
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Furnace Prayers: Freedom from tyranny
         …Help LORD!

Father, Lord, and Holy Spirit,

You are the God strong and mighty. You are the God of freedom. In You alone does freedom have untainted excellence. Jesus, You came to set us free from sin. Sin is reigning. Help Lord!

What is tyranny?
Oppressive power, especially: oppressive power exerted by government; the tyranny of a police state.

Dr. Martin Luther King said we are obligated to obey just laws. BUT, we are obligated to disobey unjust laws. We are now under tyranny. People in power are forcing us, through fear, to do what is not just. Surely, they will demand we relinquish the right to bear arms and defend ourselves next. We need Your help. I’m asking for it.

Our officers of the law: Police and Sheriffs; Soldiers in our military, all of them, solemnly swear to: "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic… [and] bear true faith and allegiance to the same;”

This isn’t happening.

Your Word:
Isaiah 54:14 (ISV)
"In righteousness you'll be established; you will be far from tyranny, for you won't be afraid, and from terror, for it won't come near you.

Luke 4:18 (WNT)
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the poor; He has sent me to announce release to the prisoners of war and recovery of sight to the blind: to send away free those whom tyranny has crushed,
What has happened?
Father, does Your Word from Isaiah apply to the United States of America? We bear Your Name. We are established on Judeo-Christian principles. I ask Your help because people, in their fear, are bending to the tyrannical mandates from elected officials, and those law-keepers (police, sheriffs, etc.) who are NOT defending the Constitution and are mindlessly doing what they are told, obeying their masters, rather than upholding what is in the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

We are not free anymore. We are being deprived of our right to freedom of speech and the press, the right to assemble and gather as a group to protest, to ask the government to fix problems, and the freedom to practice our religion. Father, the people who took an oath to uphold the Constitution are not doing so.

We are guilty of ignorance.
Many people, who took this oath, are realizing that they don’t know what is in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I didn’t either…to my shame. I have corrected that oversight.

What can I say about the Justices of the Supreme Court? Surely they know the Constitution! Are they ignorant that their actions will be judged by You?

I hear that some are waking up. Many believe what they are told without doing the due diligence of seeking to ensure truthfulness. Many seem mindless about it all, content to simply do whatever they are told— especially our young adults, who should also be outraged. Please wake us up.

— Wake us up to know our rights, granted by Your blessings on this nation through our Constitution.
— Open our eyes to see that power has corrupted many people who are in power, and we have the responsibility to remove them.
— Fill us with the courage to know what to do and to act appropriately to stand against tyranny.
— Equip our law-keepers on the street, to know their responsibility and to fearlessly defend the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens. Grant them diligence in carrying out their charge.
— Align the hearts and minds of the citizens of this nation to responsibly stand for Truth.
— Call on us to be good stewards of this nation and our Constitution.
— Align us with Your will that all men be saved.

That we may be found faithful in day of Your coming,


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