
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

For godly counsel and God-fearing advisers for those in authority, No. 1

***That those in authority in our nation would be given godly counsel and God-fearing advisors.
Proverbs 24:6
6 For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.
Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the day and for each person who has taken a position of authority, including our government, our schools, and our churches. I have trusted them to make godly decisions, but I have not prayed for their godly counsel. I have not asked for Your protection. Forgive me.

Father, these people must be barraged by the enemy. There must be defining chatter to them all day long. People with second agendas, self-serving, and desirous of influence. Protect these men and women. Give them discernment to the motivations of the people who approach them. Grant them a heart to serve, that they may stand before You, on that day, when they are called to make account.

Separate those individuals who would serve as godly advisors. Bring together an army of godly men and women, who are filled with godly counsel. May Your Spirit be upon them and may they hear clearly and advise soundly.

Raise up prayer warriors to cover those in authority with Your protection. I ask this also for their families. Protect their families and their contributions and presence to their spouses and children, so that they are not distracted when it is time make decisions.

May they recognize wise counsel, and treasure Your “wisdom from above.” May it be clear to them what is the direction that would be pleasing to You, and in the best interest of those who will be affected by their decisions. There are many who will administer these decisions. Grant them wisdom as well. And may this nation, once again be pleasing in Your sight.

In Jesus’ Name.

***These prayers are based on the encouragement and guidance from Intercessors for America. These prayers are my own and the content does not reflect the philosophy or policies of Intercessors for America. These are published in good faith and for general information purpose only. Please consider joining this army of prayer warriors. Consider visiting their website to learn more.

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