Oh God, You are my God. You are so magnificent. Your manifold care meets all the needs of those who are in Christ Jesus. Thank You.
Thank You for purpose for each day: to worship You in spirit and in truth. You are Truth. Help us to spend each moment honoring You as we go forth.
My neighbors are sorely on my heart. many seem to know You and have a deep relationship with You. Do the busy demands of the world close in until there is no room left to have time with You?
Holy Spirit, I ask You to invigorate us with that initial excitement we had when we first realized that our sins were removed; that we were clean.
What about those who do't know You? I bring them before Your throne now. Would You open their eyes to see the Christ in those who know You. Would You inspire those who know Jesus to portray Him that others would desire You?
Help us to proclaim the love that You washed us in, that others may seek You. Can we reflect Jesus to the point that others desire Him. Hear my prayer.
Truly, we are impotent to proclaim Christ. But Holy Spirit, I call upon You, to help us, that these neighbors may find You.
Transform us each day. Draw us to behold Jesus in all that we do. And from this testimony, may others be transformed as they too behold Jesus. Hear my prayer.
All glory be to Christ on High.
Dear reader, do you want to know Jesus as Savior. You can. Today.
Here is how.
***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization.
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