Please pray with me:
Heavenly Father,
You have carefully given us the guidance to manage debt and lending. Your Word:
Romans 13:7-8Father, not only have You put "in writing" how we should manage our spending, but there are many examples over the centuries that support Your warnings about the financial management, both for the individual and for nations. Yet...we have ignored them. We have no excuse.
7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another...
Proverbs 22:7b
... and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Have mercy, O God, and help us turn back to You. Help us to see the error of our ways.
Our national debt is out of hand. Our personal debt is out of hand. We have become addicted to spending. We have become addicted to the pleasure of "having" and we are driven by our desires.
We are gluttons and our insatiable appetites have no boundaries. We fiercely protect our "right to have" whatever our whims bring to mind. We have lost track of true "need" and we are fixated on our "wants."
We want to blame "Washington" for our national debt. Yet, Father, we have created an entire society of spending —how can we be surprised when "Washington" simply does what we have taught them? We raised them up to spend.
Father, we justify our spending. We say, "These are programs for the poor." Yet, our spending programs have created the poor. It is a cycle that has no end without painful consequences.
We are not willing to face the consequences of our actions and we push them off. We hope the consequences will not happen in our lifetime. We are foolishly and sadly mistaken.
We have created an industry out of killing unborn children by redefining it as "women's health." Now we are giving Planned Parenthood half a Billion dollars in our new budget.
O Father, how can we not be an abomination to You? We are stealing from You. We are stealing your heritage.
Psalm 127:3We are all guilty. We have no excuse. We have brought a curse upon our land and upon our children. Open our eyes and help us change from our wickedness. We cannot do this of ourselves. We need Your help.
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Father, what about Your church. Are we "debt-free"...? I think not. Individuals, churches themselves, and on through to the federal government. We are laden with debt.
We can no longer love one another, because our debt has enslaved us. Have mercy, O God.
You blessed this nation so that we could bless others. But we have become greedy and we have ignored Your clear directives that we remain debt free that we could love one another and proclaim Christ.
Personal debt:
We need Your help. Convict those who call You by Name. Convict us to be debt free.
We found good college education. We borrowed against a dream for future income and now it has not happened and we are in a nightmare.
Call on Your Church to set an example and manage personal debt. Let us start a new movement that will teach Your principles of financial management. Help us Father, have mercy. We cannot do this on our own. We need Your help.
Business debt:
Father, business owners have jeopardized their businesses by going into debt. Government programs that "help the poor" also made it possible for banks to lend to businesses. Now the businesses are in the same place as households.
We pay off debt by borrowing more money. Again the cycle has grave consequences as corporations turn to the government to bail them out. Yet, we are the government. What company will be next? You know O God.
National debt:
Is it any surprise, with personal and business debt that is out of control, that our nation is failing because of debt? How can anyone be unaware? How can we simply turn our attention to our pleasure and ignore the consequences of our failings.
We are a hedonistic nation, set on appeasing our own pleasures and abandoning Your clear directives regarding our debt. Have mercy O God.
Open our spiritual eyes, grant us reason. Open our hearts to recognize the wisdom of Your guidance and turn from our wickedness. We cannot do this of ourselves. We need Your help.
Have mercy O God, have mercy,
...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,
Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.
Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.
***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.
For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at
For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.