
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Under seige, Psalm 55

Lord God Most High,

You are the God who listens and hears. You hear deeply. You go past the words and to the hearts and minds of those who seek You. You are the God who reveals Himself and does not hide. Hear my plea!

Answer me, O God who is merciful.

Panic surrounds this nation. The enemy shouts loudly, the wicked oppress and trouble is heaped on trouble and they angerly torment us... And Your people shudder.

Our hearts pound within us. Anguish surrounds us. The terroro fo death press down on us because we are Your people. Fear and trembling overwhel us and horror permeats every cell.

Oh that we had wings like a dove and could fly away and find rest.

You, O God are our rest. You protect us from the raging wind and storm. You are our Stong Tower.

God of mercy and grace, confuse and confound the speech of the wicked. Their violence and fighting continue in the cities, O GOD, it continues in their hearts and it overwhelms Your people. Day and night the eneimies of Your people move swiftly to bring malice and mischief. THey bring ruin and oppression. Fraud is everywhere!

Division threatens every good thing.
  • Family member against family member
  • Teachers against parents
  • Racial division
  • Political division
  • Gender and marriage
  • Rich and poor
  • Global and national allegiance

Indeed, it is the enemy who has brought insult and swayed and defrauded this nation. We should have expected this from the adversary and been proactive. We didn't.

Our friends have turned from us. Companions defy us. Even church friends are deceiptful. We used to be friends. We used to be neighbors. Now we embrace division. Forgive us.

Bring them back us! Let us refrain from division! Let us come together in the Spirit for the sake of Jesus' salvation that waits for us, pleading that we find Him and receive His gift of salvation.

O God, for those who will never change; please take them out. I call on You to save us.

Every day, all day I complain to You and moan. I know You hear me. Thank You. You redeem me and You give me peace. You hear and humble those who fought me.

Grant us discernment when their words sound smooth as butter, but their hearts are at war. Grant thouse who would follow you to find Your sustenance. Do not permit us to be moved, for we come in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Bring down Your enemy O Lord, Down to the deepest pit. Cause those who are bloodthirsty and treacherous and who will not bend their knee now, to be removed.

I come. Your child. Hear my prayer.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Betrayal at every turn. Psalm 54

Deliverer of Your people! God of all presence. God who misses nothing that happens on Your people, Your creation.

You are a consumate God. You encompass all knowledge. You know all that is from before there was creation, YOU were there. You have always been there and You will always be. Nothing escapes You...nothing.

You are in every particle of the creation You brought forth. All that we know encompases You. You are not "miss-able." We cannot miss You! You have been proclaimed in every particle that exists. You are moe than we can comprehend. You alone are God.

You are God and You deliver for Your Name's sake. Your power cannot be exhausted: You vindicate those who come in faith and fall upon Your mercy. Praise be to Your Name.

Hear my prayer, for foreigners rise against me. Violence is on every side and they seek the life of those who follow Yeshua. They do not believe You see. But I know differently.


You are the God who helps me when I call. I'm calling.
You are the God who supports me in each trial. ...the trials are upon me.

You see those who are clearly pushing evil; those who lie in wait. They secretely hide in their treachery and blame their evil deeds on those who love You.

In Your faithfulness You destroy them! Thank You that You have taken hold of vengeance, made it Your own, and You exercise it in beauty and love for those who look to You in faith. I'm looking.

O God who destroys evil, I call upon You for evil surrounds me on every side. I put my trust in You.

I sacrifece the desires of my heart and submit to Your will. You, O God reign in my heart, soul, mind, and spirit. Hear my call. Hear my cry. Only You can save.

Praise be to Your Name. Adonai.
  • Your Name is good.
  • You alone are worthy to be praised.
  • You rescue me from trouble.

My eyes are on You and You alone.
You will triumph!

I raise my Hallelujah to You: the One True and Living God.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Evil prevails, will they learn? (Psalm 53)

One True and Living God,
How wonderful to come before Your presence.
You encourage me to do so, because Your care for me is whole, full, and nothing about me escapes Your protection.
  • Thank You for Your care;
  • Your interest;
  • Your attention to the actions going on in the world.
You do attend to everything said, and even every thought. People's actions do not escape You for have known these things since the creation.

