
Friday, February 12, 2021

Furnace Prayers: Embarrassed

Father, Lord, and Holy Spirit,
Please speak into my heart,
Speak to us, who wait on You.

Teach me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength! What are the thoughts and actions that demonstrate this to You? You know my thoughts, You see my actions. Touch me to be totally committed to You and may it be a testimony to all those around me that You are the One True and Living God.

My heart is heavy with the frightful actions that reveal a takeover of hatred for righteousness. How far to the right would You have us? We are called by many names, now they are with disdain: conservative, republicans, the right, the far right…and others that are so derogatory that I am not including them here.

Hot or cold?
The far right? Does “right” indicate one that stands for righteousness? Your Word indicates that there are no shades of righteousness. What isn’t righteous is sin. Do I have that right?
  • Stealing is wrong, we can’t steal a little bit.
  • Lying is anathema to You, “little white lies” are still sin.
  • So there aren’l little sins and bigger ones?
Sin is sin and any sin at all causes You to turn from us. Thank You Jesus Christ, My Redeemer, who has removed the curtain of separation for I am only a sinner, saved by grace, bought by Your merciful payment.

May I not forget that my sins, each day, do not go without cost. You paid for those as well. I am so humbled.

We are either hot or cold. Lukewarm is not welcome.
Revelation 3:16 - So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Father, I don’t want to cower in fear! It is so very tempting! HELP LORD!

Embarrassed: The lukewarm church.
So many of Your Church are lukewarm, loving their comfort, not desiring to “get involved.” Father. Father! FATHER! I cry out to YOU…I don’t know how to get involved! I petition You day and night. What more can I do? I see the suggestions of people like Sidney, General Flynn, and Lin and they do not seem like options here in my little world. Am I missing it? Oh I don’t want to miss it! Where can I find others who are like-minded here? Lead me, guide me, use me.

Embarrassed: Washington D.C.
The goings-on in D.C. are so embarrassing. My heart is so heavy. It is obvious that there is something terribly wrong. So many people are squirming, gasping for air. It is so evident that their very lives are at stake. They need You. They need Life! They need JESUS!

Please reveal Yourself to them. Who would receive Life? You know O God and I pray for them to have open hearts to see their sin and turn from their wicked ways. The wickedness has become so perverse that anything that even glances towards You is considered a threat. WHY? Because in You alone is salvation.

Have mercy on these people. Draw them out to kneel before Your throne and do business with You. The business that has eternal consequences. May they do it now. You called me, squeezed me beyond my capacity to tolerate the pressure, until I fell before Your throne of Grace. It is the most painful and most wonderful thing You have ever done for me. I am so grateful. Please, please, God of all mercy, have mercy on these people.

Only one request:
My petition is simple: when I stand before You, I want to have accomplished ALL that You have set before me. I don’t want to hesitate because of fear. I don’t want to have hidden. You have put a great burden on my heart and sorrow for what I see. It encompasses me night and day. I want to use it for Your glory but I can’t. Only with Your help can this be accomplished.

Please take the reins of all that I am: heart, soul, mind and strength. I give it without reservation. I ask it.

From Charles Spurgeon:
In all our sorrows we have his sympathy. Temptation, pain, disappointment, weakness, weariness, poverty—he knows them all, for he has felt all. Remember this, Christian, and let it comfort thee. However difficult and painful thy road, it is marked by the footsteps of thy Saviour; and even when thou reachest the dark valley of the shadow of death, and the deep waters of the swelling Jordan, thou wilt find his footprints there.
Spurgeon, C. H. (1896). Morning and evening: Daily readings. London: Passmore & Alabaster.


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