
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Praise God who is gracious (Psalm 67)

O God, You arre gracious, be gracious to us and bless us.

Make Your face to shine upon us, so that Your way may be known upon the earth. You are the God of salvation. Make it known among all nations.

Let people give thanks to You, O God, All the people, all the people of the earth; Let the nations be glad and shout for joy, because You judge fairly and You guide the nations of the earth with wisdom.

You are the God of provision, for all the earth is Yours and You provide for all life . The earth yields its harvest because You ordain it to do so. Thanks be to God who blesses us.

May God continue His blessings, so that all the ends of the earth may know that He is God.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Monday, October 24, 2022

A shout to God who does glorious things (Psalm 66)

I will shout to God. All the earth shouts to God.
The earth sings glory to His Name.
His Name is glorious.

O God, Your deeds are awesome.
Your power causes Your enemies to cringe.
All the earth bows down to You. All the earth sings praises to You.
All the earth sings praises to Your Name.

Ome all, come! Come see what God has done.
His awesome dealings with manking.
He turned the sea into dry land so they could pass through the river on foot.

With His power he rules forever!
His eyes keep watch on the nations.
No rebel will ever rise that can challenge Him.

Bless our Go, o ye peoples!
Let the sound of His praise be heard!
He preserves our lives.
He jkeeps our feet from stumbling.

You are the God who has tested us.
You have refined us as silver is refined.
You brought us into the net and bound our bodies.
You made men who brought us down.
We have gone through fire and water, but You, O God, brought us out to a place of plenty.

I will come into your house with an offering of my heart.
I deeply desire to do Your will and bring all You have for me back to You.

Listen all ye people. Come close, all that fear God. I cried out to God from my innermost being. With my mouth, I brought praise before His throne. His praise was on my tongue.

Had I contemplated evil, He would not have listened.
But in fact, He did listen. He heard my prayer and padi attention to my call. Blessed be God, who did not reject my prayer, or turn His face before me.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Prayer of a Prisoner of War (POW) (Daniel 9)

Prayer of a Prisoner of War (POW) (Daniel 9)

O God of Your Word. You have preerved Your Word over the centures; You have maintained Your everlasting presence through Your Word and demonstrated that You are God:
  • You have foretold the future with detailed accuracy.
  • Your Word has never been wrong.
  • Every "jot and tittle" has come through without fail.
  • You have demonstrated Your relevance through Your Word.
  • You have given us Your Son, the Living Word.
  • You are the God who keeps His Covenant.
Praise be to God on High, the One, True and Living God.

Your children, who have received Your gift of salvation, the Body of Christ, we seek You on behalf of this nation. The U.S.A. We are neither united or stately. We have transgressed against You with a great spirit of rebellion and done so with vigor.

You are a great ad fearsome God. You keep Your covenant and Your grace extends to those who love You. We strive to be obedient, but we are unsuccessful.

We have sinned, engaed in wicked actions. We have rebelled ad trued away from Your Word. We have turned away from the Living Word - from Jesus, who is Christ.

We have closed the Book of Your Word. We are not listening to truth or even have any interest in Truth. Jesus is Truth. We have no interest, and we vehemently turn away.

We have shut down every person who has spoken Truth to our leaders.

To You, O God, belong righteousness and we stand in shame because we broke faith with You. We do not listen to Your voice. We intentionally close our ears. We are unwilling to listen to Your voice, which You have made clear and available.

It is right that Your judgemet and wrath be poured out upon us, for we have sinned against You.

Your Word foretells of Your wrath so great that all under heaven will be destroyed. Have mercy on us. Build Your testimony. Save those who trust in You.

Not for our sakes do I ask this. I ask for YOUR sake. I ask that You have mercy because You are a God of mercy, who wants every person and every nation to beleive and be saved.

Raise up Your testiony ...that they may know that You, You alone, are God.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

A shout to the Lord (Psalm 65)

You are the God of all creation. Your magnificence overwhelms me to silence. I see to fulfill my allegiance, my devotion to You alone. You listen to my prayers, my mumblings, my feeble worship. You listen to all that is on the earth, even as the creation itself rises in song.

When wickedness overwhelms me, You are there. You have atoned for my sin and I am righteous through the blood of Christ.

How blessed are those You choose and bring near. You bring me near. We cannot be Intentional time with You is contentment for the soul and spirit. Your goodness pours over me. Holy, holy, holy is Your presence.

Your deeds, Your actions are all around. You have not remained hidden. Your awesome deeds are all around. Your salvation is clear. You are declared the God of Salvation - to the ends of the earth and through all distant sees - You are God.