So many people are clustered together. They tell themselves and they tell each other "There is no God."

They are depraved. Their deeds are vile and no one does what is good.

You know O God. You look out from heaven and You see all of us. Are there any in the human race that is wise? Are all corrupt?

Lord God, will the doers of God ever learn? They devour Your people and think they are great. They never call upon You. They deny You exist and they have become ther own gods. They trust in themselves.

Their future will come quickly when they are gripped with terror. They are not afraid now, but when You show them that You ARE the Lord, they will be gripped with terror. You will scatter their bones. Their end is in Your hands. You will besiege them and You will put them to shame. They will not escape for You have rejected them.

If only salvation through Christ would come into their hearts.
You, O God, will restore Israel. They will know that You are God and we will celebrate.

Yeshua, You are our salvation and in You we put our hope. In You is gladness.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America. American churches,American Youth,Disaster Prayers,Education,Furnace Prayers, Global Prayers,Jeremiah Prayers, Leaders/Decision Makers,Pastor Prayers, Prayers of my heart,Prayers of one sinner,Preparation Prayers,Sanctity of Life,United States American churches, Furnace Prayers, Global Prayers, Leaders/Decision Makers, Pastor Prayers, Prayers of my heart, Prayers of one sinner, Preparation Prayers, Sanctity of Life, United States -->

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Betrayed, Psalm 52

Betrayed, Psalm 52 Oh God, Righteous God, Purveyor of grace, mercy, and vengence.

Hear my prayer, as the evil in the world rises up. They boast of their vanity. They call themselves the "elite" ...but YOU, God of the Ages, YOU alone are significant. You alone are the Creater and You alone control the world.

Did kings go to battle without Your knowledge? Was Nebuchanezzer Your servant? Did You proclaim the destruction of Tyre, Egypt, Lebanon?

Were You the God who sent Israel into judgement in Babylon for 70 years? And did You send Joseph ahead, as a slave, into Egypt, that all Israel would be saved?

You are God. There is none beside You. All nations will be jduged by You. All people will bend the kneww before Jesus Christ, Your only begotten Son, and to whom You have given all power.

Your mercy is present every day to those who put their faith in You. There is no reason for the evil one and those who serve him to boast in their evil or enjly their power, for You O God, laugh at their folly.

THeir tongue is as sharp as a razor. They plot destruction and work deception every day. In their arrogance, they believe they can control the world: the climate, the crops, the food supply, and finance.

O God, they have made up their own religion of "climate change" and they are desicrating the food supply world wide to get rid of those whom You have brought forth. They even want to reform those You have made in Your image into "Human 2.0."

They love evil and control more than good. They lie in every word they say. They love to demolish people and subdue them, and take their dignity as they torment them mentally, emotionally, and fill them with fear.

Strike them down O GOd. Sieze them and pluck them from the earth. Uproot them from the land of the living.

Will You do this publically, that the righteous can see and rejoice. They trust in their own wealth and steal from You and those who follow You. Have mercy O God and do not tarry.

Place us in the house of our God. We put our trust in You. Let our praise rise up as a generous, fulfilling and satisfying gift before Your throne.

We put our hope in You. In Your Name, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Have mercy on Your faithful this day.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Prayer for world leaders (Psalm 51)

God of grace, full of mercy, full of compassion.
All sin is against You alone. Have mercy on leadership that strives to follow Your ordinances.

Crimes are great. Consequences are ubiquitous.

Will You consider washing away the guilt which permeates the land? Will You cleanse the land from the evil that prevails? Do the leaders know their sin and do they have a heart to repent?

Truly, against You only are these sins committed, yet the land perishes from the non-stop fallout that comes forth.

Will You accuse these leaders of their evil? Will You prick their hearts and minds, that they may repent? Or is passing sentence the prevailing end?

You know, O God. Your judgements are sure and You are justified in passing sentence.

All were born guilty, even from conception. Yet You have placed truth and desire for truth within each of us. We have an inner need to worship and only You are worthy.

Are the leaders capable of the wisdom from above? Would they acknowledge it? Or are they past the point and given to delusion that they are god? Have mercy.

