
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Election 2020: Safety

Father, Lord and Holy Spirit,

Thank You for this nation and for the privilege to live here. I’m making a commitment to be a better steward of the freedoms that You have given us. Tonight I ask for safety on this process.

Please secure the people and their families, who are in the public eye and in the news, especially:
President Trump
Vice President Biden
Vice President Pense
Senator Kamala Harris
Governor Giuliani
Attorney Sydney Powell
Attorney Jenna Ellis
…and Hunter Biden too.
Father, people involved with this case are being harassed, they and their families are being threatened. Forgive us for tipping our hat to unreasonableness. Forgive us for allowing a loss of self control. We have exchanged reasonability for fear and emotion. Have mercy O God.

Father, the media, including the social media, is in an all out effort to subdue Truth. They are going to such great lengths to put down every comment with name calling and bullying. Jesus, You are Truth. Thank You. You cannot be subdued. I ask You to rise up through all this. You are our only hope as we have abandoned any desire to know the Truth. Forgive us for rejecting You.

The venomous responses to the law suits is frightening. It makes me cower inside. How can Your church be salt and light as we wade through the muck and mire of this situation? You have equipped us for battle. You give us armor in Ephesians 6:10-16. So we are to fight…but not against each other. Please lead us, guide us in our demeanor. Guide us to track down what is true and stand. You beckon us, You command us to stand against the wiles of the enemy. Direct our attention where we can best serve You.

Have mercy on our reporters. Do they have the light of Christ? Then how can they judge. The editors who determine what is printed, do they have the light of Christ? They seem to be under a delusion, calling good evil and evil good…just as You said. Show us, the Body of Christ - call us! Sound the trumpet to go to battle - on behalf of these deluded people. Call on us, Your Church - to call out lies. …which are from the father of lies…the devil. Steer our prayers against him! Father, many of Your church are ignorant because of the media which is covering up the news.

Burst forth! I ask for an explosion of Light! I ask for a light show! Expose the lies that are being perpetrated on the American people. Open the eyes of this nation to simply be logical and see that this is a movement bred out of panic. I ask they run out of steam.

The big tech companies are part of this because they have a lot to lose. Mr. Zuckerberg is pouring millions of dollars int the Georgia congressional races…I ask You overcome him. Please bring these manipulative, powerful, people down. I include Jack Dorsey. They are not interested in using all that You have given them for good. Have mercy on them and humble them - completely - that they may be draw close to You through the cross.

You are the God of Justice. We are at a crossroads….and even if we don’t want justice, it is for our good and Your glory. Rise up O God. As evidence is presented in these law suits, I ask for people who still have a moral compass with a true-north, to rise up. Give us courage to face what has happened and resolve to re-establish this nation as One Nation Under God.

Expose Dominion software… bring reasonability to those hearing. May people be aghast at the manipulation that has been committed. Pour out Truth and hearts to desire to know it on the law suits in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan.

Father, the reporters are incredibly disrespectful to President Trump. They have been taught to hate him. It is truly uncanny….as in the days of Noah? Please touch them: their eyes and their hearts…turn them to the right. May there be civil exchanges.

President Trump has been remarkable through this. Hold him steady. Teach hi to pray. Capture his heart as he cries out to You. Bring Him to You. Please embrace him and hold him strong as he faces this barrage of the enemy.

Hold us strong, O God of Truth, Our Savior and Redeemer...

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