
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Hope instead of shame —loving the USA...prayers of my heart

Hope instead of shame —loving the USA...prayers of my heart

Please pray with me.

Heavenly Father,
I love this nation: The United States of America. The USA, where You have placed me. I am grateful beyond words that I live here and have the freedoms that have blessed this nation. So many people have poured out their very life for the freedoms that I enjoy each day.

You have blessed this nation far more than any other nation on the earth. You have given us a quality of life that exceeds all other nations. I give You thanks.

Yet, we have turned from You. We have enjoyed he bounty of Your gracious favor. You have piled up mountains of blessings upon this nation. You have provided for our physical needs, including healthcare and the technologies that put our nation above every nation.

You have provided a quality of food that is better than all the nations of the earth. You have provided for our intellectual growth and given us education that is the desire of the world. Because of the protection of Your hand, we have enjoyed freedom of speech and the freedom to worship. We worship You openly and without threat of arrest and torment.

Your unceasing blessings have poured out upon this nation for centuries. Thank You.

Yet, in our opulence, stuffing ourselves with the blessings from Your hand and heart, we have turned from You. We have credited ourselves as the author of these blessings. We have forgotten You. We have turned from You. We, Your church, have stood by silently, as the very freedoms You have given us, are, one-by-one, being taken away.

We have watched as the spirit of anti-christ has grown strong. Have mercy and forgive us. Waken Your church to vehemently stand and resist the forces that threaten this nation. Fill Your Church with Your love and compassion. Grant us words that strengthen each other and dissipate the wrath that has grown to openly deny You.

Father, this nation now embraces death through abortion. We call good evil and evil good as Christians are attacked for standing for Your Word. Freedom of speech for Christians is no more. And we are silent.

Cleanse us and raise us up in strength! May we throw off the fear and stand boldly before Your throne of grace to intercede for those who embrace the convenience of abortion and believe they have the right to take the life of an unborn child. Father, I am ashamed that this has gone so far. O God...YOU are our hope...for the battle is not against flesh and blood.

Father, we have been silent as marriage has been redefined. Even in Your church, we are embracing what You specifically abhor. Call us to prayer. As this nation uses the freewill You gave us, to embrace our fleshly desires...have mercy, O God.

Raise up Your church to pray fervently on behalf of those who have been caught in the lair of the enemy. Let us stand in the gap for this nation, that Your patience not run dry. Fill us with Your Word, and a hunger and thirst to petition You on behalf of those who are used by the enemy to establish evil as good. O God...YOU are our hope...for the battle is not against flesh and blood.

Draw Your church to be ashamed of our laxness in these matters. Raise up Your Spirit to speak to our spirit that we may cry our before You, ashamed that we have not diligently prayed for this nation as laws have been changed, as You have been pushed out of the way. You are our only hope...for the battle is not against flesh and blood.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Romans 10:11
For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
Draw us to confess. Bring Your church to confession. Heap upon our minds and hearts, that we have been grievous in our responsibilities. Remind us that we are the ones that can bring change because this is not a battle against flesh and blood. Bring us to confess and repent.

Open our eyes to see the shame that has saturated our culture. Raise up Your Word that we may have hope. Strengthen us, and equip us to be the Light of Jesus Christ in every part of our daily walk. And may our testimony be so inviting that all who would be saved, would come to Salvation.

Help us. Raise us up. That we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In Jesus' Name

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcast. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance, consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Giving Thanks for and Speaking Well of the USA ...the prayers of one sinner

*** Giving Thanks for and Speaking Well of the USA ...the prayers of one sinner

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Thank You that I live in the United States of America. I thank You for the freedoms that have been so hard won.

Yet, with these freedoms, especially the freedom of speech, we have become a nation of complainers. We have become critical of everything that doesn't fit our narrow view and desires of the moment.

Criticism, especially of the nation and our leaders, has become a way of life. I have done this. Please forgive me. Please forgive us and call us to repent.

Your Word:
Ezekiel 36:3,15
Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Because they have made you desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are an infamy of the people:

15 Neither will I cause men to hear in thee the shame of the heathen any more, neither shalt thou bear the reproach of the people any more, neither shalt thou cause thy nations to fall any more, saith the Lord God.
When Israel became a nation of negative critcizers, desolation followed. But when they ceased their negative chatter, you caused restoration. Father, we need Your help today, in the USA to join together and put away unkind, unhelpful chatter. Please help me to do this.

