with the Word, to present and protect our faith.

Equip us with the whole armor that You have provided, that we may stand strong in our commitment, ready with our testimony, and unmoved by the enemy who stands by, ready to steal, kill and destroy.

...and that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Hope for a nation that embraces pornography

***Hope for a nation that embraces pornography

Please pray with me:

Father, You are holy. Holy, Holy, Holy. Holy is the Lord.
You are pure. Yes, You are Holy, and You are unchanging.

You are patient with us when we don't hear You. You keep loving us when we turn from You. You remain steadfast when we rebel against the commandments that You gave to protect us!

Yet, You know us and You judge us. You do so for our good that we may live.

Father, You have called us to purity. You have called us to be holy in thought, word, and deed and You have provided a pathway and a process meet Your calling.

Your Word:
1 Corinthians 6:19
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
Father, pornography is now celebrated. It has become an intentional act of rebellion in our nation. How can we, as a nation, give up our addiction to inappropriate sexual pleasure? You know. How many times did Israel's sexual indiscretion lead to captivity? Are we not captive now? If so, we don't know it.

Speak, Lord. Open our hearts to desire to hear You.
Open our minds and touch us that we might think clearly.
Open our ears, that we might say, "Speak Lord, for your servant hears."
Help us to spend time before You, listening.

Did You, in Your mercy, allow Israel to go into captivity? So they would have time to think? ...and listen?

Father, we cannot do this by ourselves. We cannot even approach the mammoth sin that is destroying our nation. We need Your help. Truly, Your Body...the Body of Christ, does not escape this addiction. So we all suffer under the grip that this pleasure-based sin brings.

Please bring us to the point that we want to hear You.
Show us the path to listen that we may return to You.

Father, it seems we have also lost the sound of Your voice. We don't know when You are speaking. Yet, Your Word is sure. You have given us Your Word. Open our eyes to see our pitiful condition and drive us to Your Word. Your Word is sure and You are faithful.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
For those who suffer with pornography addiction.
Father, this addiction destroys every relationship...even with ourselves. Help Lord, in Your mercy. You are there when addicts look at porn. You know what is going through their minds and bodies. Father YOU made our minds and bodies. You know how they work and You know how to help us. I'm asking for Your help.

Father, may Your church rise up and stand in the gap for these people: especially those within their fellowship that struggle with this. Help us to realize that we, Your Church, The Body of Christ, suffers with this sin.

Show us how to rise up and realize that the whole body suffers...lead us into prayer for those who are gripped mercilessly by the devil who has come to steal, kill and destroy them. He seeks to destroy every relationship in their lives. Jesus, are these Your words:
John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Show us the path to be overcomers. Bring us to the end of ourselves that we may diligently seek You. Father, may we not judge those who are in the grips of this addiction. Your Word tells us that we are all suffering when one suffers.
1 Corinthians 12:26
And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
We all suffer under the addiction of pornography, but You are able. Open our eyes to see Your pathway to freedom.

Your Word will make us ready. Make us hungry! Make us thirsty!

Glue our eyes to Your Word, which promises to set us free. Work in our hearts that we want to be free, crave to be free and yet, know our weakness. Father, bring to our knowledge that no one escapes the consequences of this that we all rise up against it.

Forbid Your church, the Body of Christ, to leave these people in this situation. Humble us, convict us all that we have a part to help them.

Ready us by giving us a willingness to let go of judgement and arrogance. Help us ALL to know that this is OUR problem, that YOU have the answer. You are our Hope and YOU are ABLE.

Bring us to rejoicing. May it start in the Body of Christ. Show us the way, help us to walk in it and then rejoice in bring others along. Unify us Father, that we may cleanse this nation and

...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Prayer for Racial Unity in the United States

***Prayer for Racial Unity in the United States

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Racial tension continues to build.

Your Word commands us:
1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

John 7:24
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Before You, there is no outward appearance. You do not see us as black and white, red, yellow...You look to our heart. Thank You. Because of Jesus, we can all come before You without fear of our outward appearance. Yet, we cannot hide what is in our heart. For You see us, You see our intentions as we stand without cover, completely exposed.

Thank You, Father, that we are completely exposed before You. Thank You that You see all there is about us. You see what we love and what we worship. You see the thoughts of our hearts. You know where we deceive ourselves. Thank You, that with You, nothing is hidden.

...and yet, You love us. You knew we would choose to be rebellious. You knew we would separate ourselves by what we see. You knew all about racial prejudice and division. And yet, You love us. You love all of us: red, yellow, black, and white...they are [all] precious in Your sight. Thank You.

