
Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Prayer for Refugees and Displaced Persons

...a prayer for:
  • Refugees seeking asylum
  • For dishonorable smugglers
  • For those assisting refugees
  • For organizations providing support
Under international law, refugees must not be forced back to the countries they have fled.

  • Globally, one in every 122 humans is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum. If this were the population of a country, it would be the world's 24th biggest.
  • Wars, conflict and persecution have forced more people than at any other time since records began, to flee their homes and seek refuge and safety elsewhere, according to a new report from the UN refugee agency.
  • UNHCR's annual Global Trends Report: World at War, released on June 18, 2015, said that worldwide displacement was at the highest level ever recorded.
  • The number of people forcibly displaced at the end of 2014 had risen to a staggering 59.5 million compared to 51.2 million a year earlier and 37.5 million a decade ago.
  • 2015 is the biggest leap ever seen in a single year. Moreover, the report said the situation was likely to worsen still further.

Please pray with me:
Father, these people have nothing and barely the clothes on their back. Their journey is perilous, yet they are so desperate. If they stay at “home” their lives are in peril. If they go, the risk also puts their lives in peril. They are caught in the middle. Many are turned away and are unwelcome. Many die at the hands of smugglers.

Where is hope?

You are El-Roi, the God who Sees. You see the pain, the heartbreak, the unconscionable conditions and treatment that these people are undergoing.

Please come to their aid. You are Jehovah-Shammah, the God who is there. Rise up on behalf of these desperate people, driven from their homes, with nowhere to go. Build a testimony of Your presence. Lighten their heart and guide their steps. Strengthen them beyond their ability.

Up gird their bodies for the hardship of the trip. Grant them prayers for those who mistreat them. Give them a heart of forgiveness that You would take up their plight. Surely, many of them say, “Where is God?” Walk with them. Make Yourself known to them. You are Jehovah-Rapha, the God who Provides.

Father, they need very basic things: water, food, shelter. You fed the 5,000 with just five loaves and to fishes. Feed these people. The cattle of a 1,000 hills are Yours. All the earth is Yours, feed these people. They need shoes that don't wear You gave Your people when they wandered for 40 years in the desert. Please do it again.

As parents holding their children, squelch the fear that must well up within them. Keep disease at bay, especially in the infants. May there be daily, inexplicable miracles that accompany them. Open their eyes to see these miracles that in their thinking, may they reach out to You and find peace, assured of Your presence.

So many stories of smugglers and extortioners who take everything these refugees have. They are making exorbitant profit. Perhaps there are honorable people trying to help. But we are hearing ghastly stories of unconscionable treatment of people. We are hearing that many die from suffocation, from beatings, from horrendous conditions and treatments.

Give these refugees discernment when putting their lives in the hands of men with wicked hearts. When these refugees are without options, please provide for them. You provided a path through the Red Sea and You are the same yesterday, today and forever.

You are Jehovah-Sabbaoth, Lord of Hosts. Seek those that look to profit from these refugees; smugglers who double-cross, who delude and deceive…. Thwart their plans. Crush their hearts with Your compassion and turn them from wickedness to righteous resolve to truly help.

Cause these smugglers to turn from their heinous ways and become an army that serves You. Give them the heart of Christ, that they may know the joy of sacrifice.

Father, there are honorable people trying to help who are putting forth their best effort to help transport and smuggle these refugees. Please support them. Protect them and their passengers. Give them a clear path of travel. Uphold all of these people in transportation—by sea, by truck, bus, plane…whatever is at hand.

There are many overwhelmed people who want to help and don’t know how. Raise up leaders to organize their efforts. Bring those with the gift of administration, hospitality, and helps. Bring them to the fore.

And what will they assist these people with? Bring them supplies. Infrastructure: food, water, heat, blankets, tents, and sanitation. From the ends of the earth, bring armies of compassionate people. Press the hearts of those who would come. Provide their transportation and means to help. For those who cannot go, give them funding to send. For those with the gift of persuasive speech, may they be given a platform and an audience. Protect them. Protect their families.

It seems that exhaustion is everywhere. No one has enough sleep. Fear is rampant. You protected Daniel, that night in the lion’s den. Surely he was exhausted and fearful. You protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they went into the fire. …and You accompanied them there. Bring these people through with a testimony to give You the glory.