By Your strength, You set up the mountains, the valleys, the seas...all proclaim Your power.

You bring peace to the roaring of the seas, their crashing waves, and Your peace extends to all who look to You. We stand in awe of Your signs. All the earth sings of Your power, Your faithfulness, and we can sing for joy with the creation.

You water the earth and care for it. You care for those who look to You and enrich us with the river of God. You provide all that is needed for our provision. You are the Bread of Life and the Living Water.

God og Heaven and Earth, crown Your servants with Your goodness that our steps may overflow with Your goodness. May our prosperity be rich, wrapped in the joy of Your presence.

Fill me that I may shout for joy and break into song.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I plead my case before a righteous God (Psalm 64)

I plead my case before You, for You are a righteous God.

Hear my voice, for I shudder with the pain in my heart. I plead from the depths within me for I am under the attack of Your enemy who hates You. And he hates me. Save me, preserve my life from the fear that is poured out.

Hide me from the secret devices of the wicked all around. The insurrection of evildoers permeates all the space and there is no way to breathe. They sharpen their tongue an spew out death to all who want to serve you. Their words are like swords. They aim their arrows with their poisoned words.

Help Lord, for Your servant pleads before You.

They shoot at the innocent, suddenly and fearfully. They fear nothing because, in their arrogance, they are do not acknowledge You. Together they find ways to divert good. Their snares for the righteous leave no room for stepping.

They think You do not see them –they even lie to themselves. They search to complete their evil desires as they conjur them up in their minds. The dept of their heart is putrid and there is not place for light.

You are God. Suddenly, You will shoot them down. Your arrows leave them wounded. Their own tongues make them to stumble. All who see them will shake their head with in disgust.

Move quickly O God, that eveyone may know that You are God and You are at work.

Move quickly O God, and show all who look...that they may understand that You are at work.

Let us rejoice in You as we take refuge in the safety of Your presence.
I lift Your Name on high, for You alone are worthy to be exalted.
Praise is for You alone.

Hear my feeble prayer, O God who hears. I plead before You.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Searching for God in the Desert (Psalm 63)

Oh God who sees me in the desert,

It is dark, cold, then hot. The winds blow sand in my thinking. It is never quiet, because the the accusations of the enemy presses in my mind against my heart and soul.

I seek You eagerly. My heart thirsts for the Living Water. My body longs for the Bread of Life.

This land is spiritually parched. It is exhausted and void of light. Death creeps into every crevass and the putrid smell of evil saturates everything.

Yet it cannot touch the majesty and brilliance of You, the One True Living God. Your power and glory cannot be dulled. Although the enemy seems big to me, he pales before You. He is dull and weak. He cannot even consider Your power. He is like a ant before the anteater. He is like a frog before the alligator. Truly, he is miniscule and he disolves before the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah.

I will contemplate You in the sanctuary of prayer, seeing Your glory and Your is magnificent. You O God of the Living, of all the earth, Your grace is better than life.

  • You are life. Your enmey is death.
  • You are gracious. Your enemy hungers.
  • You are omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Your enemy is insufficient and restricted.
  • You are wisdom complete. Your enemy is so full of pride, he is doomed to destruction.
Now: whom shall I fear?

I will worship You, O God. All the day long, will I praise You for Your glory has not end. You cannot be minimized. Your love and care, Your provision is complete. Truly, it was complete before creation and will remain coplete forever.

Yes, I will bless You as long as I have breath. I will lift my hands in praise and lfit Your Name on high. For You are the Most High God and there is none like You.

You alone can satisfy. You alone bring living water and bread of life because You ARE the Living Water and You ARE the Bread of LIfe.

You are profound joy, I bow my head to receive Your grace. I meditate on Your goodness day and night and it sustains me, even here in the desert.

O God, You have been my help. You have placed me under the shadow of Your wings. Here I rejoice in God my Savior. Here, Your right arm upholds me and Your right hand support me. I will no fall For You are my support.

Your enemy, who seeks to destroy me will go down to the pit prepared for him. He will receive Your recompense for all the evil he has wrought. He will be silenced forever and You, O God will be exalted.

Jesus Christ is the One True Christ. Glory be the Lord of lords, King of kings, and Name above ALL names.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Waiting in silence for God alone (Psalm 62)

O God who sees the lonely, the hurting, the abandoned, see me.

My salvation comes from You and You alone and to thee I pray. You are my Rock, my salvation; You are my stronghold, what can man do to me?

Ho long, O Lord will You allow the decrepit wickedness of the world to continue? Your followers, who look longingly to You see Your flock as a sagging wall and a shaky fence...they lie in wait for our destruction.

