
Monday, October 6, 2014

Prayer for the Ebola epidemic

We learn that time is of the essence with regard to the Ebola epidemic and that thousands are dying as it spreads. Learn more.

Please pray with me:

Lord God of Heaven,

You are the Creator and all the earth submits to Your will. Only You can bring good from all situations. I claim Romans 8:28.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
You have allowed this virus and it has taken the lives of so many and is devastating the lives of so many more. It is not something I can understand. I do see that here in the U.S. we are more concerned about our own safety rather than seeking how we can help. Forgive us. We are driven by fear— when You have offered Your perfect love to cast it out. Forgive us.

Truly, there is nothing happening that does not submit to Your purpose, so the virus is under Your rule.

Father, for those who minister to the victims and serve in the cleanup
:  May those who work tirelessly, be strengthened for each day. Protect their bodies from the virus and may the bleach wash kill every cell of ebola that threatens them. Give them discernment as they approach people that their bodies may be protected. Father, the suits that they wear—may there be enough of them; may they have the needed supplies to keep themselves safe. 

Shield them from the emotional devastation as they see young children die, and other children lose their entire family. Cover these servants secure their bodies as well as their minds. Father, I can not imagine the emotional cost, the turmoil, the heartbreak that these workers face every day. Permeate their thinking to protect their heart.

For the leaders and officials: surely, they need wisdom as well as words. Bring the right information to them that they can make good decisions. Grant them a spirit of collaboration and unity of mind and purpose as they make these decisions. I include the doctors, their staff, the civil and national leadership— grant them focus, direction, and a plan that bring hope to those they serve. Change them Father that their lives be committed to true service. Grant them a heart of compassion. Strengthen them emotionally, especially where difficult decisions must be made.

For the families of victims, and those that have contracted the disease: Father, denial runs rampage and fear drives people to poor decisions. Raise up the voices of those who have recovered to be an encouragement for those who who are sick. May those who are ill and their family and friends, not be in denial but act swiftly that this disease be contained and they may live. May the ramifications of their decision to hide their symptoms be unacceptable and may they do the right thing.

So many people have lost their friends and their family. Yet You are there crying with them. Cause us to repent. Cause us to value this situation as an opportunity to seek You and draw close to You. I know You are ready to draw close to them—Oh Father, may their voices reach out in their desperation and their loss. May survivors and family reach out to those that grieve.

For the dying: Father, those that have contracted the disease and wonder if they will live. May Your Word of Life be spoken to them. May they realize their peril and seek You for their salvation. As they plead for their lives, may the salvation of Jesus be spoken to them. May they receive Your Gift of salvation and may the Name of Jesus rise victorious for them as well as their families and friends. May this entire situation be a revival for the glory that You for those who would call on Your Name. Jesus! Jesus Christ— may the Message and the Truth go out.

For new believers: May many turn to You. May they live to speak the Truth about Jesus and salvation. May there be an incredible revival and may the joy of Your Salvation fill the land with hope. Father, cause many people to speak Your Word and may the new believers grow quickly and minister to You and those who are dire for the Good News.

For those in the U.S.: Father, we have become a nation that is selfish and self-serving. Forgive us for being more concerned about our own safety than helping those in need. You have given us so much—like the ability to contain this virus, yet we are reticent to help those are fighting it afar. Raise up Your church to pray for our nation and free us from the love we seem to have for our stuff.

Cause our gaze to reach further to identify opportunity to share, to give, to use the prosperity that You have brought forth for Your purposes. Raise up prayer warriors and encouragers. Raise up an army that petitions You on how to walk by faith and not by sight. Squelch the fear that we choose instead of the love that would cast it out. Forgive us for our poor choices.

May we align with Your will. May preachers, and pastors be burdened to lead their congregations to take action. May the prayers from this nation and abroad capture Your attention and minister to You. Use this deadly virus to cause us to make change in our lives. May this catastrophe be part of the harvest for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

For the doctors, medical teams, researchers, and facilities: Father, please give these people ideas and insights on this virus. Guide their thinking on how to protect those who are well, and new considerations on the treatment of the sick. May those who are treating the victims be protected by Your grace. Grant a collaboration amongst the teams to come up with new and effective treatments. For the University of Nebraska Medical Centers and other facilities – raise up leaders to prepare for the near future and bring truth about the disease so that we know what is needed to protect this disease from spreading in the U.S. May there be no false statements that "all is well." Protect us with the truth and grant us emotional savvy to respond in ways that are helpful.

Grant us hope. Fill us with hope. Fill use with an encouraging word. Speak out Words of Life for all of us that would get involved that we may have an outpouring of joy in what You, the God of Creation will do. Open our eyes to see what You will will do and give us words of testimony that others may see too! Raise us up to care about the matters of Your heart and not our own.

Hear our prayers, in Jesus’ Name.

(Please add your prayers and support in the comments section.)

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