You are Jehovah-Jireh. You are Yahweh-Jireh. YHWH-Jireh. You are God our Provider.
Your provision is beyond our imagination. Your understanding of what we need and when we need it has been known to You since the world began. You provide without being confined by time or substance. You are not limited in what You know about us. Nothing happens to us that puts brings a surprising need. Truly, Your provision is beyond our imaginatiion.
We don't know our needs. We have desires that are pelting us from the world's perspective. Our own selves bring temptaions that we cannot control. Your enemy hates us and uses desires and temptations to control us. But YOU! You know what we need. And YOU. You are unlimited in Your power and might. I trust You. I trust Your provision for me. I trust Your delivery and the time and place for everything I need.
You are Yahweh-Jireh. You are the God who provides.
When Abraham, by faith went up the mountain to sacrifice his son, Isaac, You were there. Abraham believed that he and his son would return. He had faith that You would provide in ways he could not understand.
You do that. You provide in ways we cannot understand. We are limited and we can trust Your decisions. You know what is coming in the near and far future. You have already prepared for us. Thank You.
Abraham was willing to sacrifice is beloved son, Isaac. And You, were willing to sacrifice Your beloved Son, Yeshua. Jesus. The Perfect Lamb. Indeed, You provide in ways we cannot understand or imagine.
We think we need immediate relief to our immediate needs: food, clothing, health... but You knew we needed to be relieved of the death sentence carried by our sin. We needed redemption. That isn't how we process our situations. You knew better. You planned for our need to be saved, our need for relationship with You, our need to be restored to relationship with You. And You provide.
Glory be to Yahweh-Jireh. Glory to the God who provided a sacrifice in our my place.
O Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world... thank You for saving me.
But what about my neighbors?
They don't know their needs either. How many of them consider their sin? Isn't that where You come in, Holy Spirit? Isn't that Your job to convice us of our sin? It is a very uncomfortable act of mercy!
You crushed me. The weight of my sin on my heart became heavier and heavier. Finally, it was more than I could bear and I came running to admit I was a sinner and confess my sins. It was a cleansing of my heart, my spirit. Yet, in that moment that I called out to You in faith, You rouched me. You somehow confirmed in my spirit, that my sins were gone. O glorious day.
But what about my neighbors? Will You, in Your mercy, crush them too? I ask it.
What about Your people in Israel and abroad? Will You convict them as well?
You have told us what will happen. O God, bring all who receive You to repentance.
Yahweh-Jireh, O God who provides; please pour out Your mercy on my neighbors and on young people in Israel, that they may know salvation. May I help? Send me.
I ask it in the Name You provided: Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
All glory be to Your Name.
Dear reader, do you want to know Jesus as Savior. You can. Today.
Here is how.
***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization.