
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Prayer for Washington's spending problem
      —U.S. debt

***A prayer for Washington's spending problem —the U.S. debt

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
You have carefully given us the guidance to manage debt and lending. Your Word:
Romans 13:7-8
7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another...

Proverbs 22:7b
... and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Father, not only have You put "in writing" how we should manage our spending, but there are many examples over the centuries that support Your warnings about the financial management, both for the individual and for nations. Yet...we have ignored them. We have no excuse.

Have mercy, O God, and help us turn back to You. Help us to see the error of our ways.

Our national debt is out of hand. Our personal debt is out of hand. We have become addicted to spending. We have become addicted to the pleasure of "having" and we are driven by our desires.

We are gluttons and our insatiable appetites have no boundaries. We fiercely protect our "right to have" whatever our whims bring to mind. We have lost track of true "need" and we are fixated on our "wants."

We want to blame "Washington" for our national debt. Yet, Father, we have created an entire society of spending —how can we be surprised when "Washington" simply does what we have taught them? We raised them up to spend.

Father, we justify our spending. We say, "These are programs for the poor." Yet, our spending programs have created the poor. It is a cycle that has no end without painful consequences.

We are not willing to face the consequences of our actions and we push them off. We hope the consequences will not happen in our lifetime. We are foolishly and sadly mistaken.

We have created an industry out of killing unborn children by redefining it as "women's health." Now we are giving Planned Parenthood half a Billion dollars in our new budget.

O Father, how can we not be an abomination to You? We are stealing from You. We are stealing your heritage.
Psalm 127:3
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
We are all guilty. We have no excuse. We have brought a curse upon our land and upon our children. Open our eyes and help us change from our wickedness. We cannot do this of ourselves. We need Your help.

Father, what about Your church. Are we "debt-free"...? I think not. Individuals, churches themselves, and on through to the federal government. We are laden with debt.

We can no longer love one another, because our debt has enslaved us. Have mercy, O God.

You blessed this nation so that we could bless others. But we have become greedy and we have ignored Your clear directives that we remain debt free that we could love one another and proclaim Christ.

Personal debt:
We need Your help. Convict those who call You by Name. Convict us to be debt free.

We found good college education. We borrowed against a dream for future income and now it has not happened and we are in a nightmare.

Call on Your Church to set an example and manage personal debt. Let us start a new movement that will teach Your principles of financial management. Help us Father, have mercy. We cannot do this on our own. We need Your help.

Business debt:
Father, business owners have jeopardized their businesses by going into debt. Government programs that "help the poor" also made it possible for banks to lend to businesses. Now the businesses are in the same place as households.

We pay off debt by borrowing more money. Again the cycle has grave consequences as corporations turn to the government to bail them out. Yet, we are the government. What company will be next? You know O God.

National debt:
Is it any surprise, with personal and business debt that is out of control, that our nation is failing because of debt? How can anyone be unaware? How can we simply turn our attention to our pleasure and ignore the consequences of our failings.

We are a hedonistic nation, set on appeasing our own pleasures and abandoning Your clear directives regarding our debt. Have mercy O God.

Open our spiritual eyes, grant us reason. Open our hearts to recognize the wisdom of Your guidance and turn from our wickedness. We cannot do this of ourselves. We need Your help.

Have mercy O God, have mercy,

...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Prayer for our Church Leaders

***Praying for our church leaders

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
You beckon us to pray for our leaders. It is challenging. Our own agendas get in the way and we are tempted to pray for our personal desires for the church rather than the challenges that the church leaders, especially pastors, are experiencing.

Grant us Your insight on what to pray and how to express these prayers to You that our pastors may be fortified, blessed and effective.

Your Word clearly indicates there are two kinds of wisdom.
James 3:16
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
Father, these leaders need the wisdom that is from above. Clearly, they cannot make headway on spiritual matters if their wisdom is earthly. Enrich their spirits to hear Your wisdom, recognize it and give them words to bring life to that wisdom and pass it on throughout their church and community.

Peace...peace within our churches. Father, grant each pastor a peace-loving demeanor. May the demonstration of this peace, in their lives, be vivid to those that work with them and those that attend their churches.