Especially since the election of President Trump, this nation has released a torrent of daily, persistent, and judgemental disapproval. It has been directed at President Trump and Republicans or those who oppose him and the Republican party.

We do this as if we are making the world a better place by spewing out this deluge of reactive waste. Please help us. Please open our eyes to see that we are being critical of Your chosen, for Your Word says:
Daniel 2:21
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
Father, it seems like it is a fight between nationalism and globalism. Yet, nationalism is YOUR idea. We are opposing YOU and we are also disobedient to Your Word which says,
1 Timothy 2:1-3
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
This is to our shame. Open our eyes to see this egregious behavior. Call us to confess and repent.

Surely, all this negative talk releases spiritual forces into and onto our nation. We aren't thinking about the result of our actions. We are bringing harm to the USA by our persistent negativity. Please call us to repent.

Father, how much of this is being done by Your church? We seem to be especially good at criticism. We seem to slide into the robe of "I'm holy and righteous because I am critical." We confuse criticism with discernment.

Please call us to repent:
  • Our negative talk brings a heavy burden on leaders and law enforcement.
  • Our cynical negative attitudes creates an atmosphere of pessimism which is affecting our economy.
  • We have created an atmosphere of bitterness, rivalry and hatred that has descended upon this nation.
So much needs to be changed here in the United States. But negativity will not change any of them. Open our hearts to understand Your Word. Call Your church to counter this road to destruction and become part of the solution.

Help us turn from negativity and arrogance and learn that speaking well is to be realistic with regard to our safety, our economy and well being. Call Your church to be salt. Call this nation again to be light.

Call us all to Christ, that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In Jesus’ Name.

Please add your anonymous prayers at the end of this blog and consider this profound video by Derek Prince:

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcast. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance, consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Veterans Day Prayers and for the US Military

*** Praying for US Veterans and the US Military

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Your Word:
John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

' Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Father, this nation has been at war for decades. Only You know the long-standing results. One thing is clear: these men and women have committed their very lives to protect this nation. I thank You for them.

Thank You for their valor, their sacrifice, and ask Your mercy on their woundedness and pain. Many are now veterans, some disabled physically, some emotionally...and usually for the remainder of their lives. Bless them for heir service, bless their families with unconditional love, and may they see value in their service.

For those with long-lasting pain:
These people will never forget what they experienced: loss of family, loss of treasured friends, loss of health (physical and mental), loss of limbs...the list is endless and no matter how long it becomes, it will only touch a small fraction of the loss that has been suffered.

Have mercy on our military and our veterans.

They gave their time and lives, they gave up their families. Father, these men and women sacrificed to maintain those values that You uphold. Especially freedom. Jesus You came to set the captives free. These men and women go to do the same. They go to preserve our freedom and maintain our freedom to worship You. Uphold them. Upgird them.

Families who have lost loved ones still suffer. Veterans who are struggle to return to civilian life experience daily loss. Those who have lost arms, legs, vision, health... struggle daily because they loved and fought for my freedom. I am so grateful.

I thank You for them, I thank them, and I ask Your mercy and strength to them and their families. Help them to find joy in each day. Bring them relief from their pain and the agony of their remembrances. Have mercy on them O God.

You understand the sacrifice that every serviceman and woman, every family, every friend has made. You are a God of sacrifice. Embrace each person in a unique way to fill the specific needs of each day.

For their families (spouses, children, parents):
You alone know the sacrifice that families have and continue to make as military families. Father have been involved in wars since the beginning and You alone know all the horrors that war brings. You know each family. You know the thoughts of each spouse, each child, each parent.

You are the God who is there...You cry with them, You hurt with them. May Your understanding of sacrifice be a comfort to them.

Embrace them in the loneliness of their thoughts each day, and may they be aware of Your presence and find comfort.

Father, these people have been loyal to principles that You uphold and I ask Your special mercy on them. Only You O God can truly understand them. Draw close and draw them close to You. May Your healing touch be undeniable.

For those deployed:
For our military now fighting the wars "over there"... may we "over here" be cognizant that we are at war and brave men and women are fighting on our behalf.

Call us to attention and call us pray for them.

Give these soldiers and every military leader uncanny insight to fight the battle. Grant strategic planning to those who make decisions. Cause the correct "intelligence" to reach those who define engagement so that this nation may again be secure.

