Please pray with me:
Heavenly Father,
You are the God of the living. You are the Creator of Life. You are the One True and Living God, who knew we would need salvation from our sin and You provided. Through Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, we too can have life. Thank You.
Father, You know the pain of losing a son and You have sent the Comforter. Thank You.
I bring many before You today who need comfort.
So many soldiers have lost their lives preserving my freedoms —the freedoms that I don't take for granted, like going to church, the freedom to earn a living, the freedom to pursue a future.
And Father, there are so many freedoms that do take for granted. I have had them so long, that I assume they came without cost.
Father, many people have died so that I could live in a nation with the freedoms that we have here in the U.S.
I pray for those who survive them. The fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, and especially the wives and husbands, and the children who live their lives without their loved one.
You who sent the Comforter, comfort them; especially this day, when our attention picks at the open wound of their loss. May we remember with depth.
May we remember with honor and humility. May we be sensitive to the pain that continues because of the sacrifice of so many.
Father, please remember...
- Fathers and mother, brothers and sisters who live their lives with their family, incomplete, because of that one who is no longer here. Comfort them.
...even when others take their freedom for granted and dismiss the cost that so many must pay. - Spouses, and especially those who are raising children on their own. Provide for them. May they feel Your presence in their grief.
Soften the deep vacancy that silently screams at them...and will continue to do so. Protect them from resentment and may their hearts not grow hard.
...especially during sleepless nights, and times of heartache with children, with the living of their life without their spouse. - Children. Those who live their lives without a parent...especially at those important life celebrations: their first date, their birthdays, holidays...and every day they see a complete family and wonder what it would be like to have one.
Protect them from anger. May it not take hold and cripple them further. Reveal Yourself to them and comfort them.
...especially during those moments when they need a parent and space is empty. Bring others around to comfort them and bring the wisdom they need. - Comrades...those soldiers who have survived and live in sorrow.
Fellow soldiers, who today, remember those with whom they served...the ones who are still living, and those who died.
Comfort them when the flood of hard memories push at their hearts and minds. Have mercy and pour out Your grace. Move in their spirit and uphold them, that the memories not be too much for them.
Carry them Father. Deep within them, may they know their sacrifice was worthy and noble.
And as they see the cookouts, the parades, the celebrations...celebrations without reverence, without the observation and memory of the horrific price that has been paid, may they not be resentful.
May their hearts not be hardened. May they, in the stillness of their being, find You there with them. - Myself and many millions of others, who have suffered the tearing apart of their family, when those who served returned to them...different. Father, they came back changed for the remainder of their lives and ours.
We shall never know or comprehend the fullness of what they saw, what they had to do, or the choices they had to make. Forgive us when we judge.
Comfort us in the loss of the family we hoped we would have. Comfort us. The pain is great.
- Father, I ask a special blessing on those who remember; those who honor the sacrifice and keep the memory alive that our freedom has come at a profound price. Bless them deeply.
Your Word:
John 6:14 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.Father, I hurt.
John 8:32
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Let us know and understand the cost of our freedom. Help us to remember and honor those who paid it on our behalf.
Please help us to proclaim the freedom in Jesus Christ and bring our hurt, our sorrow, our profound emptiness before You...and find grace to help in time of need.
...that we may be found faithful in the day of His coming.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,
Intercessors For America offers a variety of helpful resources to pray about pro-life issues: daily devotionals, prayer bookmarks, and special reports.
Please consider these prayers for the revival of our nation:
For the U.S.
For the Sanctity of Life
Disaster Recovery Prayers
For the Trump Administration
For Leaders and Decision Makers
For Pastors, especially in the U.S.
***This prayer is my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of any organization. It is inspired by the Intercessors for America newsletter. Learn more and consider joining this incredible organization, that is committed to praying for America.
For assistance in understanding God's Word, consider the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcasts. This and other free and life-changing resources can be found at
For encouragement and guidance to pray for our nation, please consider being a part of Intercessors for America. Join this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.