May the peace that passes all understanding, well up within them and may they love the Prince of Peace and establish His peace within themselves and their churches. May they establish peace as a methodology to squelch silly arguments, dissolve disgruntled agendas, and change those personalities that would pursue contention.

Gentleness...O Father, this has to be a challenge. Pastors are pelted from every direction. Yet the wisdom from above is gentle. Your divine wisdom moves deep. Give pastors divine wisdom to see and speak deeply and subtly to those who would disrupt, disturb or wound those around them. Grant pastors the words that change and dismantle harshness.

Full of Mercy and Good Fruit...the practical display of godliness. How encouraging to see faith in action. Grant pastors the blessing of seeing their work expressed throughout their congregations and by their congregations! Make every pastor a person of action. Open the eyes of their congregants to appreciate the practical application of their pastor's faith, and to be so moved, that they follow suit.

Father, it is a challenge in every church that volunteers are not available to help when help is needed. May the requests and servanthood of their pastor beckon them to do likewise and may it no longer be a burden to find people to accomplish work that needs to be done.

...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.

In the Name of above all names, Jesus Christ,
...Who is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.


This blog was inspired by David Mathis and more information can be found here.

Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hope for a nation in love with corruption

***Hope for a nation in love with corruption

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Your Word:
2 Peter 2:19
While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
Our nation, the land that I love, is sick. We have lost our first love. We have lost You as our identity. We have turned, everyone to his own way. Have mercy O God.

Father, corruption seems to be everywhere. In government, in business, in entertainment, in our communities and in our neighborhoods. We have given free reign, as a nation, and succumbed to the allure of exalting self. Have mercy O God.

Where did it come from. Surely You have said it:
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Truly, the wiles of the enemy have offered us power, vice, and sin, all wrapped in delicious enticements. And we have indulged to the point of addiction. Have mercy on us, O God. Bring us to the Cross of Jesus Christ to find grace to save us.
Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
For godly leaders and government:
How can we, as a nation, develop godly leaders, if we do not practice godly actions, as You, the One True and Living God, have defined "godly?" And without You, corruption has taken over. We need Your help. We need a revival.

You are the God of Justice. Many people are shouting for justice. Yet, this is impossible, if "we, the people" do not look to the God of Justice. Help us to turn to You.

As our government has grown, our rights have been rescinded. We have turned to government for our protection, rather than turned to You. Forgive us. We need Your help. We need a revival. Help us turn to You.

Call Your faithful to positions of leadership in every area of our lives: government, social organizations, churches, neighborhoods...raise up an army of leaders who look to You and Your Word for the answers.

For the entertainment industry:
Father, the entertainment industry, with rare exception, seeks our demise. It promotes corruption and has given us an appetite for corruption. We want to watch it, listen to it, and play "games" that allow us to be "players."

Raise up voices of reason to promote Your Holiness, that we may confess the demise of our appetite for Your Goodness, Your Justice, Your Security, Your Salvation.

For our schools:
Father, schools are no longer safe, and our children have become targets of the enemy. We took prayer out of our schools, we removed Your commandments...we do not want to submit to the protections You have put in place. Forgive us for thinking we can control and protect our society from corruption...

The enemy of righteousness is bent on our corruption. Yet, YOU have defeated him. You have overcome him. You have given those in Christ Jesus the authority over him. Raise us up, God of Justice. Raise up Your church to take authority over our neighborhoods, our towns, cities, our states and our nation...and bring it back to You.

For our neighborhoods. For revival!:
We need reviving...we have passed out and have become impotent. We are as buried bones. Raise us up to take back this nation. Grant us a determination to pick up the Sword of the Spirit and wield it in accordance with Your Word.
Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Let us proclaim the Word of God for the United States. Raise up our voices to speak out our authority by the blood of the Lamb. And may it be a sweet smelling aroma before Your throne of grace...

Move in our hearts and minds that we may turn from our wicked ways and boldly come before Your throne and find grace to help in our time of dire need.

