Please pray with me.
Father, Your Word:
Mark 3:25Heavenly Father,
And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
I love this nation: The United States of America. The USA, where You have placed me. I am grateful beyond words that I live here and have the freedoms that have blessed this nation. So many people have poured out their very life for the freedoms that I enjoy each day.
I give You thanks. Yet my heart is heavy over the division that has captured the minds and hearts of this nation. It seems that one cause or another has brought disunity everywhere I look. People seem to be consumed with their flavor of disruption. Many seem to seek division in every conversation. It seems to have become our identity. Forgive us.
Father, the division is alarming. It is literally disarming and we are totally vulnerable.
Our nation is fractured.
- Sanctity of Life:
- Abortion
- Discarding unused embryos
- Assisted suicide
- Eugenics
- Race
- Marriage
- Religion
- Politics
Sanctity of Life:
You are the Giver of Life. (Genesis 2:7) Open the eyes of our hearts to understand that life is a gift and not ours to take. Unless You show us this way, it is not possible that we can find it on our own.
Forgive us for being so consumed on our own self-interests that we cannot look wider than our immediate desires. Please, God of Mercy, do not leave us in this condition.
Racial Division:
Father, raise up voices of unity between the races. This is not a new struggle, but it is more complex with more factions involved: Hispanic, Black, White, Asian, Latinos, and others. We need Your help. Yes, raise up hearts that reach across the divide of race and extend a smile of welcome, a hand of true acceptance.
Bind us together as one to fight for common causes of worth: to help the hungry and the reach out to those without hope and by Your Spirit - lift them up.
Surely, Lord God, we are making up our own rules to accommodate our desires. The redefinition of marriage is a place of deep grief. Your Word is so clear and the ramifications of this choice are also clear. Yet, we have taken this path. Call us to repent, to confess, and to plead for mercy. We look to the statistics to justify our choices, and when they do not, we cover them up.
Yet, there are those who adhere to Your Word. Give us a heart to reach those who are pushing the agenda of redefining marriage and further defiling our nation.
Father, this has become so complex. We have Muslim against Christian, Muslims against Muslims, and Christians against Christians. Is it no wonder that so many people have become disappointed and left the entire of concept of Your being?
Within Your true Church - those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I ask for unity... unity and desire to love each other. Your Word tells us that "they" will know we are Christians by our love. Give us a heart to love each other. Unify Your church within the individual churches.
Redirect our minds and hearts to organize in prayer and outreach to demonstrate Your Gospel, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. May these demonstrations be a part of every day as we seek You, speak our faith, and respond to help those in need. Give us eyes to see the need of others, and motivate us as to how we can meet those needs. May we put down our differences and unify to proclaim the Good News.
What a befuddlement. How can we pray effectively for our government and leaders. You command us to do so, but putting it into practice has become a challenge.
Father, I ask for wisdom for our leaders—national, state, and civic. Wisdom to seek out their own hearts and put aside their anger and frustration and find Your grace. Please place a desire for unity across the lines of division. I include our Senate and House: both nationally and at the state level. Grant them insights to see pathways that will bring people together and unify them across political lines.
Please give them ideas on how to show the love of Christ to each other, remembering that perfect love casts out fear. Bring Your perfect love into their daily situations. Grant these leaders self-control. Fill their hearts with new words, new responses. Please bring unity to our political venues.
Proverbs 15: 1Help us. Bring unity to Your people. That we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
In Jesus' Name
Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.
***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization.
For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at
For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.