You are God Almighty. You are the endless source of all blessing. Praise and glory be to El Shaddai.
You revealed Yourself as El Shaddai when You promised Abraham that his descendents would be like the stars. It must have seemed impossible to this man, who was 100 years old. Yet, it is not beyond Your power, Your strength. You are ALL-mighty. There is none like You. You make the impossible possible.
You are El Shaddai - who supplies and fulfills. You pour blessings over those whom You bless. You give life in abundance. You allow us to be emptied of all that we think we can do in our own strength, so You can demonstrate Your might and power, by filling us with our blessings.
And so I come on behalf of my bneighbors. Oh El Shaddai, they are empty! ...but they don't know it. They are blind to their need. We live in this incredible nation that You have blessed to profusely that we have no needs. It has allowed us to believe that we are able to supply all our needs in our own strength.
That said, Lord God, would it be then, a gift to us, if You were to empty us of all that we have...that we might seek You? Abraham had no children through Sarah! What would it take for my neighbors to realize they are dead spiritually? What would it take for them to cry out to You?
The same for our hearts of ingratitude. We have so much - here in our consumer-driven nation - blessed so grately by Your hand. We think we did it ourselves. Oh El Shaddai, we are so self-centered, so "filled" with ourselves... so confident. Break us. I ask it. Break us down to our core that our eyes are opened and we clearly see how bereft we are. ...that we may clearly compae ourselves with You might and know that You are God.
We have a spiritual sickness! We are deaf. We eat so much spiritual junkfood that we are starving for real nourishment. We need Your help. You are El Shaddai.
Is it any different there? They have made Your land into an incredible, thriving nation. They supply so much of the world's needs...All from this little sliver of land! You enabled that. They have brought so much through in termes of science and tecnology, as well as the arts. ...all becuase You, El Shaddai have blessed them. And yet, they have turned from You. THey are believers in their own abiliites. Theuy need Your help too.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as You beckon me to do. Rise up O God. Prepare the hearts of my neighborhood to hear the message of salvation with eagerness. Bring the Gospel to Your people - to every person who would hear Truth.
How can I join You in this, Your desire, that all men be saved.
Here I am. Send me.
Dear reader, do you want to know Jesus as Savior. You can. Today.
Here is how.
***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization.
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