Father, give us Your Word in our hearts! Grant us a hunger and thirst for Your Word. And as we indulge in it, may it come forth from us as our testimony! May we not love our lives unto the death.

For YOU are LIFE and YOU are LIFE Eternal. Praise be to Your Name, Jesus Christ: born of the virgin Mary, crucified for us, resurrected for us, and Who is the Living Word. May we erupt in praise and sing Your mighty victory over this land. May we be a people of prayer before the Righteous and Holy God.

It is Your desire that all men come to repentance:
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Fill us with Your Hope that others desire it. Fill us with Your Word to give them and call them to repentance. Father, develop us as Your army to uphold our leaders, protect our society, our children and this nation. Help us to do our part to lead in revival that JESUS CHRIST be served with excellence.

...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming. In the Name of Jesus Christ,

Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

To my horror and shame, I am a hypocrite...
     ...the prayers of one sinner

***To my horror and shame, I am a hypocrite...
     the prayers of one sinner

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
How many times have I read those words, closed my eyes and said, "Lord, here am I, send me. I will go." You know, O Lord. Time after time, I have prayed those words. Today I realize that I didn't really mean it.

Over the years, I've decided for myself just where I should go. And I suited my personal desires. I decided I should go where I could use my natural talents. I wanted to go where I was comfortable...Rather than listen carefully to You, I created my own path...and missed opportunity. Forgive me, Lord.

Father, the years have passed. My body aged and I realized I could no longer "go" longer am I able to across the oceans. I could not "go" to help those in Hurricane Katrina, or Hurricane Sandy. I looked at starving children, and many others around the world and realized I could not go to them.

So I asked for I could help others to go. I asked for money to support those who could go. I started giving as generously as send others, who are younger than I...and more courageous.

I thought I was being honorable. I was wrong. Forgive me, Lord.

My neighbors do not know the Gospel. They do not know You. They are not saved. And I have not gone. Am I really unable to "go"? Can I not take the 50 steps over to their house to inquire how they are doing? Is the "Good News" of salvation, so heavy, that I cannot carry it to them...even a leaflet or a tract?

Then there are the people at the's only 5 minutes away. Can I not go? Can I not find even one hour to give? I am a hypocrite. Forgive me.

Father, You show me that people are in need of hope. You are our Hope. People are in need of compassion, grace, and care...did You not demonstrate the ultimate compassion and grace, and care? Have You not cared for me? Have You not provided for me ....for decades? Do I not have stories to tell of Your faithfulness to me? Of course I do. Thank You, dear God. Forgive me for my selfishness. I confess that my desire for comfort, and my excuses, have declared that I am a hypocrite.

My excuses:
Father, my values, my desires and my fears hold me back.

      • I value my comfort over the souls of the lost.
      • I am afraid of tension between me and my neighbors.
      • I am afraid of the attack of the enemy, the evil one.
      • I covet my time over the needs of the lost,
            —needs that You have clearly revealed to me.
      • I am afraid of confrontation.
      • I am unwilling to trust You to lead me and guide me.

More Confession:
Father, I am ashamed. I have given up what I could and should be doing, to cater to my convenience.

The internet is full of examples on how to talk to people about Christ. I have no excuse on not knowing "how" to talk to people.

The stories of Your faithfulness are beyond number. I have no excuse for not thinking about them and selecting several that may encourage others.

I cannot go to disaster areas caused by so called "acts of nature"...but I can walk over to my neighbor.

I can give to organizations who can go, who can feed, and who can embrace those in need...yet, there is much more that I can do. I can go...I can go to the mall. I can go to the retirement home. I can visit those who are shut in. I can visit the sick.

Yet, Father, I cannot go without You. I dare not go without Your Spirit. Lead me, Lord. Lead me in Thy Righteousness. By Your Spirit, I ask to hear Your voice.

Reveal to me every hidden hypocrisy that has taken up residence in my heart and my mind. Open my eyes and reveal the need of others where I can make a difference. Grant me strength and resolve to use my feet and my mouth. Fill me with an urgency to walk by the Spirit and "go".

Have mercy on me, Lord God of Heaven, Redeemer, Sanctifier and Author and Finisher of my faith...