For those who would hear You, cleanse them, wash them, that they may be whiter than snow. Open their ears that they may hear the sound of joy and gladness that only You can offer. Must their bones be crushed that they may see Truth? Then let it be so.

Align our hearts with Your Truth that You can turn Your face from our sins. The crimes are many. even crimes against humanity. Your humanity. Rise up O God. Save those who would be saved. Remove those who reject You.

Who would have a clean heart, if one were offered? Who would receive a right and resolute spirit? Bring those people into Your presence and don't deny them Your Ruach Kodesh.

Restore to those in You, the joy of Your salvation and uphold them with a strengthened wlling spirit. If they teach the wicked Your ways, are there sinners who would turn to You?

Rescue Your own from the guilt of shedding blood. God! God of our salvation. Lift us up.

We will sing of You gracious righteousness. Open our lips that our mouth may praise You.

We have nothing to sacrifice that has any meaning to You. There are no offereings that You need. But please receive the broken spirit from those who follow after You. Receive our chastened hearts into Your presence.

In Your good pleasure, bring prosperity to our hearts that we may be pleasing to You.

I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, when You bring all things before You.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

The wicked shall not prevail (Psalm 49)

Hear ye, hear ye.
Listen, all people on the earth!

A call to all, low or high, rich or poor. You are called this day.
Hear the wisdom from on high. Hear the wisdom of the Lord. Listen to gain understanding.

God, Almighty God is speaking to you. Hear to the sound of music.

Why should there be fear in the days that bring trouble?
Why should there be fear when evil surrounds us?
Evil comes from those who rely on their wealth and boast about how rich they are... does it frighten you?

Can anyone redeem his brother or pay a ransom to God for his life?
For the price is too high.
There is no way for you to cause your brother to live on eternally.

Judgement comes. Many will see the pit.

Their riches are nothing. They cannot buy life. They have their schemes and have convinced themselves that they are gods. They can bring forth life. Their schemes are falsehoods. They are deluded with lies and they proclaim themselves gods based on lies from the pit of hell.

They have partnered with the Father of Lies, Satan. They worship him without knowing. For he has convinced them to do his evil work and they have given their hearts over to evil.

They think their wealth makes them powerful, and that they have power over life; but their lives will be called in due time. They will not escape the judgement to which all men are called.

Truly, their corrupt estates will be dust and blown away by a slight wisp of wind. They are the manner of the foolish. Their time is limited. They are destined for Sh'ol, where they will waste away. They will have no dwelling, but their agony shall never cease.

Those who have been redeemed by Messiah will be received into heaven.

Don't be afraid of the rich and wealthy. They can't take it with him. They may seem happy in their control, but it is fleeting. He will join his ancestors and never see the light again.

They fail to grasp that, like animals, they will die. They will not be "Humans 2.0." Their delusion only distracts them from truth.

Take heart. Our God is the One True God. He redeems those in Christ Jesus: Yeshua Hamashiach. Praise His Name. In Him is salvation. Stand strong and proclaim His redemptive work on the cross... He did it for you. Embrace His love for you and receive your salvation today.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Court is in session. All rise. (Psalm 50)

The Mighty One, God Almighty, is speaking and summons the world from east to west. Out of Zion, Almighty God, the perfection of beauty, shines forth and calls the earth to attention.

Our God is coming and He will not remain silent. Fire devours at His command. It clears the path ahead of Him and storms rage around Him. He calls to the heavens above and the earth, and He comes to judge His people.

His command is heard over all the earth, "Gather to me my faithful. Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice, Come!"

The heavens proclaim His righteousness and none can deny Him. God, Himself is Judge. He is just and He alone proclaims Justice.


Listen, for God is testifying against you:
Your sacrifices are stale before Me. I have no need of anything you can bring. Your sacrifices and offerings mean nothing to Me.

Do you not know that I am the Creator and All things exist at my order. All the animals are mine. All that you bring to me is mine already. It has always been mine. I have no need of your simple gifts.

Offer thanksgiving from your heart as your sacrifice to Me. Be faithful to your allegiance to Me. These are meaningful. Call on Me when you are in trouble and I will deliver you.