Many organizations are providing support. Their needs are endless. Bring in the leadership, the administration and the funding to do what needs to be done. Clear the way to receive these refugees.

For those who receive the refugees, strengthen them, give them genuine smiles, and true hospitality to nurture the hearts and bodies of these wayfaring, homeless people. May compassion run rampant. May supplies be multiplied.

Engage financiers to give from the heart without strings-attached. Raise up anonymous donors. Replenish and multiply the funding in the accounts of those who would give generously. May their joy be so enticing, that they continue to give and give, and give.

Engage the reporting communities to continue to cover the stories, the issues, the developments…may they hound their listeners that a world-wide engagement serve You, the true and living God.

To You be the glory for every success. May every testimony be saturated with Your ever-present hand. May the Holy Spirit capture the hearts and minds of millions through this endeavor that Jesus Christ be served with excellence.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Hallelujah!

Please read these articles by World News Group:
Record number of refugees driven from their homes 2015

Collateral damage: The Sudanese in Syria

Europe struggles to solve a migration crisis with no end in sight.

What does the Bible say about refugees (PDF)

Facts and Figures about Refugees by Refugees International

UN Refugee Agency Statistics & Operational Data

Definition of a Refugee by the United Nations Refugee Agency

Definition of a Refugee by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Human Trafficking

…a prayer for:
  • Those held in slavery, especially children and young women;
  • Those who enslave;
  • Those who fight against it.
  • Boys, girls, young women from around the world: 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the U.S. each year, primarily from Thailand, Mexico, Guatemala, Philippines and China.
  • An additional 100,000 U.S. children exploited by the commercial sex industry each year.
  • 200,000 U.S. citizens (primarily children and young women) face high risk of being trafficked within the U.S. for sexual purposes.
Please pray with me:
Father, human trafficking seems like something we only see on television. It seems to live somewhere else, removed from our reality. It is unthinkable that it is on our street, in our communities, in our parks…even right in front of us. We are unaware, unconscious, and therefore we miss it.

Forgive us for being so self-absorbed that we have overlooked such heinous activity. Father, we easily overlook these individuals and we dismiss them, rather than recognizing that they are each unique, one-of-a-kind, and precious in Your sight.

These are people You created and that You know. We minimize their value and their existence. Open our eyes, transform our awareness, raise up anger, and show us what we can do about this industry that is born of evil.

Father, little girls and boys, even toddlers, and young women —these most vulnerable people are held as slaves, hidden, abused, and without hope of escape. They are stripped of any value, treated as disposable animals, and repeatedly sold on a daily basis until they are finally discarded as trash. Surely, on every day of their lives, a part of them dies.

Where is hope? How can they find it? Strengthen them to hold strong. Comfort them in some mysterious way. Give them ideas of escape and a deep belief that there are people who seek their release and healing. Affirm in them that You, their Creator value them deeply and that You have not abandoned them.

Did you not speak to the child, Samuel, and call him? Children are precious to You. Are they not part of your inheritance? Rise up on this matter. Raise up an army so that these children and young women do not hope in vain.

What about family members who steal the self-worth through incest? Surely You must cry as this heinous sexual misconduct steals every speck of value from these victims. The damage is done. Something deep inside of them has been changed and only You can heal this deep, deep damage to their body and spirit. ONLY You! Truly, the damage is so deep that only You can reach it. Will You?

Forgive us for ignoring what is so difficult to even consider. Forgive us for knowing about it and turning our backs. Forgive us for filling our lives and minds up to the brink with frivolous amusements so there is no room to consider these realities that are before us. O Lord God of judgment, how will we stand before You. Surely, unless we change, we will weep at what we have attended to and what we overlooked. Save us from this fate!

We give You thanks that You are sovereign and that You beckon us to turn to You for help in time of need. Lord God, on this matter, we have been sparse in seeking You. Forgive us and put these things on our hearts. Bring true repentance and grant us prayers that we may seek You continuously on those things that are of such grave consequences.

We are to hate what You hate and love what You love. Surely You hate this industry and those who participate for their personal gain. Raise up Your army, Lord God of the Universe. Did You not tell us in Psalm 50 that the world is Yours? …and the fullness thereof? Then we ask for the following:

It seems unbelievable that there are those who have sunk so low as to profit from the sale of another person. How can we have sunk so low? Father, what horrid, atrocious thing happened to those that are involved with the trafficking of human beings, selling their bodies, and organizing these hell-houses where others come and pay to indulge themselves? What goes so incredibly wrong that people visit these places?

