
Friday, October 3, 2014

Prayer for the United States, our culture, the church, and a call to repent...

As we witness that the culture of the United States is deteriorating, please pray with me:

God of Creation,

You, who made the universe and all therein, You are worthy to be praised. You are holy, O God, and it is impossible for You to look on sin. We sin. Show us the path to repentance. In Your great love for us, You have placed the path to righteousness that we might have relationship with You. Thank You.

You have shown us Your mercy and Your grace through Your Son, Jesus Christ the Lord. Thank You. Your compassion for us is undeserved. You sought us out, and provided a pathway to relationship with You as a free gift. If we only believe. Your graciousness is beyond what we can think or understand.

The U.S. is under siege and we, Your church have enjoyed freedoms without protecting them. Forgive us. We have not diligently prayed for our leaders or our nation. We have not watched diligently. You have given us so much but we have squandered the incredible measure of your lavish provision—when many in the world have nothing. We have not sought You, individually or as a nation and we have been driven by greed and fear. We have looked to ourselves for our sustenance and forgotten that You are our Provider. Forgive us. Call us to repent. To my shame, I have done these things. Forgive me.

O God, awaken the Body of Christ here in the U.S. Cause us to weep at that tragedy that lies all around us. We have allowed our culture to deteriorate without taking a stand. We have not acknowledged that the bountifulness of this nation comes from You. Instead, we have taken credit and You have been pushed out of the picture.

Did we pray fervently when prayer was taken out of the schools? Did we turn our backs when abortion clinics were setup? Did we question potential leaders during each election season? I didn’t. Forgive me. Forgive us. Cause us to arise. Cause us to awaken and turn from our lethargy.

Pour out prayers through Your church. Open our eyes to hear Your heart on these matters. May we beseech You day and night on behalf of this nation and its leaders. May we turn from our ways.

Father, Your church seems silent and it seems this is of our own choosing. Change us. Bring us a sense of urgency. Bring us unrest that we may rise up. May we do so in Your love and compassion. May we reach out to our neighbors and community each day with the love of Christ. Give us discernment and squelch the criticism and judgement that we are so quick to embrace.

Bring Your church together. May the Spirit raise us up in “the joy and unity of the Lord” and may it cause those who see to wonder. May Your love be expressed appropriately, with discernment and not mar the testimony of Christ. May truth reign in our hearts and minds. May they know us by our love.

Surely the harvest is ripe. People are empty and without purpose. You are hard to find in our culture because we have pushed You out and we have hidden our faith! O Father, fashion us into an army for Christ that others can say, “That’s what I’ve been looking for. Tell me what it is, so that I may have what you have.” Raise us up, daily. Bring a resurgence of revival for our nation.

Grant us the gift of shame once again. Open our eyes and hearts to see our error. Help us to raise up the Salvation of Christ and commit ourselves to Him as Lord of our lives, our thoughts and our actions. Invigorate us for the cause of Christ and send us forth as a trained and effective army that invites the lost—a message of hope and a message they can willingly embrace.

Have mercy, O gracious God, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name.

(Please add your prayers, support, and "Amen" in the comments section.) 


  1. Yes! I agree with you in prayer in Jesus name-Amen & Amen!!!

    1. Thank you Catherine, for your support and encouragement. Blessings in Christ.