If you will honor Me in your heart, and raise Me up and have no other gods before Me, then I will answer you in your time of trouble. I will deliver you for you honor Me.

But to the wicked, the Almighty God says:
What right do you have to proclaim my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You take My instruction and fling it behind you. You ignore my laws that are meant to protect you.

When you see evil, you join in. You partner with the thief, the desire to mock Me and flagrantly lift your voice and intentions to spit in My face. You give your mouth free rein for evil.

Your hearts are intentionally directed toward deceit.

Should I remain silent? Do you think I am unaware? ...or too busy? Perhaps you thought you are like Me and come as a valid adversary.

Know this: I will rebuke you and indict you to your face. I will do this thing before the world.

Whoever offers thanksgiving –his sacrifices honors Me. To him who goes the right way, to him, will show my salvation.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A petition for safety for heads of states (Psalm 4)

O God who lives, my God,
Hear me when I call.

You are the God of righteousness. You know my going out and my coming in. You have uplifted me in times of distress. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer.

The world has turned Your glory into shame. They loathe all that You have said and they intentionally feed the rebellion of all that You stand for. The world is chasing its own vanity and laughs haughtily at Your Word.

Yet, O God, there are those of us who petition You on behalf of this nation and on behalf of this world, which has gone astray. There are those in whom You have created a clean heart...O God who is Truth, hear our prayers.

We come, offering the offering of obedience. We bring the righteousness of Jesus Christ with us, for we know we have none of our own. We come. We stand in awe. We cannot look upon Your purity, Your righteousness, Your sovereign authority. We can only be silent before You.

You have set us apart. O God, hear our prayer. We ask, not because we deserve Your attention, but becuase we are Your children and because You have beconned us to do so.

So many doubt You. And many who know You are looking, they scorn You and spit on Your ways, knowing that You are looking. Their haughtyness is their delight.

O God, have mercy.

I come, asking Your attention on the gathering on Monday. So many heads of states. O God, please protect them from mischevious ploys.

Lift up the light of Your countenance, that they may see and know You are God. May the encounter be undeniable, that those who would, come forth in belief.

You have put gladness in my heart, for You are sovereign. Nothing can change it. I place this in Your hands with my request and ask these people may, at this time, dwell in safety.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, who hears the petition of His servant.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Claim Your Village

Where is your village? Have you claimed it? God has given you a village and He expects us to care for our village.

Rise up neighbor. The time is upon us. How many times are we told about Jesus, "...for His time was not yet come." Jesus meticulously put everything in place so the Scriptures would be fulfilled. He told us, "I have come to fulfill the Scriptures." Yes? So at the right time, everything was in place.

He also told us what would happen in the last days: Right would be wrong; wrong would be right. Are we there yet? What about, "Everyone will do what is right in his own mind." ...are we there now? What abnout, "The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few."

Where are you? Rise up O Church of God. Bride of Christ rise up. The harvest awaits. Adorn yourslef with the dress of salvation and move amongst the sheaves. Bring them in! Bring them in!

Re there wars and rumors of wars? We are there.
Is nation against nation? We are there.
Is there pestilence and disease? We are there.

Rise up. Pray for your neighbors. Tell them the Gospel. Entice them to know the Good News. Live a life that brings questions from those around you. ...that the Gospel may be spoken. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Is your life noisy enough to attract attention? Are people asking..."What's with her? She isn't afraid." ...or... "Why aren't you concerned?

O Body of Christ, He is at the door. Have you fulfilled everything He has given you to do? Are you ready to stand before Him? Grab your Bible; run into the fields; proclaim the Good News!

Everyone needs some Good News today! Some may not want it –but that isn't your problem! Let us go forth in great ferverence and tell anyone who will listen that today is the day of their salvation!

Amen and Amen.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America. Preparation Prayers,Global Prayers,Provision Prayers,United States,Disaster Prayers,Prayers of one sinner,Furnace Prayers,Prayers of my heart,Jeremiah Prayers,

God is faithful, praise Him! (Psalm 47)

God is faithful. He cannot fail His chosen.
I clap my hands, for His will cannot be dismissed. His truth is everlasting, and His Word is established forever! Clap your hands, all ye people! Clap your hands and raise your voice to the God of your salvation!