Bring newness of life to those who organize, transport, and otherwise participate in this industry for their physical and financial gain. Open their minds and hearts to switch sides that many may be saved. Did you not do this with the Apostle Paul? And did he not serve You faithfully for the remainder of his life? Can You not do it here in this time and in these places? We ask it.

Father, for an army of prayer warriors. Please protect the longevity of these prayer commitments. Enable them to continue and not tire. Protect them emotionally as they scope out the stories. Place an individual, perhaps a youth who is missing, for each person to pray for specifically.

Protect these prayer warriors from Satan who will hate and attack them. Place a wide and tall hedge about them and may the light of Christ be so bright that it blinds the enemy’s sharpshooters. Preserve and protect those who pray.

Place organizations in front of those who would join in the battle; and prick the spirit of those who would serve in them. Uphold these individuals, press and urge them to become involved.

You changed and hardened Pharaoh’s heart! You redirected the servants of King Saul and they prophesied. Can You not change the hearts of those who would become involved in this industry? Aren’t You able to redirect those who do evil, and focus those who would fight to raise up the cause of Christ.

What about organizations like Love 146? They stand steadfast and unflinching. Daily, they move on the street. Strengthen their hearts and resolve. Protect their innermost beings from fainting at the disgust and waste that they face every day. Oh Father, protect their families and may they see clearly the balance between their unending work with it’s dire urgencies— and their families. May their families not be without their presence.

Holy Spirit, give them solutions, strategies, and raise up a network of protagonists to advocate for what is needed. Do they need funding? Physical houses? Offices? Staff? What about marketers, lawyers, temporary places of safety? Who will speak on behalf of Love 146 and other organizations? Must they do it themselves, in addition to their “street work”? Father, please bring many people alongside them with a deep commitment to help.

There are other organizations too. Put your shadow of invisibility over all of them that they become elusive to the enemy. Yet send out Your messengers to speedily bring miracle after miracle that You are glorified, and that Your testimony goes forth…and that these soldiers may be encouraged. May their joy be complete as new survivors move into recovery.

Give these warriors-for-the-cause a boldness, an undying strength. Give them insight and tactics to undermine this industry. Give them advocates to speak on their behalf and carry on the education to those of us who have been indifferent. May hearts be turned. May their words cause listeners to become activists.

Work in the hearts of the Church at large that we may hate this as much as You do. May we seek You with great audacity and feverous, vehement, and unceasing pesterings, that You would be compelled to move speedily and mightily!

Wage the war against this blight. May the light of Christ shine in the face of the enemy, so brightly that he enemy is blinded and left impotent to retaliate. May these warriors of Christ, snatch these victims out from under the hands of Satan.

All things are at Your disposal! All the money, all the resources – create a supply line of assistance, of revenue, of financial support, of people who will commit to helping to the rescue and healing of these people who have been imprisoned.

Father, may this army be unrelenting through Your strength, Your strong right arm, and Your hand and surely, by Your Spirit. May Jesus Christ be served with excellence that may we all stand honorably before You on the day of our judgment.

In the Name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Please read this article by World News Magazine
The Global Shame of Sex Trafficking:

Those trafficked into the U.S.

Types of human trafficking in the U.S.
…are often forced to work in massage parlors, brothels, strip clubs and escort services. Some examples of human trafficking for forced labor in the United States include domestic work in private homes, small, family businesses such as restaurants, begging rings, factories and agricultural farms.

What the Bible teaches about human trafficking

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: The United Nations defines human trafficking as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.”

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Abortion in the U.S.

...a prayer for the wounded, the participants, and those who fight for the unborn.

The numbers: over 57 million abortions, 133,333 more every month and many mothers who have died during the procedure. Millions of mothers suffer from Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS).

Please pray with me:

O great God of Creation, God of Life and Author of our faith. We come with heavy hearts as we see the changes in the U.S. culture, especially with regard to abortion. We seek Your guidance and Your will on how to respond.

Your Word tells us that: Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. (Psalm 127:3)

We seek You on behalf of all those who are involved in the eradication of Your inheritance. We have robbed You of Your reward. We have squandered Your inheritance… which was not our own.