That I may be found faithful, in the day of His coming,

In Jesus' Name.

Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Gratitude for the Gift and Legacy of Billy Graham

***Gratitude for the Gift and Legacy of Billy Graham

Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Your Word:
Ephesians 4:11-12
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
You gave us the gift of Evangelist Billy Graham. Thank You. Thank You for this man who followed Your calling, turning not to the right or to the left. Father, he stands as an example to us, of a servant leader, following Your call in all humility. Thank You. I weep at his passing.

You brought Your message of salvation to me through television curious he was to my 9-year old mind. But I watched him at grandma's house on the black and white TV. I remember my father watching too. It didn't mean much then.

Now, 50 years later, I am in Christ. And as impossible as it seems, both my father and mother are now in heaven as they too came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Truly, that is a miracle. Thank You.

Mr. Graham served as pastor to many of our presidents. And in doing so, he was the pastor to our nation. I give you thanks that You found this man, willing to go where sent, to speak Christ. All who have heard him will be without excuse, for his words and his life demonstrated the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Christ crucified. I give you thanks.

How many books did he write? You know. How many people read them in how many languages? How many lives were changed because of those books? You know.

And You know how many more will continue to be read and how many lives will be changed. Thank You for this man's life and testimony.

Evangelist: Souls of Saints:
Father, we sure like our numbers. The number of books, the number of tours, the number of crusades, the number of people who came forward... Yes, we like our the numbers. You like numbers too! You gave us the Book of Numbers. You count. Only You know "the numbers" in our lives.

You know the number of souls that have come to Jesus Christ because of Your work through Mr. Billy Graham. It gives me an inner warmth to think about the people who repented at the foot of the cross and found Your profound grace for their salvation. Thank You for those invitations...

Thank You for the hundreds of crusades in hundreds of countries, where Your Spirit was loosed to move in the hearts and minds of millions of people so that the Gospel of Christ could be proclaimed! Thank You for all these brothers and sisters in Christ, whom I will meet when time has no end.

Father, I ask a blessing on Mr. Graham's family at this time. Grant them private time and place to grieve their loss. Uphold them in public and embrace them as only You can.

As I see the outpouring of the ministries of his family, I am humbled at the profound difference this one family has had on our nation and the world.

The work of Franklin Graham through Samaritan's Purse. Father, he is an evangelist and only You know the lives that are changed by this organization. You know the challenge of finding a place to give with confidence, knowing that my gifts will be used in accordance with Your Word.

Please draw more people to this organization with hearts willing to give generously and joyously for this work. (Please give me more to give.)

The books, presentations, and prayers of Anne Graham Lotz. Father, her work has helped You to bring about deep change in my life. Surely, even this blog has been inspired, in part, by her ministry. Her life example, her willingness to share her personal struggles, her dependence on You...thank You for this woman, her voice, and how You have used her to grow and change lives —especially mine.

Father, she is an evangelist, and she brings the intense sense of urgency about our time and You compel us to know the signs of the times. Ms. Lotz brings the urgency of this matter directly to our hearts. Grant her voice, magnify Your work through her so that we may not be found slack in the day of Your coming. Thank You.

Father, I mention only two: Ms. Anne Graham Lotz, and her brother, Mr. Franklin Graham. Both are evangelists, in the steps of their father. I know the legacy is much wider and the list is endless. I am grateful that You know.

How many people, who committed their lives to Christ through Mr. Graham's ministry, have contributed to the proclamation of Your Word throughout the world? You know, O God. Not one detail has escaped Your notice. Thank You.

To those who who surfaced at this time to demean Mr. Graham: Father, I stand before You. I ask Your mercy on them. You are the God who changes hearts. I ask Your Spirit work in their hearts and minds to turn to the Cross of Christ and find grace to help in this time of need.
* * * *

Father, may this man's life and the legacy of his family and the multitudes that he touched, compel us to live and commit ourselves to Your Word and Your work each day and do so with urgencey,

That we may be found sober, diligent, and faithful in the day of His coming,

In Jesus' Name,

Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.

Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.

***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.

For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at

For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.