Shout! Shout out to God whose care for you has never diminsihed. He has brought every prophecy to reality. You have seen it in your history. You have witnessed it in the Books. He is faithful. Shout to the world, Adonai is faithful.

Shout to your own soul. Take refuge in Him, for His truth is sure to every generation. He will not fail you. Hi si faithful!

He is great over all the earth. It is His earth! He chooses the rulers of the nations. He deterines the longevity of the earth. He chooses our heritage and He puts all nations under His feet. Hallelujah!

Awake! Those who believe in the One True and Living God. Awake! Arise! Shout! For He hears Your voice and You are the Apple of His eye. This cannot change, for He hasw made You His covenant and He has sworn by Himself. He will fulfill all that He has written. Arise! Awake! Draw near to Your God.

Shout aclaim to the One True God!
Shout glory to His Name!
Acclaim Him as the True and Living God!
Rise up, O ye people!
Sing praises to God!
Sing praises!
Sing praises to our King, sing praises.

God is King over all the earth!
The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof!
This is truth! He is Truth!
He is mercy! His mercy is everlasting!
Sing to the Lord God of Heaven.

God rules the nations!
He sits on His holy throne.
THe leaders of the people gather to bring glory to His Name! He rules forever!

Do not be decieved!
Do not be dismayed!
Turn to Your God who lives forever!

Gather together to behold the Lord Your God.
He sits on His holy throne and judgement of the nations awaits.
Rise up, Rise up O Israel. For Your God is listening.

Know ye this:
All the rulers of the earth belong to God alone!
He does not share His glory.
He alone is exalted on high.

God is faithful! Maranatha!


***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Monday, September 12, 2022

My help in time of trouble (Psalm 46)

O God who is faithful,

I come and petition You. The land has turned against You. People seek every possible way to refute Your power. All the day long they inspire each other to find ways to torment those of us who honore You.

But You are our refuge and strength. You are an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore I am unafraid. I need not fear. If they have their way, the earth will give way and the mountains will tumble. They are haughty and believe they have complete control. Yet You are omnipotent. They do not consider this because they cannot acknowledge Your existence. But their ignorance does not change the facts.

Nothing is outside of Your purview. Nothing is beyond Your power. THe mountains my tumble into the sea, and waters may rage and foam. The mountains may shake - but it is all at Your Word and Your desire.

THere is a river whose streams gladden the city of God. Oh how I look forward to being there... Your holy habitation.

You are in the city. It will not be moved. You are its help and salvation.

Nations are in turmoil, kingdoms are moved. Your voice thunders forth and Your earth melts away.

You are with us. You are our fortres You are God. Let all the earth keep silence.

COME...see the works of our God...the God of Heaven and Earth. See the astounding creation of the One True and Living God! Behold the earth and all that is therein. Rehearse all that He has done, His many astounding deeds.

Do you not believe - COME and see. The ends of the earth obey His voice. All things are under His feet. He is supreme over the nations and over the earth.

I will not let my heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. God is with me and for me. Of whom shall I be afraid?



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Maranatha! The Marriage Supper Awaits (Psalm 45)

Lord of Lords, and King of Kings,

Here is a proclamation of Your Marriage...yes? A foretaste of what a man could imagine.

Lord, You ARE the most handsome of men, though I have never seen You. Your beauty transcends my imagination. Your voice is gracious to me and Your blessings are unceasing. Worship is the only response I can imagine.

Your sword is at the ready and proclaims Your splendor and majesty. You are Truth. Your splendor supercedes the imagination of mere mortals.

Your meekness, mildness, gentleness magnify Your righteousness which covers those who believe. Your right hand teaches those who follow. Your arrows comfort and protect us. No one is outside Your awareness. No one hides their deeds, for You look deep into the thoughts and hearts of all men.

Your throne is forever and You rule with equity. Your love of righteousness and hatred of wickedness brings peace to Your kingdom. You are the Son of David, You are the annointed One, You are Messiah.

You stand ready, awaiting the Father's nod to call us to Yourself. Maranatha.