People, especially women, have been lied to…and many have given up their children. Many have died during the procedure. Convenience has become our top priority.

We acknowledge that You are the God who changes hearts and we seek to do our part, to be responsible, to work as faithful stewards to testify of Your love and to fulfill our part in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).

We pray for those considering abortion. Father, cause them to question their decision. Move in their hearts to seek alternatives. Bring credible people alongside each person—people who are equipped with a reasonable, tangible solution and alternative. By Your powerful Holy Spirit, may many lives be saved and may You receive the glory.

We pray for the thousands of people who participate in this lethal procedure. Lord God, who convicts the hearts of people. Please send Your Holy Spirit to work in their lives. Did You not turn the heart of the Apostle Paul? He was murdering Your children, yet, You changed his heart to serve You. We pray that these people will have a similar change of heart and become an army against this heinous slaughter.

We pray for those who suffer from the consequences from abortion: women and men, mothers, fathers, siblings, extended family, those who speak out against abortion, those who participate in the procedure, and those who choose not to care.

Father, so many millions of women suffer from Post Abortion Syndrome. It is a hidden shame and they suffer in silence. Raise up those ministries that currently minister to these people. The women as well as the men and their families. You know which organizations reach out to these people. Father, raise up the needed monies to extend their reach. Pour out the technology and oversee its functionality that no one who needs help is missed, or passed by. Lord may these people find help in their moment of need. Grant a steady flow of the healing balm of Gilead.

Father, we ask for additional ministries to rise up. For each abortion in history, rescue those involved, 57 million, to know the saving grace and forgiveness offered through the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Then, may they become ministers that together bring a healing can wash across the United States. Lord God, by Your hand, by Your Spirit, and for Your glory.

For those who support the pro-life movement: Father, move in the hearts and minds of those who feel strongly about the pro-life movement. Give them persuasive words that many more may be drawn to action. Create leaders in this movement who speak and act in love. May they not be silenced. May their words be you’re your heart and may they open the hearts of others that this movement may grow.

Bring hope and light. We look to You for it. We look for encouragement, and for a diligence of action that pleases You.

Father, our culture has turned from You. Have we been diligent in prayer? Have we taken a stand that prevents us from regrets when we stand before You? Oh God, where this is not the case, may we repent this moment and here on out, seek you diligently on behalf of our culture. Grant us all diligence and discernment to move stealthily and overcome the enemy.

Jeremiah 1:5 KJV
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations

Psalms 139:13-16 KJV
13 For thou hast possessed my reins:
thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are thy works;
and that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee,
when I was made in secret,
and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect;
and in thy book all my members were written,
which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Proverbs 6:16-17
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

1 Peter 2:24
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Philippians 3:13
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Hope After Abortion

Hope and Healing After Abortion:

Finding hope, help and healing:

What the Bible says about abortion:

Effects of Abortion:

Studies Show Abortion’s Negative Effects on Mothers:

After Abortion:

Number of abortions:

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Prayer for those persecuted for their faith in Christ

As Christians, we can expect to be persecuted for our faith in Christ. We should not be surprised.

2 Timothy 3:12 (KJV)
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Today, many will die for their faith in Christ. Around the world, believers are daily giving their lives for their Savior Christ.

Please pray with me.

Father in heaven,

(From Psalm 18)
Lord, many are persecuted for their faith in Christ. Today, many will lose their lives. Children will watch as their parents are murdered. Parents will watch as their children are taken from them, or are killed on the spot.

Terror is the weapon of choice. Lord, help us pray diligently!

May the Body of Christ love Thee with all our strength. As terror closes in, may each heart be established with Christ as the Rock, the Fortress, as the Deliverer. May each persecuted person be strengthened, and find peace in putting their trust in You.

You are their Buckler, the Horn of their Salvation. Lord, You are their High Tower. Lift up each heart in the joy that You promise. Holy Spirit, fill them with promises from the riches in Your Word:
1 Peter 4:12-14 (KJV)
12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.
May they truly rejoice in their heart as they offer their testimony of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. May their faithfulness be a sweet aroma before You. Holy Spirit, grant them presence of mind, and Christ-likeness to forgive their persecutors. May Your presence be their mainstay.

For their steadfastness:
Father, the sorrows of death compass about these people. Protect their hearts from fear. Ungodly men flood their minds and torture their bodies—hell envelopes them from every side. Focus their minds to call upon You and cry out knowing that You will hear their voice.