The only response is to bow before You in gratitude. Your desire for relationship is inconceivable. Your willingness to pay for our sin that we can be blameless, is beyond the imagination. Yet, You desire to pour out Your love upon us. You desire to change us. Change me.

Wash us of our prejudices. Show us the path, so that we can look as You look. Give us a desire to be like You... to see people and welcome them, love them, and nurture relationship. Intensify a desire to receive others as You receive them. After what You have poured out on us through Your grace, how can we do less! How can we want less? Create godly desire in us.

Open the eyes of our understanding Lord, so that we see past the outward appearance. Fill us with Your compassion for racial unity. Holy Spirit, fill us with a desire to pour out the compassion and love of Jesus.

Lead us along the path of surrender to Your will. Your will is clear that we should love one another. Your will is clear that we are not to look at the outward appearance of people. Then, Lord, give us eyes to see deeper. Open our spiritual eyes. Sharpen our ability to discern the move our Your Spirit and to yield completely to what You desire.

Help Lord! Racial disunity has proliferated. Did we really think that laws would change hearts? You are the God who changes hearts. I beseech You. I come boldly —because of what Christ has done. You have given access to the Righteousness of Christ. So I come boldly...I come on behalf of this nation.
Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Your Word is clear. Give us a heart for those unlike us. Form us to be missionaries in our communities and equip us by Your Holy Spirit for this work. Embed it in our hearts and grant us a passion to act!

Raise up Your church to take a stand, through their actions! Raise up Your church, O God and equip us to demonstrate an ability to walk and see spiritually. Pour out Your Spirit (Holy Spirit come!), and pour out a passion to embrace and eliminate racial discrimination. Surely, You hate racial discrimination. Help us to hate it too.

Equip us! Again, I come boldly! Equip Your church to go beyond our comfort zone. Give us an intense desire to pull down the racial separation. Why are there black Baptist Churches and white ones, Hispanic churches and Indian, Syrian and Russian, Iranian, Chinese?

How can these walls and barriers come down? What do we need to make this move? Holy Spirit, make it so. We will be so uncomfortable...equip us to embrace discomfort, that we might have unity in Christ Jesus.

Bring Pastors together to begin solving this problem. Give them a vision to draw together their congregations to be unified by the Spirit.

We need equipping. We need hearts to be open to this vision. We need healthy curiosity and desire to understand beyond our comfort zones. We need words. O Father, You are the God who gave Your Word. Equip us, Holy Spirit, equip us. Pour out strength beyond our own.

Ready us with an outpouring of Your love.
John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Your love is sacrificial. May we sacrifice our prejudices. Only through You can this come about. Surely, we must surrender our fears, our senses to accomplish this. Show us what we must sacrifice, to accomplish unity. Father, we appeal to You to work through our hearts to submit to Your mandate that we love one another.

Teach us to pick up the whole armor that You have provided through Jesus Christ. Give us confidence in Your provision for our daily lives. Establish in our hearts that You will protect us. You will go before us. Encourage us that our courage may become an epidemic in Your church.

Holy Spirit, we need faith. We need the faith of God to move. Equip us, that we move swiftly and efficiently. May we rest each night knowing that we moved on every opportunity that came before us throughout each day.

...and that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Praying against the theft of the United States, guncontrol and debt

***Praying against the theft of the United States

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Great is Your Name over all the earth and greatly to be praised. You alone rule the earth, and yet You have, gracious God, given us the freedom of choice. You have given us freewill and You do not interfere with our choices.

Let all the earth praise the holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ who has set us free from the bondage of sin and death. Hallelujah! Hallelujah to His Name. Glory be unto God Almighty, for there is no other God who can stand.

Father, Your Word:
1 Samuel 12:13
“Now therefore behold the king whom ye have chosen, and whom ye have desired! and, behold, the LORD hath set a king over you.”
You gave us what we asked for. You gave us the ability to elect our government. You gave us what we desired and now we see the long-term consequences.

Thank You that we have been a blessed nation from the beginning. We proclaimed You as our God and You lavished blessings on us.

Yet, Father, I confess that we have turned from You in many ways, and it is obvious, as we consistently pass laws that are against the guidelines that You have set, that we have gone our own way.
  • – We no longer value You as our God, and took prayer out of schools and public forums.
  • – We no longer value life, and passed laws to legalize abortion.
  • – We no longer value Your marriage covenant, and legalized same-sex marriage.
  • – We no longer value Your model for family, and have redefined it to suit our desires.
  • – We no longer value Your desire for unity, and pursue division.
Forgive us, call us, individually, to repent.