Bring out the instruments! Tune the voice of the throngs....hearts make ready and don the wedding garb, for the King is coming. Yes, He is coming for His own.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

God is faithful (Psalm 44)

God of Heaven and Earth, Creator, Savior, our help in time of need.

Hear my feeble prayer.

In times past, You have heard our cries and come to our aid. You established this nation and protected us for the testimony we could have as "One Nation Under God." History told the story of Your grace and mercy on us.

The health and prosperity of this nation was not from our own hands. Our might did not bring us victory, but it was Your right hand, Your arm and the light of Your face. We prospered because of Your favor.

Through You, or foes were pushed away, through Your Name our assailants were ovecome. It was You, all along, who saved us from our adversaries and You put to shame those who hate us.

Thanks be to Your Name forever and ever.

Yet, now, by our own desires, we have been thruse aside and we are disgraced among the nations. We have run from our enemies and hide and grovel at their beck and call. We are like sheep to be eaten and scattered.

We are not worth a pittance and we do not give You the glory for all that is from Your hand. We have scorned You and now we are scorned. We are mocked by our neighbors because we have mocked You time and again.

We are disgraced. Shame covers us. Have we forgotten You. I have not fogotten. Others bow before Your throne. They have not forgotten You. Our hearts continue to turn towards You O God and we have not bent our hearts to foreign gods. You know.

Wak up, O God who brought us forth. Wake up and do not turn Your back on us forever. Again turn Your face towards us. We see the irreverence this land has for Youa dn Your Word. But You are a God of mercy. Have mercy on us once again.

Come and help us!
For the sake of Your grace!, redeem us!



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Plea for mercy from a faithless nation (Psalm 43)

O God, my God,

You are the eternal Judge. Your judgements are sure and trustworthy. Plead my cause against a godless and faithless nation.

Those who trust in You are become the targets of those who have seized control. You choose the leaders of a nation. Is our current leader Your judgement against the United States...which is no longer united?

They emand that we be silenced. It is not us they detest, but You. Defamation, jeering, rebellious slander are their daily offering. I plead our case before Your throne of grace.
  • You are the God who strengthens; do not thrust us aside.
  • Protect us from the pressure of the enemy that we may hold strong.
  • Send Your light to shine brightly within us.
  • You are Truth...pour out Your Truth upon us and through us.
  • Guide us, O God of our salvation, that others may see Truth and find Your salvation to make it their own.
God of our salvation, have mercy on those who defy You. Aren't they tools of Your enemy? So many have been duped. They are being used to fight the battle against Truth, against You.

Rist up O God of Truth. Lead us to Your Holy mountain. Establish us before Your throne thatothers, who have been deceived, may see Truth, repent, and find life from You, the Giver of Life.

You are our joy and delight. You are the Way. Strengthen us to follow You. Open our ears to hear Your Word. Open our eyes to see the Way and walk in it. O God, my God, have pity on this nation and raise it up in the fulness of Your Light.

Raise up praise and glory to Yourself for the work You have performed. Use us, those whom You strengthen to serve and provlaim Your faithfulness. Set a song in our hearts and grant us an audience to proclaim that You are the only One True and Living God.

I put my hope in You alone and I will praise You through each day, for You are my Savior and my God.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Longing for God. Has He forsaken us? (Psalm 42)

O God, my God,
Hear me when I call.

As the deer longs for te running streams, my soul longs for You.
I am thirsty for You. I am thirsty for the living God! When can I come and appear before You?

My tears fall witout ceasing. Day and night they are my food. People ask me, "Where are You? ...Where is the God you tell us about? ... He has surely abandoned you?"

My soul wells up from deep within me...when I could go to the house of the Lord, with sounds of joy in my heart; praying freely and proclaiming Your Name. With many others, we came and gave praise to te God of our salvation, to the God who blessed us, year in and year out.

Together we observed holy-days together and in Your Nae. We did not nbeed to cover our faith for fear from the crowds.

O my soul; why are you downcast? Why do you groan from within? My hope is with God and I will praise Him evermore. I will not hold back my praise, for He is my life and my salvation.

O God of Life, when I am downcast, I remind myself of You and Your faithfulness through the years. You have preserved me without fail. From the darkest night, You have lifted me out of the darkness and set me on the Rock, in the Light.