They want to shake us. They take to lying and delight in the lies that bring destruction. They are heinous in their manners as they bless with their mouths and curse behind the back. Then they bring people into public forum and make a spectacle of them that others, who see the evil, will be silent.

My soul waits in silence for God alone, and becuse my hope comes from Him, He will answer me. He will not leave me alone. He will not leave me without comfort. The One True living God is is my stronghold and I will not be moved.

Uphold us to trust in Him. Gather Your people to trust in Him at all times. By Your Spirit, let our hearts overflow as we pour out our heart before Him. He is our refuge.

Seal us to trust in You alone. Let us not allow our eyes to look to those in the world who hold earthly power or those who are deemed important, They are merely a sham, and laid in the balance-scale, they go up as lighter than nothing.

Harden us, Your true believers, that we not wary from putting our trust in extortion, or the false hope of robbery. Let us not move to set our hearts on wealth, but work fervently for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

O God, You have spoken. Strength belongs to You. You are the God of grace. In the end, You will see that all receive their due reward –as their deeds deserve. Maranatha!


***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Hear my cry O God (Psalm 61)

O God who hears the cries of His servant, hear my cry.

O God who listens to the prayers of those who trust in You, hear my prayer.

You are God Most High. In You I put my trust. In You is gladness amidst all sadness.

From the end of the earth, with a fainting heart, I call out to You and not other. O God of my heart, set me on a rock and establish me in Your presence.

You have been my refuge. You are my tower of strength in the cace of the foe. I will not tremble for You are my safety and You establish me in Your tent forever. In You I find refuge, and under the shelter of Your wings, I rest.

You, O God, have heard my cries, and You look into the depths of my heart. I am Your heritage because I fear Your Name.

Prolong the life of Your servant that Your Word can continue to go out. Establish me before Your throne foreve. Appoint grace and truth to preserve me to do Your will and proclaim Your Name.

I will sing praise to Your Name forever.



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Friday, October 14, 2022

A warning to leaders (Psalm 58)

God of gods, King of kings, Lord of lords,

Just as You said it would, the world is turning to evil. Just as Your Word documented, when leaders of a nation turn from You, the whole nation follows. ...yet, You always hold back a remnant. Thank You.

Many rulers openly speak out against justice! Over the years, those who would follow You have been silent and evil has prevailed. Have mercy.

I ask, O GodL "In their hearts and minds, do they intentionally devise wickedness? Do they know their judgements mock You?"

O God, they dispense violence with glee. They want war. They desire to tear down government, religion, and the economy and build exactly what You said: A one world government, religion and economy to take back the earth.

You told us this would happen so we would not need to be afraid. You also told us to occupy until You come. The persecution grows. Laws are crushing the citizens and the church.

As the church endures persecution, establish Your pastors who preach the whole council of Your Word. Give them voice, give them messages beyond their preparation. Under persecution, grow Your church. Reveal to the masses that this persecution will expose the evil –that many come to salvation through Christ.

The wicked rise up. They devise schools and training to ensnare others into their wickedness. They have been on the wrong path since birth. Their venom is poison and they stop their ears so Truth cannot prevail.

Your Word is Truth. It is pure. It is Life. Yet, they insist on their own desires; they will not consider facts; they detest Truth, they hate Life, and purity is anathama to them. They hate You and devise ways to persecute those who put their faith in You.

In the end, they will not prevail. You will shatter their teeth in their mouths. Yes, in the end, they will vanish like water that drains away. Their arrows will be blunted; they will be like a slug that melts as it moves. They will be like a stillborn child, even though they think they will create their own version of humanity. Their "human 2.0" will be as dust in the wind.

O God, show mercy on those under persecution. Uphold them. Still the pain from their persecutors. Strenthen their resolve to be faithful to the end. In their hearts and minds, raise up the knowledge that You are the Living God and You will uphold them and see them through.

As persecution continues and spreads; as the wicked devise evil schemes to torment those who live for You; O God, touch those under seige, under physical torment, under mental and emotional pressure from the lies of Your enemy. Touch them with the strength of Your right arm. Touch their minds to know they are pleasing You and their end is already established. You will bring them through and Your reward is sure. It is everlasting. You will prevail.

You are the Judge of the earth. Righteousness will be established. Your Word is from everlasting to everlasting.

I put my hope in You alone. Maranatha!


***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Resting in peace and safety (Psalm 57)

Oh God of Life, God of the Living, be exalted about the heavens. Glory to the God of Life. Glory to the Son who is the Way, the truth, the Life. Glory to the Holy Spirit who reveals to each the reality of Your existence, such that all are without excuse.