Fight their battles Father. All of heaven and earth beckon to Your voice. Did not the earth itself become formed at Your Word? Draw these treasured believers out of the waters. Deliver them from the enemy, from the day of their calamity. Be their stay.

Father, delight in these, Your servants who are steadfast for the cause of Christ. Shine brightly through them in this darkness of their life. Your way is perfect. You are a buckler to those who trust in You. You are their Rock. Save them Lord. Gird them with strength.

Teach them to war not against the powers of flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6;12).

Give them the shield of thy salvation and uphold them by Thy right hand. Enlarge their steps that their feet not slip. Gird them with strength unto the battle and subdue those whom the enemy uses.

For their persecutors:
May the joy of those who are persecuted be so evident that their persecutors take pause. May Christ speak boldly and directly into the hearts and minds of those who kill, steal, and destroy as they serve the purposes of the enemy. And may they search and find Christ because of the testimony of those who die daily for Christ’s sake.

For those of us who know:
Father, we know these things are happening and yet we get so busy that we do not even stop and pray. Show us how to do our part and diligently pray for these, our honored brothers and sisters in Christ.

Help Lord…that we may be found faithful in the day of Your coming! You are the only Hope. Encourage us. Help us to prioritize our lives and align with Your will.

North Korea Publicly Executes 80 for Possessing Bibles Read more.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Prayer for Christian Churches in the U.S.

We know that Jesus is coming. The Bible tells us:
You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. (Luke 12:40 ESV)
Are we ready? Are churches ready? Are we as individuals ready? Each day, we are closer. Have we done our part?

Please pray with me:

Father in heaven, You are the Great Designer, and You have created and ordained the earth. By contrast, we bring sin with us everywhere we go and we taint the beauty of Your Handiwork. Truly, we have spoiled Your stunning Creation. Our sin has such great cost.

And how did You respond? You sent Your Son. You came to us. You paid the price—which was so great. How can we understand such love? We don’t know how. We are humbled. We are grateful.

Praise and acclamation belong to You alone for Your patience and Your compassion. You have made us a new creature to those who believe in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).

It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. (Lam 3:22-23).
Bring this to our understanding that our commitment to Your will and Your work in us can be complete. Let us not forget Hebrews 12:2:
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
May Your Word bring us great consolation, peace, gratitude and joy. May Your Word incite commitment and resolve to do Your will moment by moment.

We choose to be bound by our sin. Forgive us. Yet, this need not be! Hope is complete through Jesus Christ, who came to
“… preach good tidings unto the meek …bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

“… to comfort all that mourn; …to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:1, and Luke 4:18)
Where we have fallen short, where we have not been a message of hope to our communities, guide our churches to repent before You. We ask You to forgive us and open our eyes to see opportunity.

Surely we are Your body – Your outreach into the world to proclaim the Living Christ! But we fall short. We have not accepted the beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Therefore, we are not a “tree of righteousness” that glorifies You!

Help Lord! You can turn all this around! Have mercy on us! Oh Holy Spirit convict the hearts of whole churches to repent, to receive Your joy, Your beauty, and to exalt You with praise. May we eagerly cast off the spirit of heaviness! Establish churches as “trees of righteousness” —both individually and through their outreach. Let us cry out to You and may You clothe us in commitment!

Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, establish the root systems—roots that go deep and solid and are founded in Your Word. Water each church—the Holy Spirit leading and guiding the leadership and members. Cause each tree to grow into a balanced, stalwart foundation within each community.

May Your Holy Spirit have free reign that the fruit grow soundly and without blight. As fruit, may we be mature, firm; inviting and tasteful. May the Word of hope in Jesus Christ follow every member through every interaction of their week. And may Jesus Christ be glorified! Hallelujah!

May each church member gather in anticipation of glorious worship each Sunday, amazed at Your work to grow them both individually and collectively. May we be so excited to share what You have accomplished, that we can’t wait to encourage others and worship You in one accord.

May our worship rise up and may it be a savory perfume to You. May You be pleased with us daily—both individually and collectively. And may we find Your joy and peace as we enthusiastically demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a habit of living in our lives.

In the Name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Prayer for those held captive by pornography:

According to the Institute for the Study of Labor, a private, global, independent economic research institute, in their article on the impact of pornography on marriage, they indicate that in 2010, 13% of all Internet traffic is for “erotic content.” Essentially, pornography is replacing marriage. To hear an 11-minute podcast on this topic, from World News Group, please click here.