Deep calls to deep. The colossal waves surge against me. The works of evil threaten me day and night.

But You command Your grace to surround me. In the night Your song is with me. It rises up from within and brings praise and glory to the God who is Salvation.

Yet, the pressure from the enemy is great. Why must I go about mourning? Have You forgotten me?

The adversaty taunts me. I feel as if my bones are crushed to powder. I can no longer stand on my own. All day long they jibe me asking, "Where is your God?"

O my soul, why are you so downcast? Why are you groaning yet from deep within me?

My hope is in God. I will praise him again and again. Forever will I lift up praise to te God of my Salvation, for He is my faithful Savior and my God.




***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

A prayer when oppressed (Psalm 41)

Blessed are those who care for the poor! They are His hand, here on the earth.
  • Jesus, You tell us that we will always have the poor. This blessing is always available. But our heart? Do we do it for the blessing or because You ahve placed in us a heart of compassion?
Calamity will come, but the Lord will save.
You keep them in the land and bless them.
You sustain them when they are sick and they recover.
You do not hand them over to the whims of their enemies.

When I was sick, I called out to Yoy, for I had sinned.
You had pity on me. You forgaive my sin and cleansed me.

My enemies say the worst and jope that when I die, my name will disappear. When they come to me, they speak deceitfully and make up evil stories about me. They spread reports full of lies.

All who hate us gather together and spread lies. They hope the worst for me. Those whom I ministered to have turned against me.

But You, O Lord, have pity on me. You are full of mercy and graceiousness. You put me back on my feet. Because of You, my enemy will not defeat me. You uphold me, because I am innocent and You establish me in Your presence forever.

Blessed is Your Name O God. From eternity past to eternity future. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Maranatha


***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Monday, September 5, 2022

The God who hears (Psalm 40)

O God, my God,
I put my trust in You alone. All else is folly as the world turns to madness.

Psalm 40
I turned to You, my God, and waited patiently for You. I continued my vigil day and night until You heard my cry and turned to me.

You brought me up from a roaring pit! You pulled me from the muddy ooze, and You set my feet upon a rock. Jesus Christ, Messiah, YOU are the Rock! You are my firm footing.

You put a new song in my mouth and I will sing all the day long. You gave me a song of praise that I can give back to You. Oh that many may see and hear what You have done for me and put their trust in You. You are the One True God.

Blessed are they that trust in You and do not turn to men or false teachings.

Look at all You have done for me! For others! For the United States! Your wonders and your thoughts towards us have not been hidden. None can compare with You! There is more to tell than can be spoken. Great has been Your blessing on us.

You have asked fro obedience. Sacrifice of grain and burnt offereings have not been Your preferrence. You ask for obedience. You graciously give Your attention. You listen to my calls, my cries, and You know the desires of my heart. Thank You.

You have a book and I am in Your Book of Life! You have written everything there is to know about me and YOU have saved me for Your eternal pleasure. It is too much for me to imagine. God of grace and mercy.

Grant me audience to proclaim Your righteousness, to declare Your faithfulness and salvation. Put words of praise to You, and grant eyes to see and ears to hear...O God, grant me an audience to proclaim Your grace, Your mercy, Your righteousness and Your judgment.

Put Your words in my mouth. May they well up from within me as fire that cannot be contained. May I be Your mouthpiece? May I proclaime Your coming kingdom, judgement, and salvation? It is my heart to do so.

To do Your will is my joy. Your Word is my delight. Fill me iwth understanding and focus for each day, that I can truly be Your delight. Lead me in the way You have prepared for me and guide me that my steps not move to the left or the right, and that I do not stumble. To live for You is life.

The world has turned against You said it would. Evil has infiltrated...everywhere I look, evil has permeated the living and guides each entity to its death. Have mercy on us O God of Life.

Iniquity pours out on Your people day and night. Its darkenss pours out and covers our eyes and ears. The murmerings of the evil one pound at our minds and hdearts all the day long. (But he will not prevail.)

Many have secumbed to the sway of evil. They have embraced it with all their being. Evil engulfs me every day. I cannot see, hear or even think at times, because it is so pervasive. O forgive me when my courage fails.