You are refuge for those who hide in You. I hide in You. Under the shadow of Your wings I sit in the peace and safety of Your care as the storms rage here on the earth. Thank You.

I call upon You, The MOST High God. You are accomplishing Your purpose for me! You have put everything in place and, each day, You lead me through troubled waters, through pleasant fields, through mine-fields that the enemy has set for me. But You are there and You are faithful.

You will send from heaven and save me as those who would trample me down take place to mock me. You see them. You have prepared a place of refuge for me.

Jesus, You have promeised that You go before me and that You will return to take me from here to the place You have prepared for me. Yes, I rest in peace as the world is in tumult.

You send Your grace and truth each day. You fill me up. You sustain me in confidence.

We are surrounded by lions; people who lie in wait to destroy us. They breathe fire, their teeth are like spears and arrows. Their tongue is like a two-edged sword and they incite doubt, division, and fear.

But God. MY God, causes me to dwell in peace and safety and promises that they sudden destruction will come to those who have lifted themselves as gods.

Be exalted O God, be exalted above the heavens. Fill the earth with Your glory. Do not delay for the enemy is stealthily making swift moves to remove those who put their trust in You.

Tey prepared snares for our feet, they have dug pits on the path. Cause them to fall into their own snares and pits, O God. Raise Yourself up on our behalf! Raise us up on Your behalf!

You are faithful and my trust is in You alone. All the day long, I sing Your praise and make music to raise the Name of Jesus before those who hate me. Rise up, my Jesus, rise up on my behalf. Sing a song from heaven over my life and fill me with the words that encourage.

Sing a song over me that brings Your majest through my lips to those who would hear that YOU are the way of salvation. You have paid the eternal price for sin to all who would hear Your call.

Call them loudly! Those who would be in my path and open my mouth with the Word of Life! Fill me with Truth! Pour Yourself out through this life that others may know You. Bring Your song among the nations!

Awaken Your standing army - the Body of Christ! YOUR Body. Raise us up with song and words of Life. Grant us urgency and fill us with Your everlasting joy that overflows from us with a great surge of the Gospel. Oh use us to bring in the harvest. ...and that we may be faithful to Your commission to make disciples.

Use us. Pour out Your music through us. Play us as an instrument - Your lute, Your lyre, Your tambourine, Your voice. Bring us forth as a mighty orchestra that proclaims the Gospel: JESUS SAVES! Hallelujah!

Your grace is great - yes, all the way to heaven.
Your truth is sure - all the way to the skies and beyond.

Be exalted O God, above the heaven! May we proclaim Your glory over all the earth!



***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

No fear, trusting in God's Word (Psalm 56)

O God, who shows favor to those who trust in You.

The enemy has taken over the minds of the nation. There is no logic, no reasoning with them. They seek to trample down everything that represents You.

I am so sorry that I was sleeping and didn bring this before You. Forgive us who have not been on the lookout.

The fight is on and the eneimeis of the Kingdom of Christ move swiftly. They lie in wait all the day long, they are many. Hear my petition O God who shows favor; for I put my trust in You alone.

Most High God, when I am afraid, I put my trust in You. I praise Your Word, I praise Jesus, HE is the Living Word. Hallelujah. Fear has no grip on me.

In You I trust, what can humans do to me?

All day long they twist my words and put lies in my mouth that were not. Their only thought is to harm me and bring destruction. They want to weaken me and kick me down and then scoff at me to others that fear may spread.

Truly, they want to kill me. They plot together all the day long. They dash out and strike me down and then hide themselves. But You are there. You know. And they cannot hide from You or Your wrath.

Nothing escapes their attempts to kill me as they spy on my every movemetn. But YOU, Adonai, God who hears and sees, YOU see their every movement!

Because of their crimes, they cannot escape; O God, rise up in Your anger and strike them down. Srike them from me.

You are the God who shows favor to those who trust in You. I trust in You.

You have kept count of my wanderings, You store the cries of my heart and You store my tears in Your bottole. All that I have done, it is written in Your books. You know all of me. Have mercy.

When my enemies see Your mercy in my, they will turn back. I call on You and on the day that You answer me, they will be aghast; because they will know that You are the Lord and that I am Yours.

I give You thanks for You rescue me from death. You gave Your Son in payment for my sins. Thank You Adonai, thank You Jesus, Thank You Spirit.

You keep my feet from stumbling and bring me into Your presence.
You are Light. You are LIfe.

In You I trust. Maranatha!


***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.