Father, our armed forces have been ignored over the last years. Give us insight to rebuild. These brave men and women, driven by a desire for a free nation, need the best military equipment, the best military minds, and the best morale—to do the work of each day. I ask for it!

I ask that this nation quickly turn from a lax mindset and become sober, managing our resources with a priority that elevates the needs of our military.

For national defense:
Father, have mercy on our nation. I petition You that we return the place where Your blessings can again flow freely. Please pour out a spirit of repentance over this nation. Please bring us, each of us, to an understanding of sacrifice. Bring each person in this nation to deep gratitude for these men and women.

Move us to pray for our military leaders that through Your hand, we can again be a nation of might, that fights for right—as You define it.

My we salute our military and may this nation again...rejoice in You alone.

In Jesus’ Name.

Please add your anonymous prayers at the end of this blog.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. They are offered in good faith that others may find them helpful in their prayer life and that the Church of Jesus Christ may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

For encouragement and guidance, consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Terror In NYC, Terror in the USA... the prayers of one sinner

***Terror In NYC, Terror in the USA... the prayers of one sinner

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Your Word:
Isaiah 1:4, 15, 18-20
4 Ah sinful nation a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.

18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
Thanksgiving and Confession:
Thank You that in You there is safety. As our nation loses its ability to remain safe, may we turn to You and find truth about our condition. Thank You that You are always there in time of need and in time of plenty. You neither slumber nor sleep. You have blessed us throughout our history and we have become great. Thank You.

We have also become lax, and we have elevated ourselves to a place of false wisdom. We have turned from You and raised ourselves up. We have turned from Your Word and gone our own way. Forgive us, humble us, and bring us back to obedience to You.

Hear our cry:
Though You never slumber or sleep, there are times when You do not hear our cry. We have become a rebellious people. We redefine whatever suits our imagination and call it good. We deserve Your judgement and Your wrath. Yet, Father, did You not say You would spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were 10 righteous people there? You did! You are a God of mercy and You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Please raise up the righteous in Christ, our only hope. Please call us to Your throne of grace and teach us to put away the evil that has saturated our nation. Teach us to put on the whole armor of God, given to us for such a time as this!

Terror in the streets of NYC:
Many people ask "Where were You?" But You are omnipresent and You were there. You know what has happened, and You know the grief and the horror that remains. Many are reeling from the incident. Our technology allows us all to be a part.

I ask that:
  • Your people rise up on behalf of those directly involved with this.
  • Those with immediate outreach a presence to those who are directly affected.
  • You grant them helpful actions, helpful words.
  • These people be the presence of Christ in this situation.
Father, many people will be reeling for the remainder of their lives and they will be dealing with the loss, which is so great. I plead Your mercy for them.

Terror in USA:
Father, we are slowly learning that our perception of safety, which You have provided in this nation, is no longer reality. We are slowly learning that we cannot know if we are living our last day when we leave our homes. Fear, is slowly gripping our nation.

We need Your perspective. We need to cling to You. May this be a wake-up call in this nation. May this be the beginning of a concerted effort to turn to You and turn from our evil ways. May we again be responsible for our actions and cleanse our lands. May each person commit to seeking Your will. May we again become an obedient people. Help us Lord, for without You, we are gone.

Are we willing to learn?
The entire nation is a part of this incident and even the world. May Truth rise up. Are we learning? Are we wiser? Are we realizing that we cannot be safe anywhere we go? Are we learning that You only alone are safety? Are we learning that You have blessed us as we put our trust in You and now that we have turned from You, Your hedge has been lifted? Help Lord! Help us make the connection between our rebellion and our safety. Help us.

Are we willing to You?
Where will we turn - will we turn back to You are move forward in our rebellion and dig ourselves deeper into the depths of sin? Father, I have been a part of this. I have been disobedient when You commanded that I pray for those in authority. I am as much to blame as the next person. I have not turned to You for help as this nation made choices that were directly rebellious to Your Word.

I turn to You. You have helped me to better understand, confess, and repent of my sin. Thank You. I know that You are helping others to do the same and in this there is hope. As evil prevails and we, Your church, have the weapons of this warfare; may we wield them to Your glory. Train us up to fight this battle.

May this nation again...rejoice in You alone.

In Jesus’ Name.

Please add your anonymous prayers at the end of this blog.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. They are offered in good faith that others may find them helpful in their prayer life and that the Church of Jesus Christ may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

For encouragement and guidance, consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.