Hurry O God. May it please You to resuce me! ...and all who put their trust in You for their salvation! Hurry to help us!

What about those who see our destruction? ...that seek to sweep me away? Will You disgrace and humiliate them altogether? Many take pleasure in doing me harm. Will You turn them back and put them to confusion. Many jeer at me...but it's really You they try to disgrace. May they be aghast and put to shame. (Selah)

Many seek You. May they be filled with joy, unspeakable!
Be our gladness each day.
May we all rise up and speak of Your love and Your salvation always:
Jesus Christ is great and glorious! He is our strength and salvation!

O God, we are poor and needy. Think kindly on us each day.
You are our helper and rescuer and our only hope.
O God, don't delay!



Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Praying for the U.S. (Psalm 39)

O God of gods, the One True and Living God...
Your eyes are on all the earth and You miss nothing.
You order the steps of nations and You watch to see how individuals will manage the free-will that You give us. You miss nothing. Nothing escapes You.

I come. I devote myself to watch my behavior and to not sin with my tongue. The wicked are all around, yet I strive to be obedient. I strive not to return evil for evil, but dedicate my words to return good for their evil.

I am silent. I say nothing, but the pain keeps welling up within me. My heart grows hot as I see the wicked prosper. Fire burns within me. Show me, O God, my end.

My days are numbered, how them shall I live. I am but a transient creature, a handbreadth. For You, our lives are but nothing. The length of our lives is nothing compared to the eternity of Your existence.

Everyone is but a puff of wind. We go about like shadows. We don't know who will benefit. You are our only hope. Rescue us from our transgressions that we not be the butt of fools.

I am silent. I keep my mouth shut - because You, O God have brought this devastation upon the land. You are just. You are right. Your righteousness is true.

What will cause You to stop raining blows upon this land? What can stop the pounding of Your fists that wear us down? What will motivate us to turn from our wickedness and stand before You in obedience?

Your discipline is ignored. People embrace their guilt with glee. They flaunt Your directions that would protect them. Did You send this delusion? their request?

All are merely a puff of wind.

Hear my meager prayer and listen to my cry. Hear the weeping of my heart. Though I am but a traveler passing through, I have dedicated my life to You. I plead with You on behalf of this nation. Have mercy, O God of mercy.

Turn Your gaze upon me. Restore the joy of my (Your) salvation to my heart. Fill my mouth with words of Life that others may know You. Make me a conduit that others may turn find hope through Your Word.

Jesus, You are the living Word. Come quickly. Maranatha.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Pleading for the U.S. (Psalm 38)

O God of all Creation, Don't rebuke us in Your anger, or discipline us when You are enraged at us. ...for Your arrows go deep and Your hand presses down to crush.

Your indignation leaves no part of us intact;
Our sin has made the entire country sick;
for our iniquities loom high over the land
as a heavy burden. It is too heavy for us.

The entire nation is a stinking, festering wound
because of our foolishness.
We are completely bent over, prostrate before You
Many, even in their sleep, go about mourning all day long.

The heart of this nation burns with fever,
and the whole country is sick.
We are numb, completely crushed,
and our anguished heart makes us groan from within.

While many roam about to create more sin,
...daily striving to throw Your goodness to us, in Your face,
Many of us long for You;
Our sighing is not hidden from You.
Our heart throbs, our strength is gone,
and the light in our eyes has left.

The friends and allies see our disease and laugh,
even our closest allies keep us at a distance.
The nations of the world seek to harm us,
They speak of disaster,
and spend the day thinking ways to consider deception.

We are like deaf men —we don't hear it;
and, like a mute, we are speechless before them.
We stand stupidly and there is no defense in our speech.

In You is our hope.
You will answer us, O Lord, our God.
I said, "Don't let them gloat over us
or boast against us when our foot repeatedly slips
in the mire of our sin.

Our enemies are alive and well,
Those who wrongfully hate us increase daily;
and since, they repay good with evil,
they oppose us because we have pursued good ...
... in our past.

Don't abandon us, O God!
O One true God, don't be far from us!
Come quickly to help us,
Lord of Hosts, You are our only salvation!



Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray for our nation: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.