
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Election 2020: Expose it to the world and eliminate: Achan's error

Father, Lord and Holy Spirit,

You are Truth, Justice, and Righteousness. Your pathway is sure and none can come against You. You choose the leaders of a nation and You alone have preserved the United States of America. Thank You for who You are and that You set in motion all things to praise You and know that YOU, and YOU ALONE, are God. You are the I AM and no one, not even Your enemy, Satan, can contend with You.

Praise be to the God of all Creation; the God who is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. I rest in who You are and that Your work is ever sure. Glory belongs to You and to You alone, I fall prostrate before You.

My heart leaps for joy that You and You alone shall I give credit for the exposure of the evil that has penetrated this nation. You are consummate wisdom. You are the superlative Strategist that exposes evil. You know the hidden work that the enemy considers his “treasures” and You expose them. Your perfect will shall not be derailed or hindered for Your plan is complete. It is absolute. To You alone belong all praise and glory. Hallelujah!

Jesus! You said, “It is finished.”…and became the final sacrifice for sin. At that moment, You, who are Truth defeated the wiles of the devil. At that moment, You ensured that that which is hidden will meet the light.

My God, my God, You have not changed. Your work in the lives of men and nations has been to expose fraud, cheating, lies and liars. You will not accept the hidden sin and You bring all into the Light. Hallelujah! I am certain that this election is no different.

You Expose and Eliminate. Thank You.

You protect those that are Your own and yet, Your will remains: You desire that all men be saved. Thank You. I want to be aligned with Your will.

In the Book of Joshua 7:1-26.
Achan stole from You (for all sin is against You). And he put the entire nation of Israel at risk. After the incredible defeat at Jericho - they were losing the battle at Ai. You were clear! Nothing was to be taken from the city of Jericho. Nothing! As with Israel, the U.S. is engaged in a war between One Nation Under God, and the desires of Satan that we become a godless nation.

You mandated that everything taken from the battle belonged to You. Dedicated to You alone - it was YOUR victory. But Achan acted underhandedly. He was unfaithful to You and Your Word. We have been underhanded too, but we are waking up. You spared those who look to You. You spared Rahab and her family at Jericho. You spared Lot at Sodom. Spare us here in the U.S.

Nothing escapes You, for You are the omniscient God. You know every detail of the long-standing strategy to take down the United States. The swamp has not been hidden from You even though its depth has been hidden from so many.

We have been tricked, duped, and manipulated as this sin has grown like a cancer in this nation. But YOU, O God, the God who Sees, YOU have not missed anything.

Israel was suffering defeat because of the hidden sin. He took what was Yours and tried to hide it under his tent. But YOU revealed this to Joshua. You chose Joshua to expose the sin of Achan. I believe that You have chosen President Trump to expose the sin in the swamp.

And with Achan's exposure, all was brought into the light. So many in this nation are drawing near to You, O God. We ask YOU to expose the cancer that has proliferated into every area of our society.

We fall before You. We appeal to You. We ask for Your mercy for You are a God who is merciful. Did You raise up the United States to allow Your enemy to subdue it? As with Achan, where You used Joshua to expose the sin, bring it into the light and then eliminate it from the nation of Israel, I ask the same. I ask that You use President Trump to expose the deep-state swamp and eliminate it from this nation. I ask that the world know that this nation is One Nation Under God and that You have not deserted us!

Will You do this for Your great Name? Will You rise up and bring the sin of the nation forth, that we may rally behind You as our God? I ask it. I am only a sinner - standing here before You. By Your mercy, I come before You for I know that You are a God of mercy. I ask Your mercy be poured out on this nation. I ask that the evidence be undeniable and those whose eyes have been deceived and who have been tricked, manipulated and swindled—that they see with their eyes and know in their heart that You have saved this nation.

I ask that the nation as a whole may see it and know that YOU, O God, You alone, have had mercy on us.

You make it clear that You, O God, You desire that all men be saved. All of Israel was saved, when the sin of Achan was exposed and eliminated. Please do the same for us. Preserve this nation for the world to see.

I come in the Name of Yeshua Ha Meshiach: Jesus, who is the Christ.

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