Please pray with me:

“Father, You know us (Rom 8:27). You know our hearts and minds, and You are a God of compassion (Psalm 145:8). You are gracious. You care diligently about our well being (I Peter 5:7).

You are holy and worthy of our praise and worship. Your love for us is without bounds, and You consistently beckon us to seek You, to seek Your help, and to receive Your grace and mercy.

You are the ultimate care and love for us. Your compassion is at the ready to embrace us and lift us from the muck and mire of our daily existence and bring us to a place of peace, security, and sufficiency.

“We have not prayed as we should to save the institute of marriage, as You define it. We have not been diligent to find ways to preserve and mentor new marriages to increase their success rates—especially when they faced challenges. Forgive us.

“We have allowed marriage to become a temporary arrangement for a tax credit, rather than the covenant that You designed. We have forgotten that You are the Author of marriage and we have re-purposed and modified Your gift to accommodate our sin. Forgive us.

“We have allowed the media to pour out erotic messages and flood the public places with alluring sexual content. We have not been diligent in prayer against these messages or in prayer for those behind it, or the victims in front of it. Forgive us.

“We seek to satisfy our bodies without respecting them, or acknowledging them as a gift from you. We have not been good stewards. Forgive us.

“We have forgotten Your directive to populate the earth and we devised and elevated our own thinking to gratify ourselves without commitment or responsibility. Forgive us.

“We have followed this path of destruction for so long, that nations are now on the path to extinction. We know about this and we haven’t taken heed or corrective action. Forgive us and have mercy on us.

Thank You that You care about each of us, and every part of our being (Luke 12:7). Thank You for Your commandments and instructions that You have given us— that we might be kept safe; that we can be protected against the harm of our enemy (John 10:10).

Thank You that You are a God of hope. Romans 15:13. Thank You that You have not left us without help, and You encourage and even command us to ask for Your assistance in all things. (Matthew 7:7)

Thank You that nothing is beyond Your ability. We come to You with thanksgiving that You are for us (Romans 8:31). We are grateful that nothing can separate us from Your love (Romans 8:38). We are grateful for the ultimate strength of Your love for us.

We thank You that You came to set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1).

O Father, many are held captive by pornography—at so many levels. Some are held captive to seek it, find it, and indulge in it. Some are captive to produce and distribute it. Some are caught and held against their will, forced to participate for the financial gain, and heinous indulgence of others. We appeal to You to help them.

You have commanded us in Psalm 119:37 to turn away our eyes from this sin. And you have shown us in Psalm 101:3 that we are not to set any wicked thing before our eyes. So we know that this is dangerous, that it is sin, and that it is possible to avoid it. We need Your help to be diligent and pleasing before You.

Send witnesses that will speak meaningfully to these individuals. Sharpen the mind and bring the words of life to these who are caught in this trap. Strengthen their minds to hear and protect the hearts of those who would listen.

Surely, O God, send Your Holy Spirit. May He comfort those who are ripped apart by addiction. May Your hope infiltrate their very being and not let go. May it give them resolve to flee from temptation through the strength that Christ bought on the cross to secure their freedom.

May those involved with this industry come to the realization that Your care is personal and it is for them. May they come to the humbling knowledge that Christ’s care includes dying for them—because of Your great love for them. May they realize that as their Creator, You made them with specific purpose and value…and may they cling to You to help.

Raise up an army of people who have been caught in the pornography trap. Save them! You are a merciful God! Save them from this destruction! Set them on a path to turn on their captors and lead the way to freedom. You, O God, can bring repentance to those who would hear. Yes, repentance and salvation and freedom for the captives.

So who are those who would hear and follow the path to freedom? You know. Raise up an army of prayer warriors to seek You diligently on behalf of those who suffer. May we be unrelenting before You day and night and not rest while this path of death torments its victims.

Encourage those who pray against pornography. Drive us to seek You and praise You for the release, the victory for each captive that is set free. Grant us vision on the support system needed that those who are free may remain so. Bring to life the ministers of Your Word to find and receive those who can hear.

Grant us prayers. Grant us undying hope. Establish in Your Word that we may be found faithful at the Day of His coming.

In Jesus’ Name.