  • – Thank You that You bring hope.
  • – Thank You that You bring hope because Jesus Christ paid for all our sins.
  • – Thank You that Jesus Christ is Truth! Oh, how we need Truth. Jesus Christ, You are Truth!
  • – Thank You for Your Word, that we can know who You are and understand Your character, Your countenance, Your hopes for us...and the things which You love and You hate.
  • – Thank You that You have prepared a way for us to be in Your presence.
  • – Thank You, Jesus Christ, that You rent the curtain in two and destroyed the barriers from our sin, that we may stand before the Holy God.
  • – All praise and glory to Your Name, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Living God.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Father, this nation is being stolen. Raise up Your church to pray:
Healthcare is becoming nationalized.
  • With it, the government will choose who may receive care.
    – Raise up creative people and position them to find and implement alternatives that would preserve the free market.
  • Healthcare has become an industry serving the greed of those who believe they can secure power and wealth.
    – Raise up those who would protect us. Raise up servants of the people.

Our government seeks to control our right to bear arms.
  • The school shootings have caused our youth to demand gun control.
    – Help us to see the unintended consequences of government control. You, O God, know the message that would bring reasonability to this matter.
    – Teach us to pray for the safety of our nation and our right to protect ourselves as provided by the Constitution.
  • This very action has great potential to cause our youth to be left at the mercy of those who seek to control the United States.
    – Grant us the words to communicate with our youth in ways that honor You and will protect them and their future.

Our government debt is out of control.
  • We are addicted to buying, having, and succumbing to our desires.
    – Please work in our minds and hearts to desire control over our spending.
  • Father, we do not control our personal debt.
    – Help us. Bring repentance, that we may set a contagious example in this nation.
  • Father, we have made "self-control" undesirable. We have lost control.
    – Bring us back. Awaken our sensibilities to the Holy Spirit. ...alas, we are so lost.

We cannot do this on our own.
Please send Your Spirit and teach us to walk in faith and action...
     ...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

A prayer for wisdom in US Foreign Policy: Syria, Russia, Israel, chemical weapons

***A prayer for wisdom in US Foreign Policy: Syria, Russia, Israel, chemical weapons Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
Psalm 2:1-5
1 Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Indeed, O God, the nations rage and I cannot make sense of any of it. But I know that Your purposes will not be thwarted. Your Word will stand and it will not return void. I stand on Your Word, which is forever.

I proclaim that You are my compass. Your Holy Spirit guides me. I claim John 16:13 that the Spirit of truth is come.

I ask this for all Americans, especially those oversees. I ask for truth in the thinking of the leaders of nations, especially:
  • President Trump
  • President Assad
  • President Putin
  • Prime Minister Netanyahu
  • President Rouhani
  • Prime Minister May
  • President Macron
You, Lord Jesus Christ are Truth. I seek truth and wisdom on how to pray. I seek Your Truth and wisdom for these men and those that advise them.

You, O God, hardened the heart of Pharaoh and turned him against the Israelites. You, O God, chose Babylon to take Israel captive, that Your purposes would be fulfilled. And You are the same, yesterday, today, and forever. You change not and in You alone I trust.

Please uphold the United States, to be honorable in foreign affairs. May we be honorable to You as You define it. We cannot do this of our own ability, but only by Your Spirit. I ask it.

Are we our brother's keeper? Are those in Syria our brothers?
Father, the complexity of international interactions is more than I can fathom. There is so much information, that I cannot tell what is true and what is not.

Change is happening so fast that I cannot keep up.

There has been so much deception by the media, that I do not know what or whom to trust. Where is truth?

Help Lord. Compel me and Your church to pray.

Call us forth to bring wisdom, self-control and strategic stealth to this situation, to honor You in all that is done.

Protect the innocent
Father, You know the innocent civilians that become "dispensable" as leaders consider their perceived long-term consequences. Protect the innocent. May Your presence be with them, upon them, and in them.

Comfort them, strengthen them, and assure them that You are there. Your faithfulness is sure in all things. May they turn to You and may their faith be strong.

The prophesy of Damascus
Father, as this unfolds, I cannot help but remember this prophesy, which is yet to come:
Isaiah 17:1
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
Please help us to be watchful and obedient, and to pray in accordance with Your Word, that our trust in You remains fundamental to our lives.

...and that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.