You cleanse us from all that prevents us from being holy. You have said, "Be ye oly, for I am holy." And it is clear that we cannot begin this process. We need You. We need Your Spirit.
In You is the beauty brought by Christ's obedience. In You is the testimony of Your grace, bringing newness of life, that is, transformation. Thank You.
Holy Spirit, we are so inept without You. We need You. Thank You for your gentleness and care. Thank You for not giving up on us. I invite You to bring greater pressure on us, that we may draw closer to God.
Pierce our hearts to desire transformation and renewal. The world wants us to be satisfied with our status quo. We like our comfort zones, even when it chains us to uncertainty, dissatisfaction, and paths without meaning or destination. We need Your help. I invite You here.
You know me and my neighbors. Help me walk in this newness of life. Open their eyes that they may see it and desire Your renewal. Draw them close to You that they may know the joy of relationship with You.
You heal and restore. Please enter in. I ask it, for the soon kingdom of Jesus Christ.
in Jesus' Name,
Dear reader, do you want to know Jesus as Savior. You can. Today.
Here is how.
***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization.