
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Weather Disasters: a prayer for fast action to help

***Hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding and fires: for fast action to help
1 Timothy 2:1-4
1. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Thanksgiving belongs to You. You have grown this great nation from its inception. Thank You. This nation has been a world leader because of Your hand upon us. Thank You. I have lived in this nation and enjoyed freedoms for my entire life, because of your gracious blessings upon us. Again, I give You thanks.

You are a gracious God; slow to anger, and You desire that all men be saved. You are worthy of praise. You summon the wind and the waves and they obey Your voice. You created the sun and moon as a sign. You know every tremor and every earthquake. You know every person who lives and those who have died in the weather events. You know all.

We cannot help but ask, "Where are You?" Yet the question answers itself, because You are omni-present. You are here. You are with the people who are suffering from the damage of these hurricanes. May they cry out to You and find Your grace to help in their time of need.

Father, call Your church here in the U.S. to cry out to You. Wake us up. Let us enter Your gates with thanksgiving. So many people say, "We lost everything by we are grateful that our lives were spared." Be pleased with this set of priority. Father, raise up the church to take action. Already we are back to our lives as usual and we have forgotten those who continue to struggle.

Puerto Rico struggles in desperation. May Your church reach out in prayer and petition You on their behalf. Please sustain these people and help them to hold steady while help is mobilized. Sustain their lives, still their hearts. Give those who are able the ability to form teams to help others. Bind these people, strangers before the storm, to come together to uplift, encourage and sustain each other.

I pray for our leaders, Father. The nation is in disarray and these leaders need Your insight to know how to prioritize their actions. Help to the victims of these hurricanes cannot come fast enough, especially in Puerto Rico. Surround our leaders with solid advice and planning. Bring voice to those plans that can bring the greatest benefit. Father, by Your Holy Spirit, bring new ideas, unique ideas to the people involved so that people quickly receive basic needs.

You clearly tell us that You choose the leaders of every nation to do Your will.
Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Instill in Your church the understanding that to complain about these our leaders is sin. Instill in us to refrain from words that speak against Your chosen authorities. Let us turn from the temptation and instead choose to please You with prayers for them.

Father, I'm asking for the mobilization of basic life-sustaining needs: food, water, medical attention. Mobilize Your church here in the U.S. to pray for Your supernatural intervention for these people. We need Your help. I petition You to awaken Your church to rise up in prayer before Your throne.

Father, the temptation to go back to our daily lives "as usual" is great. We have become a self-absorbed society. The storms have gone by and with have minimal impact, it is easy to turn our back and resume our lives. May it not be so! Father, this is an opportunity to unify our nation. Raise up a sentiment of humility and before You, a vision within each person to do what they can, and courage to act.

Silence the accusers! Silence the complainers! Father, the media as well as loud-mouthed complainers use these disasters to tear down our leaders and our nation. Let us repent. You have called us to make supplication, prayers and intercessions for all men and for those in authority. We indulge in complaining. Forgive us. Place Your Word in the hearts of Your church that we have the mandate to pray. You tell us: Do everything without complaining or arguing (Philippians 2:14). Raise up a heart to do this.

Father, the enemy infiltrates the media. The people in this industry are being used in every scenario to tear down and cause division. Where is truth? Jesus, You are Truth. This industry proliferates lies and deception. Cause those who will use these disasters to complain and put down our government to be silenced. Raise up those who will report the truth. Trample down the lies that destroy.

Extol Yourself in these times. Have mercy on our nation. We do not deserve it. Yet, You are a gracious God and I ask for Your help in time of dire need.

Help us, that we may stand strong and that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In Jesus’ Name.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For Weather Disasters
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. They are offered in good faith that others may find them helpful in their prayer life and that the Church of Jesus Christ may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

For encouragement and guidance, consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.


  1. Thanks be to God, for He is good, and His mercy endureth forever. You are the God who made the heavens and the earth, You are the God who is just, and You mandated the order of life. You are the God of the living and You are Life. Thank You.

    People are in dire need from these hurricanes. You know O Lord. They need basic provisions: water, food, medicine. Please clear the pathways for these needs to be met. Give those who are there to help the wisdom and creativity to find ways to distribute these much needed supplies.

    Turn the hearts of the American people to want to give and to do so according to their ability.

    Surround decision makers in this nation with wise counsel, especially President Trump. Separate the sheep from the goats and give leaders the ability to discern who to listen to and who to dismiss.

    Father, if ever we needed wise counsel for our leaders, it is now. Unify this nation under a godly event. Hearts and minds are so distorted that truth cannot be identified.

    Strip the media that produces lies and that tries to direct the thinking o the American people. Help us to "wise-up" and speak out.

    In Jesus' Name

  2. Father, It's Tuesday. Our nation needs your help. We are redefining Your laws, Your testimonies, Your commandments that have protected us since he beginning of this nation. We have redefined marriage. We have killed Your inheritance - through abortion. We go our own ways and do that which is right in our own eyes. I confess it and ask for Your forgiveness.

    Father, as a nation, we seek our own pleasure. We go about "our" business while many struggle in want and dire need. Turn our hearts to give.

    You have given to us in such greatness. You have brought us riches to the point that we take them for granted. We assume our riches are "ours" and we repeatedly down play that YOU had anything to do with it. Forgive us.

    Turn our hearts to You. Your church..we have become cold...please forgive us and create the scenario that would cause us to cease our busy-ness and cry out to You for help.

    Father, we are so distracted and oblivious to what is going on that we don't see the depravity of our hearts. Help us to change. Help us to wake up and realize the matter at hand is critical Raise us up. Please Dear Heavenly Father, Raise us up for YOUR glory. May we live today for You. In Jesus' Name

  3. Father, You know who needs food, water, and medicine. Puerto Rico is especially on my hear. Raise up these needs in the laps of those who can quickly respond to these needs. Father, I ask for direction for leaders. I include our President, our legislators, our church leaders, that we may be motivated to rise to the need, rise to the occasion and quickly form an army of resources.

    Father, may those who can go be motivated to do so. May those that are able to give, give liberally, and may those who can pray, pray fervently. Father, may those who need lessons in praying, receive them.

    Please pull our nation together. May we join together in prayer. Unite us, for Christ's sake.
