
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Election 2020: ...and having done all, to stand...

Ephesians 6:13
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

A call for the Bride of Christ to stand.

My Lord and my God…the evil day is upon us and it cannot be denied. Thank You for providing the complete battle armor so we can engage without fear. Thank You that in You is no darkness at all. Shine on us, Lord of the Harvest…

Father, in Your house, those that follow You, that are “Jesus-followers,” in the true Body of Christ - there are fence sitters! They sit in their chaise lounges …what are they watching? Are they looking to find a place of safety, or just enjoying the view! Father, the battle rages strong and it is no longer about the election. This is an all out war against Truth, against Righteousness…this is an all out battle against evil, which has stealthily crept upon us and infiltrated every aspect of our society.

Forgive us for sleeping. Wake those who fence sit. Open their eyes to the desperation of this moment in history. Open our eyes, give us understanding that this nation totters on the brink of destruction. O God, shout it from every corner. Sound the Call to Arms! Sound it deeply into the hearts of the fence-sitters! I cry unto You, that these are Your people. These are Your Church…and they have fallen asleep - forgive us.

There are those of us who are awake, give us the platform, the words and the audience to wake Your church up! Call on us - confirm to us that WE have an obligation to those in Christ! We have an obligation to tell our fellow believers in Christ that they must stand. They must rise up.

Raise up Your church as one. You are One! Father, Lord, and Spirit…You said it so clearly:
Genesis 1:26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion...
As You are One, incite Your church to rise up as one. Infuse us with a desire for unity and to bring the church together to fight in this battle for the existence of this nation.

I call on You, O God, to be jealous! You are a jealous God…are You jealous at what these people want to do to this nation? This is still “One nation under God.” YOU…the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I call upon You and ask for three things that only You can do:
  1. Call Your church to rise up, to gather together those that are still sleeping and those who sit on the side-lines watching what’s going on ….that they may see this is a battle not a game. That they would be invigorated to put on their armor and join the battle…that they would come before Your throne and petition You to bring back this nation…to stand for Righteousness.
  2. Call those in this nation who will stand for righteousness, to rise up under the protection of Your hand to move forward regarding this election. And to move forward to cleanse this land of the evil that infiltrates the society and the land itself.
  3. Cause those who have been manipulated, taught to hate, mislead, deceived, cheated, and lied to…who are being used (willingly!!!), by those who hate You, to take this nation down…cause their eyes to be opened and for them to repent and join forces against those who made them victims.
Only You can do these three things: raise up Your Church, and bring this nation back to You, and bring those who have been deceived to switch sides, and stand for Truth…that we may again be: One Nation Under God.

In the Name of Jesus’ and by His Righteousness,

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